🧵This is a thread on the book Voices of the Wаffеn SS: The Assault Generation (Volume 2). This book is a collection of first hand accounts taken from different men who served in these divisions. This gives insight into aspects of daily life that get glossed over in most history books. I’ll leave the link to the PDF in the comments.
The standard of conduct for SS soldiers was much higher than what was expected of an average soldier. Punishments for them were also more severe.
These divisions initially drew from regions that had similar Nordic heavy genetics as the Germans.
Many times these divisions were cheered on by local populations as they were pushing back Soviet forces.
Men who had been associated with right wing movements were initially denied acceptance into Finnish divisions.
This attitude is regularly seen surrounding promotions within the NSDAP. If someone has proven they are capable of more, they were given the chance to grow. It wasn’t about who you knew or how long you’ve been somewhere, it was about what you can do.
These same methods of torture and execution by the Red Army has popped up in many first hand accounts and other documents.
Here is another example of woman being targeted by the first wave of Asiаn Soviet fighters.
Here is another mention of Asiаn Soviet involvement.
The Red Army was known for its brutality towards the civilian population and captured POW’s.
The hope was that Europeans would rise up and strike down the “Godless Bolshevik hordes”.
The SS never turned their back on their members, unlike the Japanese units who would turn away their own in need of assistance.
🧵This is a thread on the book Ich Kämpfe by Hermann Liese, which was given to each new member of the NSDAP from 1942 to 1944. This offers a great overview of party positions at the time on a variety of subjects curated to provide an introduction to National Socialism and more. The link to find the PDF will be included as well in the comments below.
All those who live in a National Socialist nation are expected to sacrifice for the common good.
Here we see Нitlеr assert that they were on a mission from God.
🧵Here is a thread on the book Fascism The Career of a Concept by Paul Gottfried. The book is essentially multiple compiled works by various researchers. There was a few interesting points in the book but overall it clearly shows the exact reason why Fascism rejects such impractically deep and muddied research that comes from the literati. Fascism is about action, and yet volumes are filled with long winded descriptions of the apparent.
Firstly, it is important to recognize that the word Fascism is often used to describe thoughts that don’t align with the ever progressive dribble from the public. This does not rewrite the definition of fascism through repetition, at least not in an ideological or academic way.
Here it is asserted that Fascism is a reactionary imitation of and to the Marxist left. Countervisions of the transcendence of mankind through coordinated effort came about to combat the Marxist teachings of the time. Many scholars believe that Fascism in its true form was bound to a time (interwar) and place (Italy).
🧵This is a thread on the book National Socialism Selected Writings. It was an interesting read that I would recommend to anyone who already has a decent grounding in NS doctrine from the works of Feder and Jung. The link to the PDF will be below and if there’s any books you’d like to see a thread on tell me in the comments.
National Socialism seeks to implement a governmental system that assists the nation in returning to a native European way of life. It rejects individualism and embraces the race.
NS is Aryan in origin and tradition. It can be implemented anywhere and at any time within an Aryan population. Outside groups cannot take up NS because it would be incorrectly presupposing a foreign homeostasis onto them which is not their natural state.
🧵 Here is a thread on the article National Socialism and Race. It offered up an interesting progression of racial science within the NSDAP where the science never fully developed and was left rather incomplete. This is clear to most based on the prevalence of contradictory policy and poorly defined descriptions.
The development of NS race theory can be divided into three distinct periods of thought. The first of which was influenced by Hitler himself, where he used the term Aryan to describe all Europeans.
Much of Hitler’s understanding of race science came from Houston Stewart Chamberlain who didn’t limit the term Aryan either, but was impressed with the commonly associated Nordic traits. Additionally, Gobineau who Hitler also looked toward suggested that Aryans are heterogeneous, with the purest Germans having brown hair.
🧵This is a thread on the book Origins and Doctrines of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile. Fascism is not an ideology that can be defined using the same structure and approach as you’d take to with most modern ideologies. Due to this, there is plenty of confusion about what is and is not fascist. This will be the first of many threads on Gentile and similar authors in an attempt to clear the air on the matter. The link to the PDF will be in the comments below.
Fascism places the general interest above the individual, contrasting the perspective of the Italian left in the late 1800s. It recognizes the connection between liberty and the strength of the state.
A state must in turn recognize the needs of the individual, rather than falling into indifference, as this will cause the rejection of the state by the individual. If the state fails to unite with the individual, the individual may come to view it as a personal restraint.
🧵Here is a thread on an early piece of literature on National Socialism by Rudolf Jung. This author had a relatively unsuccessful career in comparison to the ideological weight that he lifted, directly lending shape to the National Socialism that we would directly recognize. While this book was interesting, it offered less than something like The German State on a National Socialist Foundation by Feder. It was rather dry and focused heavily on the events of the day, but many pieces of longstanding wisdom shines through. The link to the PDF will be in the comments below.
Interestingly enough, early National Socialists had an equivalent to what we now recognize as active clubs. These volkssport clubs were outlawed in 1932.
National Socialism encompasses the natural way for the race through the rejection of foreign influence. “Return to the German spirit, to the German essence!”