Over the last few days the public has become aware @SenSanders took 1.5 million from Big Pharma and others like @SenWarren took over a million.
This is incorrect.
The Dems attacking RFK are actually getting 7 times what's being reported.
This is the complete chart which covers each type of payment they received (e.g., from health insurance, hospitals, medical devices, pharmaceutical manufacturing, physician lobbyists).
I apologize for not sharing it earlier; I went with the simplified chart because there was too much to read in this one and it hence could not go viral (whereas the last one was seen by over 30 million people).
@SenSanders @SenWarren The full thread discussing all of this (which was seen by 32 million people) can be read here:
@SenSanders @SenWarren Every group I listed there is deeply invested in the medical status quo (e.g. endless vaccines). For instance, there are many medical societies and doctor associations which continually lobby Congress to continue paying tons for treatments (e.g. vaccines) they administer.
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We now know the Senators parroting the anti-RFK talking points have taken millions from Pharma. In 2019, we saw the author of Colorado's mandatory vax law repeat what a Pharma lobbyist wrote on her laptop. Sadly, as this video shows, lobbyists have bought out our Democracy.🧵
As I showed here (and 33 million people saw), the people attacking RFK were paid off to protect the vaccine industry, and they more they attacked him, the more money they were taking.
Predictably, the next day, the exact same thing happened, and again, the more viscous the attacks RFK received, the more money the Democrat senators were taking.
Like yesterday, the hostility @RobertKennedyJr experienced at his hearing was directly proportional to how much Pharma money each Senator received. In fact, each of them simply repeated the same attacks we just saw flood the mass media (all of which were blatant lies). 🧵
Sadly, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as when you factor in how much each senator gets from the entire medical industry (eg., drug manufacturing, insurance and hospitals) it's 7x as much. This raises a huge question, what does all that money pay for?
As I show here, a left wing group and then a right-wing one (both created to hide Pharma money) publicly announced a campaign to take RFK down, after which the lines they concocted flooded every news publication and countless politicians repeated them. midwesterndoctor.com/p/whos-trying-…
The hostility @RobertKennedyJr experienced at his hearing was directly proportional to how much Pharma money each Senator received. In fact, each of them simply repeated the same attacks we just saw flood the mass media (all of which were blatant lies). 🧵
Recently, as I show here, a left wing group (created to hide pharmaceutical money) publicly announced a campaign to take RFK down, after which the lines they concocted flooded every news publication and Carolyn Kennedy quoted them as her own to the media. midwesterndoctor.com/p/whos-trying-…
For example, they (and the senators) kept claiming RFK caused a deadly measles outbreak. In truth, it was due to children being killed by the vaccine, nurses covering it up, and the Samoan government banning it, and until recently no one blamed RFK. sensible-med.com/p/is-rfk-jr-to…
In July 2022 @TuckerCarlson broke a major taboo by discussing the link between antidepressants and mass shootings—a problem that did not exist until SSRIs entered the market.
Despite being written off as a "conspiracy theory" industry studies consistently showed that SSRIs cause aggression, bipolar disorder, and a loss of one's grip on reality—much of which was only learned after lawsuits from SSRI victims forced the industry to reveal that unpublished data.
In many cases, this leads to psychotic violence which is typically suicidal in nature, but sometimes also homicidal (e.g., a sweet elderly man stabbing his wife 200 times).
Once the school shooting epidemic began, activists quickly noticed the shooters were on SSRIs. To "solve" this, the entire media suddenly stopped reporting what medications the shooter was on, it became taboo to ever suggest any link existed between the two, and every school shooting became a polarized discussion over banning guns.
So, on May 26 2022, (two days after the tragic Uvalde shooting), I published an article (listed below) which compiled the shocking and extensive evidence linking SSRIs to mass shootings in susceptible individuals and showed that those incidents followed a clear and consistent pattern.
It struck a chord (as many could see our "approach" to mass shootings was doing nothing to stop them), quickly went viral, and a few days later on July 5, Tucker, at great risk, aired his groundbreaking segment and permanently changed the media landscape.
Since then, many other prominent figures (e.g., @mtgreenee, @MattWalshBlog and @RobertKennedyJr) have begun broaching this subject as well and significant doubts have begun emerging around SSRIs.
Likewise, while the data on a shooter's psychiatric medications are rarely made available to us, a CDC official privately shared with one of us that the CDC has continued to secretly track the link between mass shootings and found it's consistently there but has declined to share it due to the political ramifications of that decision.
