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We will rebuild the European ethos through education and connection.
Jan 19 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵Here is a thread on the book Fascism The Career of a Concept by Paul Gottfried. The book is essentially multiple compiled works by various researchers. There was a few interesting points in the book but overall it clearly shows the exact reason why Fascism rejects such impractically deep and muddied research that comes from the literati. Fascism is about action, and yet volumes are filled with long winded descriptions of the apparent.Image Firstly, it is important to recognize that the word Fascism is often used to describe thoughts that don’t align with the ever progressive dribble from the public. This does not rewrite the definition of fascism through repetition, at least not in an ideological or academic way. Image
Jan 18 22 tweets 7 min read
🧵This is a thread on the book National Socialism Selected Writings. It was an interesting read that I would recommend to anyone who already has a decent grounding in NS doctrine from the works of Feder and Jung. The link to the PDF will be below and if there’s any books you’d like to see a thread on tell me in the comments.Image National Socialism seeks to implement a governmental system that assists the nation in returning to a native European way of life. It rejects individualism and embraces the race. Image
Jan 15 17 tweets 7 min read
🧵 Here is a thread on the article National Socialism and Race. It offered up an interesting progression of racial science within the NSDAP where the science never fully developed and was left rather incomplete. This is clear to most based on the prevalence of contradictory policy and poorly defined descriptions.Image The development of NS race theory can be divided into three distinct periods of thought. The first of which was influenced by Hitler himself, where he used the term Aryan to describe all Europeans. Image
Jan 14 20 tweets 7 min read
🧵This is a thread on the book Origins and Doctrines of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile. Fascism is not an ideology that can be defined using the same structure and approach as you’d take to with most modern ideologies. Due to this, there is plenty of confusion about what is and is not fascist. This will be the first of many threads on Gentile and similar authors in an attempt to clear the air on the matter. The link to the PDF will be in the comments below.Image Fascism places the general interest above the individual, contrasting the perspective of the Italian left in the late 1800s. It recognizes the connection between liberty and the strength of the state. Image
Jan 12 24 tweets 8 min read
🧵Here is a thread on an early piece of literature on National Socialism by Rudolf Jung. This author had a relatively unsuccessful career in comparison to the ideological weight that he lifted, directly lending shape to the National Socialism that we would directly recognize. While this book was interesting, it offered less than something like The German State on a National Socialist Foundation by Feder. It was rather dry and focused heavily on the events of the day, but many pieces of longstanding wisdom shines through. The link to the PDF will be in the comments below.Image Interestingly enough, early National Socialists had an equivalent to what we now recognize as active clubs. These volkssport clubs were outlawed in 1932. Image
Jan 8 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Here’s a thread on the book The Jешish War of Survival by Arnold Leese. This was a fantastic book that touched on a broad range of people and topics all centered on jешish involvement in different political situations. I look forward to reading more books from this author. I will put the PDF in the comments.Image Britain was not appropriately situated to actually defend Poland from Germany like they claimed they would. Image
Jan 3 21 tweets 7 min read
🧵 Here’s a thread on the book The Nazi Primer which was a Third Reich publication that was used to educate the youth on National Socialism and the political issues of the day. There are parts that offer good insight into fundamental doctrine and others that are best used as more of a historical resource. The link to the PDF will be in the comments below.Image The foundation of National Socialism is the recognition of the differences, both physically and mentally, that exist between the races. This is done to identify the natural way for a people which has serious implications on how their society can be organized. Image
Jan 2 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵Here is a thread on the pamphlets that were handed out of the Dutch SS. Written by a leading Dutch officer, it offers insight into different expectations required of SS soldiers, along with reinforcing outside references in other areas which we will examine. I will have a link to the PDF in the comments below.Image Collecting the national body does little without directing its energy towards a common objective. This is what NS is built upon. Image
Dec 28, 2024 30 tweets 9 min read
🧵Today I read Why We Fight which was a Wehrmacht publication from 1944 that explained to soldiers what the war was being fought over and the values of National Socialism. There were many publications that were made with the goal of educating the soldiers, which would have predictable benefits on troop morale.Image National Socialism is free of loyalty to dynasty or denomination, allowing for true racial focus and representation of interests. Image
Dec 24, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵Here is a thread on the book Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany. It has some valuable statistics that gives more context about Germany during the Weimar period. I found some of this information, specifically the representation, so shocking that I had to fact check it. All of my research has shown that this book is accurate in what it presents. It can be found on the telegram library.Image From 1919 to 1932, jews made up only 1% of the population in Germany. This is very important to keep in mind when looking for areas of over representation both in this book and in modern life. Image
Dec 20, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵Here’s a thread on the short book Gun Control in Germany 1928-1945. Have you heard the stories of “strict Nazi laws” regarding firearm ownership? Maybe the claim that “The first thing Hitler did when he took power was take the guns”? These are wildly inaccurate and there’s plenty of primary source evidence to prove it. The link to the pdf will be in comments below.Image The NSDAP not only abolished laws that stopped citizens from owning guns but rather implemented many laws and programs that put guns in the hands of citizens. The laws that were on the books when he came into power were much more restrictive than ones which he implemented. Image
