@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD There are things that the AfD doesn't understand. The claim that we have no interests in the Indo-Pacific is one of many excamples and i want to explain why👇!
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD Our model of prosperity is due to good education, cheap raw materials, secure trade routes and our good trade relations with rival powers, including the USA, China and Russia.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD The biggest threat to our prosperity currently comes not from Russia, but from China. The Russians will not want to take on NATO in the foreseeable future, as the Russians have lacked the manpower to do so since the conflict in Ukraine.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD The Russians converted their economy to a war economy and of course this needs to be monitored further, but the real danger also comes from China, since in the event of a conflict in the Indo-Pacific not a single ship would sail
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD and even trade with countries not involved in the war would come to an almost complete standstill.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD The German economy would be brought to its knees within weeks if the sea routes were blocked. There would be another global financial crisis, which would also drag the markets in the USA into the abyss.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD Foreign policy is always a balancing of risks and that's why our government shouldn't invest all the Special Fund's money in tanks for an unlikely land war with Russia.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD but rather produce more anti-ship weapons and submarines that we could deliver to Taiwan in the case of an emergency.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD We are currently being watched like a hawk from China to see how many anti-ship weapons we could deliver to Taiwan in an emergency, including the Taurus.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD I still believe in change through trade, but this can only happen if our trading partners respect us for our determination and military strength so that they don't get stupid ideas.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD Turkey is also a very important geopolitical partner, which is why leniency is being shown to Mr. Erdogan.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD There are not very many democracies in our world. The democratic countries must stick together and we will have to continue trading with autocracies, otherwise sales would collapse.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD Sentences like that we are supposedly vasalls of the USA trigger me. The USA is our partner and we must learn to define and communicate our interests. Here's an example 👇
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD Libya was once our external border in Africa. Dictator Gaddafi was promised investments worth billions if he held back the refugees and agreed to a disarmament agreement.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD Shortly after Libya fulfilled its commitments and disarmed its military, a no-fly zone was imposed at the behest of France and Mr. Gaddafi was impaled on an iron rod.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD This was certainly not in Germany's interest and should have been communicated as such, since dictator Gaddafi could not be replaced by anyone and his death plunged the country into a never-ending civil war.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD Now our country is flooded with refugees. Without the help of the Democrats from the USA, France would not have been able to do this.
@GailAlfarATX @elonmusk @AfD So the entire trust of the Muslim world in the West was destroyed with the help of Mr. Obama
@SeibtNaomi There are some things that the AfD doesn't understand. The claim that we have no interests in the Indo-Pacific is one of many excamples and i want to explain why👇! Maybe Mr. Musk should address this.
@SeibtNaomi Our model of prosperity is based on good education, cheap raw materials, secure trade routes and our good trade relations with rival powers, including the USA, China and Russia.
@SeibtNaomi The biggest threat to our prosperity currently does not come from Russia, but from China and i want to explain why.
@haucap @BvCW_de Das CanG zeigt bereits Wirkung und es ist besser, wenn die Konsumenten deren Gras selbst anbauen, als wie wenn das Geld irgendwelchen Clans und dem Terrorismus zugutekommt.
@haucap @BvCW_de Der Libanon zählt zu den größten Anbaugebieten von Cannabis und die Bauern importieren die Düngermittel aus dem Westen, die wegen der Inflation immer teurer werden.mena-watch.com/libanon-cannab…
@haucap @BvCW_de Dazu kommt die Liberalisierung von Cannabis, die den Preis des Produktes drĂĽckt. Jetzt scheint dieser dort nicht mehr rentabel genug zu sein, was eine gute Nachricht ist.
@JDVance My comment on the Climate Change debate: How can a man like Mr. Elon Musk, who is firmly convinced that digitalization and the energy transition have to be thought together and whose company is driving the energy transition, support Mr. Trump?
@JDVance This is because both Mr. Musk and Mr. Trump firmly believe in the market economy. If the price of renewable energies falls below that of coal-fired power generation, so this technology will prevail regardless of the ruling president and that hopefully will happen one day.
@JDVance Mr. Trump promotes a federal policy. That more decisions and regulations are made locally in the states. It is particularly important to understand that there is no state financial equalization in the USA like in germany.
@RadtkeMdEP @Ricarda_Lang @nouripour Warum die strukturellen Defizite der Metervereine und die schrittweise Entrechtung von Vermietern zu immer weniger Investitionen und zu höheren Mietpreisen führt.
@RadtkeMdEP @Ricarda_Lang @nouripour Man müsste die Mietervereine mit kompetenten Personal besetzen oder endgültig abschaffen, da sonst immer mehr Menschen deren Wohnungen zu Luxusobjekten umbauen. Eine Räumungsklage kostet den Vermieter bis zu 10.000 Euro !
@RadtkeMdEP @Ricarda_Lang @nouripour Das mag bei der Vermietung von Luxuswohnugen nicht wirklich ins Gewicht fallen, doch bei gĂĽnstigen Wohnungen fĂĽr 500-1000 Euro um so mehr.
@realDonaldTrump How the popular parties became liberal parties, why conservatism saved our societies from radicalization and the supposedly so contemporary, progressive-liberal politics degenerates in a radical liberal ideology, without a conservative Opposition.
@realDonaldTrump It is always said that we should never forget the atrocities of of the last century and the Second World War. I think there is an overwhelming consensus on this for the absolute majority of our population and politicians.
@realDonaldTrump Regardless of whether they belong to the conservative, liberal or socialist camps. I agree with this 100%, but what I don't agree with and strongly criticize is the political instrumentalization of this atrocities in order to justify certain political actions
@NurderK Das Geld auf der Bezahlkarte kann diesen jedenfalls nicht weggenommen werden. Die Überfahrt der Geflüchteten wurde in der Vergangenheit nicht selten von den Mafiosi vorfinanziert. tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/p…
@NurderK Die Geflüchteten kommen dann in Europa an, doch sind deshalb nicht zwangsläufig freie Menschen. In Italien wurden Männer zum Abarbeiten deren Schulden als Sklaven auf den Tomatenfeldern eingesetzt und bekamen für deren Arbeit lediglich 5 Euro am Tag,
@NurderK wenn diese überhaupt etwas bekamen. Andere wurden als Drogenhändler eingesetzt und die Frauen zur Prostitution verdonnert. Wenn sich Geflüchtete im Drogenhandel selbstständig zu machen versuchten, so wurden die einfach umgelegt. tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/p…