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Feb 1 30 tweets 14 min read Read on X
One recipient, CONSORTIUM FOR ELECTIONS & POLITICAL PROCESS STRENGTHENING, is the recipient of 48 active grants worth $528 million, all awarded from USAID and going to various nations. ಠ_ಠ

Going to do a deep dive. 🧵👇 Image
Let's begin with a few preliminary links.

Link here:… .

Their website:
Per ChatGPT, they operate as a 501(c)(3) 521943638 which does show up in my award search.

They are also operating as a partnership with International Republican Institute (521340267), International Foundation for Electoral Systems (521527835), National Democratic Institute (521338892).

CEPP shares the same office building as International Republican Institute. It is unknown if the other EINs listed are related to them.Image
Putting these EINs in the expose tool generates an interesting graph involving 2 billion dollars. These are from individual 990s, so this is all based on *annualized* reporting.

I will take a break right now and update this to enable URL sharing and download of
EIN sharing is now and live (might have to refresh to clear the cache). Graph downloading is also now enabled. You can download the graph at . Many of these are high-taxpayer EINs reporting over 10 million in government…
Here's what the graph represents:
🧮 Grand Total: $1,952,938,001 in taxpayer funds! 💸

➡ NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY (521344831) Taxpayer Funds ($362,047,237)
➡ INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (131624046) Taxpayer Funds ($257,092,498)
➡ NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTE FOR (521338892) Taxpayer Funds ($167,610,102)
➡ CONSORTIUM FOR ELECTIONS & (521943638) Taxpayer Funds ($165,142,739)
➡ GLOBAL COMMUNITIES (520846183) Taxpayer Funds ($155,240,485)
➡ PACT INC (132702768) Taxpayer Funds ($149,717,276)
➡ INTERNATIONAL REPUBLICAN INSTITUTE (521340267) Taxpayer Funds ($130,689,289)
➡ American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education (366110299) Taxpayer Funds ($114,242,128)
➡ FREEDOM HOUSE (131656647) Taxpayer Funds ($93,979,673)
➡ INTERNEWS NETWORK (943027961) Taxpayer Funds ($93,974,716)
➡ INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ELECTORAL (521527835) Taxpayer Funds ($58,684,285)
➡ CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL (521398742) Taxpayer Funds ($49,782,402)
➡ ROCKEFELLER PHILANTHROPY ADVISORS INC (133615533) Taxpayer Funds ($27,306,551)
➡ EAST-WEST MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE INC (133586432) Taxpayer Funds ($25,060,024)
➡ THE CARTER CENTER INC (581454716) Taxpayer Funds ($22,531,458)
➡ SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND (521257425) Taxpayer Funds ($20,758,888)
➡ THE RHODE ISLAND COMMUNITY FOUNDATION (222604963) Taxpayer Funds ($12,502,500)
➡ INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR NOT-FOR-PROFIT (521818273) Taxpayer Funds ($10,638,679)
➡ INSTITUTE FOR WAR & PEACE REPORTING-US (431962561) Taxpayer Funds ($9,842,659)
➡ CIVICUS WORLD ALLIANCE FOR CITIZEN (521847010) Taxpayer Funds ($7,882,463)
➡ INTERNATIONAL CITYCOUNTY MANAGEMENT (362167755) Taxpayer Funds ($7,390,615)
➡ DELAWARE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION INC (222804785) Taxpayer Funds ($5,886,448)
➡ OUTRIGHT ACTION INTERNATIONAL CORP (943139952) Taxpayer Funds ($3,184,871)
➡ MOBILITY INTERNATIONAL USA (930783096) Taxpayer Funds ($1,411,393)
➡ Silicon Valley Community Foundation (205205488) Taxpayer Funds ($150,000)
➡ INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S MEDIA FOUNDATION (521648942) Taxpayer Funds ($138,622)
➡ UNITED CHARITABLE (204286082) Taxpayer Funds ($50,000)
These are INDEPENDENTLY funded. That is, they do not have overlap in taxpayer money. So we're spending approximately 2 billion dollars an year on this tangled network.
Looking at the graph, we see a new EIN that is transferring enormous amounts of money into one of the CEPP cut-outs.


What will happen if I enter it into the award search tool? Image
HEY-O, this isn't USAID. It's the Department of State. The Department of State is also a passthrough entity to USAID.…Image
Coincidentally, I was given a warning yesterday to not to have anything to do with the Department of State - they are the worst.

I cannot corroborate that warning, e.g., I know very little about them.

But I can say that I trust in the Lord God to protect His own.
National Endowment for Democracy is also entirely taxpayer funded. Their Form 990 is available at with names, companies, organizations.…Image
National Endowment for Democracy, like USAID is also quite active outside the USA. Image
Will pick back up on this thread later!
But there's more Department of State / USAID incest. Feel free to do the research on your own using the list of EINs posted above - I've provided all the tooling as always.…
Recapping this so far before I leave:

Department of State gives nonprofits grants.
USAID gives nonprofits grants.