Dec 17, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵 This is a long thread on a fantastic book that I highly recommend reading for anyone who wants more broad contextual knowledge of the events surrounding WWII. The book is called The Myth of German Villainy and I will put the link to the PDF in the comments below. Image Despite there being no evidence of the Germans cutting children’s hands off in WWI, the myth was cemented as fact. This was used to vilify them despite the British and Belgians doing these very things in their African colonies and facing no criticism. Image
Dec 13, 2024 19 tweets 6 min read
🧵Here is a thread on the book published by the SS called SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines. There are a few inconsistencies between the Reich’s policies and literature they put out on the subject of race theory. For example, it is made perfectly clear that the addition of outside racial blood is simply not allowed and that it wreaks havoc on the future descendants. Despite this, the Nuremberg laws divided Mischling (mixed blood) status into two classes, the most acceptable being around 25% non-Aryan. Regardless, it does, especially in addition to supplemental texts, provide a clearer outlook on the race theories followed by the NSDAP. As always, the link to the PDF will be in the comments below.Image Our ancestors had obligations to us, just like we have obligations to our descendants. This is regarding racial purity. Image
Dec 12, 2024 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵Here is a thread on the Hitler Jugend as it is explained through the book German Youth in a Changing World. This is a subject I will definitely read more on in the future because the youth are the foundation for what is to come and they must be fostered accordingly. The link to the book will be in the comments below.Image The youth are the most valuable resource of our nation and need room and resources to grow into healthy adults. Image
Dec 10, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
🧵I was conflicted about making a thread about this short book out of fear of neglecting the context this is necessary to not enhance division. Overall, I was not a fan of this book because I feel that it presented many contradictory points, that without additional reading material, could certainly mislead the typical reader. I will leave the link to the PDF in the comments so you can judge for yourself.Image This book starts off strong with the introduction of the connection between blood and religion, where it is carried on through racially pure offspring only. Image
Dec 9, 2024 22 tweets 7 min read
🧵Today I read the collection of speeches that were presented by Dr. Goebbels to the Fuhrer on his birthday every year from 1933-1945. The collection is called Our Hitler and is offers a fantastic insight into the mindset of Dr. Goebbels and Adolf Hitler. Here is a thread on the most notable sections that I pulled from the numerous speeches presented. As always, the link to the PDF will be in the comments below.Image Hitler constantly encouraged growth and success among all that he worked with, which is reflected in the party policy as well. Image
Dec 7, 2024 20 tweets 7 min read
🧵Today I finished reading The Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery by Gottfried Feder. This was almost entirely about economics, specifically centered around interest and the direct results of it, with many of the examples provided being specific for Feder’s time and place. Here is a thread on this essential party literature. As always, a link to the PDF will be in the comments below.Image The cult of mammonism includes those with an insatiable lust for gain and who live off of the labor of others, providing nothing physical or intellectual to benefit the community. Image
Dec 5, 2024 17 tweets 6 min read
🧵This is a thread on the book Not Guilty at Nuremberg by Carlos Porter. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to get a better picture of the defense’s case for the Nuremberg trials. The link to the PDF will be in the comments below. Image Churches received government stipends until the Reich fell. This stands in sharp contrast to what took place in the Soviet Union, which you will know as indisputable if you’ve been following my threads. Image
Nov 29, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵Today I read Communism With The Mask Off by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, which is a speech that was delivered in Nuremberg in 1935. This speech came about to combat the uneducated comparison that equated National Socialism as one with Communism. The differences in doctrine are as clear as the results of their implementation, yet despite this, you will still see this claim echoed among the ignorant. Here’s a thread on the speech with key aspects, and of course, a link to the PDF in the comments.Image Bolshevism seeks worldwide revolution, whereas National Socialism did not. Bolshevism denied religion, whereas National Socialism puts it in “the foreground of its programme”. Image
Nov 29, 2024 25 tweets 8 min read
🧵Here’s a thread on Gottfried Feder’s book, The German State in a National and Socialist Foundation. This book puts forth a ton of information that you need to know if you want to understand the NSDAP or National Socialism and its foundations. The vast majority of this book dealt directly with economic concerns of the time, rightfully so, as there were millions starving and inflation was absolutely out of control. As always, the link to the PDF will be in the comments.Image The very ore of National Socialism can be summed up as “Public interest before self-interest”. This is crucial to understand in order to build a community that will thrive. Image
Nov 28, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵Today I read The New Mythology of Racial Equality. In modern academia, we are told race holds little to no influence over the growth of society and culture, despite years of prior research through the very same institutions indicating the contrary. Here’s a thread on a book that was published through a university in the age of reason and honorable academic conduct. As always a link to the PDF will be in the comments below.Image The author is holding Marxism responsible for the destruction of natural divisions within a population, in favor of one divided through class only. These social theories ignore the obvious that a casual observer could recognize with little effort. Image