How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, altoid, etc are ingroup belonging *and* taste signals, a way to show you're part of a certain tribe or aesthetic or that you love them. but in a world of postabundance, those signals lose their weight. when everything is easy to get and mass-produced, the old ways- flavor policy-nya g > r (Piketty reference)? Karena kontrak harus jelas barangnya, peruntukan dan tanggung jawab jg, risks biasanya harus dibagi rata as per investment jadinya skin in the game (ini musyarakah), atau mudarabah yg menghargai labor value lebih banyak., bahwa 52% anggaran pendidikan itu ditransfer LANGSUNG ke daerah itu benar: cabang PHD di indo itu isunya lebih "ya motif ekonomi aja, umr kecil, nyari kerja susah, dsb." masalahnya broooo nurul is a very common name, and the associated status downgrade with regard to the name itu beneran jahat wkwk pertama ada experimental research yg dilakukan di Belgia, yaitu yg Neyt di thn 2019.