The nonprofits then give each other grants.

In effect, Department of State is indirectly financing USAID.

There may be other indirect transactions and other agencies involved as well.
Picking back up. In putting the information together, I found out that there is a Department of Justice association with USAID through American Bar Association, with both agencies giving grants.… And ... American Bar Association finances immigration-related legal services.…Image
Similarly, Global Communities is linked with Department of Agriculture. I'll be putting this out in a table. Image
Interestingly, NED has a 300 million grant from the National Science Foundation: Image
While I could not find International Foundation as a UEI, they are housed in the same building as Conservation International Foundation which is also an USAID recipient. Image
Here's the EIN / UEI mappings for as many 501(c)(3) I could find as possible from the above chart:

🔔 TOTAL Active Spending Grants: $3,829,490,800.46 | TOTAL Government Funding reported through 990s: $1,914,277,896

🔹NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY (Agencies: Department of State, National Science Foundation)
UEI: KH6TMX6EA148 | EIN: 521344831 | Active: $1,617,566,569.62 | 990: $362,047,237
UEI: G3XNCEEELQN3 | EIN: 131624046 | Active: $640,981,881.00 | 990: $257,092,498
UEI: GN36K2UPR245 | EIN: 521338892 | Active: $47,400,065.00 | 990: $167,610,102
UEI: E3U6WMW4XSK7 | EIN: 131624046 | Active: $528,658,494.00 | 990: $165,142,739
🔹GLOBAL COMMUNITIES (Agencies: USAID, Department of Agriculture, Department of State)
UEI: ED1ZKHMLK527 | EIN: 520846183 | Active: $247,312,318.17 | 990: $155,240,485
🔹PACT INC (Agencies: USAID, Department of State)
UEI: H2K8KJKM97V4 | EIN: 132702768 | Active: $296,021,834.00 | 990: $149,717,276
UEI: V2DWM1KMJNK5 | EIN: 521340267 | Active: $9,221,047.00 | 990: $130,689,289
🔹American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education (Agencies: USAID, Department of Justice)
UEI: L6R3PLXVANN9 | EIN: 366110299 | Active: $5,750,000.00 | 990: $114,242,128
🔹FREEDOM HOUSE (Agencies: USAID, Department of State)
UEI: LAMCXMJQUMG3 | EIN: 131656647 | Active: $85,703,264.00 | 990: $93,979,673
🔹INTERNEWS NETWORK (Agencies: USAID, Department of State)
UEI: MHD7RBNTAB45 | EIN: 943027961 | Active: $94,501,096.00 | 990: $93,974,716
🔹INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR ELECTORAL (Agencies: Department of State, NOAA, Department of Agriculture, NASA)
UEI: U97HZUQD45E5 | EIN: 521527835 | Active: $33,266,650.70 | 990: $58,684,285
UEI: G47YDFGLXE83 | EIN: 521398742 | Active: $19,972,269.68 | 990: $49,782,402
UEI: FWMJKZL477L3 | EIN: 133615533 | Active: $37,539,373.00 | 990: $27,306,551
UEI: LZ4PMD8AJ2J7 | EIN: 133586432 | Active: $81,774,836.00 | 990: $25,060,024
UEI: KNPNLAV2FWW6 | EIN: 581454716 | Active: $11,114,797.00 | 990: $22,531,458
🔹SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND (Agencies: Department of State, USAID, CDC)
UEI: HB7NVH9YCEH1 | EIN: 521257425 | Active: $34,377,081.29 | 990: $20,758,888
🔹INSTITUTE FOR WAR & PEACE REPORTING-US (Agencies: USAID, Department of State)
UEI: RB7UQ5B9DFK7 | EIN: 431962561 | Active: $9,510,724.00 | 990: $9,842,659
UEI: H3ETMB4KMWF3 | EIN: 362167755 | Active: $25,226,000.00 | 990: $7,390,615
UEI: F1S4Y5K3C4J3 | EIN: 943139952 | Active: $3,592,500.00 | 990: $3,184,871
Note to researchers: mapping EINs to UEIs using geocoding works VERY well when it comes to government cut-out NGOs.
Next, I'll attempt to identify the principal officers of those EINs, their relationships, and if any are in prominent political positions.
I found a few overlaps:

🔹 Gregori Lebedev
🟢 Director at International Foundation for Electoral (EIN: 521527835) – Funded by Dept of State, NOAA, Dept of Agriculture, NASA
🟢 Chair at Center for International Private Enterprise (EIN: 521398742) – Funded by Dept of State, USAID