In this thread, I will provide the evidence SSRIs cause psychotic violence, show how the FDA covered it up in an identical manner to the dangers of other problematic pharmaceuticals (e.g., the COVID vaccines) and highlight how the risks of the SSRIs greatly exceed their "benefits."
Sadly, psychotic violence is just the tip of the iceberg. Did you know 56% of patients stop SSRIs due to side effects like:
•A 255% increase in suicidal tendencies
•59% have depressing sexual dysfunction
•30% become Bipolar midwesterndoctor.com/p/why-are-anti…
Here I compiled the decades of evidence SSRIs clearly cause mass shootings and the tragic experiences of individuals on SSRIs who killed those dearest to them. This evidence is horrifying, particularly since the government chose to ignore it for decades. midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-evidence…
In 1993 CNN warned against pregnancy ultrasound and had the FDA admit it was aware of its dangers. Remarkably, the FDA raised the maximum allowable ultrasound dose by 8 times (despite data showing the old dose was too high) and all those dangers were forgotten. Ultrasound causes a dose dependent injury to the organs and cells that fetuses are particularly susceptible to (especially early in life when ultrasounds have no medical value).
Those harms include:
•Genetic damage, significant damage to cellular structures (e.g., mitochondria, microtubules and the nucleus). •Initiating programmed cell death.
•In mice and monkeys, significantly impaired learning, memory, activity, and sociability.
•Fetal death.
•A wide range of congenital malformations.
The Chinese in turn conducted a series of studies showing the low doses of ultrasound created those injuries in the placenta, pituitary gland, eyes, immune system, kidneys, liver, ovaries, testicles (and sperm), and the brain’s neurons and glial cells.
Additionally, in humans, ultrasound has also been linked to miscarriages, premature ovulation, male infertility, fetal growth restrictions, altered neurological function, developmental delays. Conversely, ultrasound has not been proven to improve pregnancy outcomes (rather it just leads to more frequent C-sections, prenatal testing, anxiety for the parents, abortions and neonatal distress)
Rather, all it can do most of the time is (sometimes erroneously) tell parents to abort their baby or subject it to invasive (and harmful tests), all of which creates immense unnecessary anxiety and anguish for the parents.
I complied the 200+ studies proving all of this in the article below.
Here I show the century of evidence ultrasound has a dose-dependent toxicity and how to have a healthy pregnancy. Sadly the FDA endangered our health in 1992 by spiking the permitted ultrasound dose despite knowing much lower doses damaged children midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-forgotte…
Fetal X-Rays began in 1923, but despite decades of evidence it severely harmed babies, it was not until 1975 that the medical field shifted away from it—largely due to ultrasound replacing it. Here, renowned Robert Mendelsohn MD explains how the x-ray mistake was being repeated.
Due to COVID's lies, 46% of Republicans and 31% of Americans no longer believe in vaccines! Despite watching child after child be injured by vaccines, I never imagined I'd see a shift like this in my lifetime and it shows we are making a real difference.
Did you know vaccines are never publicly studied for their adverse effects (because it's "unethical" to not vaccinate children in a trial), yet whenever an independent study gets done, they show vaccinated children are 3-10x more likely to develop the common chronic illnesses of childhood (ie. Asthma and ADHD).
I cannot describe how sad it is has been to watch child after child be injured, and on one level I am grateful for the immense greed of the pharmaceutical industry during COVID-19 as it woke the public up to "safe and effective" being a massive lie.
In this thread I:
•Summarize each study which has been conducted linking vaccines to chronic illness (most of which showed a 3-10x increase).
•Summarize the relative risks and benefits of each vaccine (many aren't need, some are much worse than the others and should have never been let onto the market).
•Show the decades of evidence that vaccines cause Sudden Infant Deaths and just like Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, how far our healthcare authorities went to conceal this.
•Show how for almost a century, there has been one catastrophic vaccine disaster after another, all of which happened because the government chose to lie to the public about how safe and necessary the vaccines were (and even silenced their own scientists who told them not to release them).
•Show how the disaster we saw with the COVID vaccines was almost identical to what happened with the HPV vaccine (which prior to COVID-19 was the most devastating vaccine on the market).
Here I summarize numerous virtually unknown studies which collectively show vaccines make you 3-10x more like to get the common autoimmune and neurological illnesses and the profound damage the modern vaccine program has done to society. midwesterndoctor.com/p/how-much-dam…
Because all vaccines are "safe and effective" we never examine the actual risks and benefits of each one. Here I show which vaccines are so damaging and unnecessary they should not be legal and which ones have a case that can be made for their use. midwesterndoctor.com/p/determining-…