🔹 Rachel Kleinfeld
🟢 Director at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN: 521344831) – Funded by Dept of State, National Science Foundation
🟢 Trustee at Freedom House (EIN: 131656647) – Funded by USAID, Dept of State

🔹 William Hybl
🟢 Director at International Republican Institute (EIN: 521340267) – Funded by USAID, Dept of State
🟢 Director at International Foundation for Electoral (EIN: 521527835) – Funded by Dept of State, NOAA, Dept of Agriculture, NASA
To some extent, NGOs appear to be a retirement home for many key political appointees?
📢 Alberto Mora – Former General Counsel for the U.S. Navy (George W. Bush Admin), known for opposing torture policies. Now Assoc. Exec. Dir. of Global Programs at American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education (EIN: 366110299). 💰 $229,970

📢 Anne Richard – Former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration (Obama Admin). Listed as Senior Advisor, AHRCM at Freedom House (EIN: 131656647). 💰 $179,406

📢 Derek Mitchell – Former U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar (Obama Admin) and Pentagon advisor. Now President (thru 9/2023) at National Democratic Institute (EIN: 521338892). 💰 $344,681

📢 Daniel Fisk – Former National Security Council official (George W. Bush Admin), State Department veteran. Now Chief Operations Officer at International Republican Institute (EIN: 521340267). 💰 $163,055

📢 Dr. Daniel Twining – Former State Department Policy Planner (Bush Admin), advisor on democracy promotion. Now President at International Republican Institute (EIN: 521340267). 💰 $405,724

📢 Anthony Banbury – Former UN Assistant Secretary-General, served under Clinton, Bush, Obama on peacekeeping & crisis response. Now President & CEO at International Foundation for Electoral Systems (EIN: 521527835). 💰 $372,157

📢 Paige Alexander – Former USAID Assistant Administrator for Europe & Eurasia (Obama Admin). Now CEO of The Carter Center (EIN: 581454716). 💰 $424,902

📢 Damon Wilson – Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and NATO advisor. Now President & CEO at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN: 521344831). 💰 $368,965

📢 Maju Varghese – Former White House Deputy Assistant & Director of the Office of Administration (Biden Admin). Now Chief Operating Officer at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN: 521344831). 💰 $257,883

📢 Carl Gershman – Longtime President of National Endowment for Democracy (since Reagan Admin, spanning GOP & Democratic administrations). Now listed as Former President at NED (EIN: 521344831). 💰 $250,000

📢 Dr. Allan Goodman – Former Executive Dean at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, played key roles in education diplomacy under multiple administrations. Now CEO/Trustee at Institute of International Education (EIN: 131624046). 💰 $787,536
Uniparty Alert - these high profile names appear in mixed capacity:

🚀 Jimmy Carter – Trustee at The Carter Center (EIN 581454716) 🤔 Former President (Democratic)
🚀 Barbara Mikulski – Director at National Democratic Institute (EIN 521338892) 🤔 Longest-serving woman in the Senate (Democratic)
🚀 Thomas Daschle – Chairman at National Democratic Institute (EIN 521338892) 🤔 Former Senate Majority Leader (Democratic)
🚀 Michael Chertoff – Trustee at Freedom House (EIN 131656647) 🤔 Former Secretary of Homeland Security (Republican)
🚀 Stacey Abrams – Director at National Democratic Institute (EIN 521338892) 🤔 High-profile Georgia political leader (Democratic)
🚀 Mitt Romney – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) 🤔 U.S. Senator from Utah, 2012 GOP nominee (Republican)
🚀 Lindsey Graham – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) 🤔 U.S. Senator from South Carolina (Republican)
🚀 Joni Ernst – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) 🤔 U.S. Senator from Iowa (Republican)
🚀 Tom Cotton – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) 🤔 U.S. Senator from Arkansas (Republican)
🚀 Marco Rubio – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) 🤔 U.S. Senator from Florida, 2016 presidential candidate (Republican)
🚀 Dan Sullivan – Chairman at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) 🤔 U.S. Senator from Alaska (Republican)
🚀 Kelly Ayotte – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) 🤔 Former U.S. Senator from New Hampshire (Republican)
🚀 Mark Kirk – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) 🤔 Former U.S. Senator from Illinois (Republican)
🚀 Karen Bass – Vice Chair at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN 521344831) 🤔 Former U.S. Representative, current Mayor of Los Angeles (Democratic)
🚀 Elise Stefanik – Director at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN 521344831) 🤔 U.S. Representative from New York, House GOP Conference Chair (Republican)
🚀 Mel Martinez – Director at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN 521344831) 🤔 Former U.S. Senator from Florida (Republican)
🚀 Peter Roskam – Vice Chair at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN 521344831) 🤔 Former U.S. Representative from Illinois (Republican)
🚀 Steve Biegun – Director at National Endowment for Democracy (EIN 521344831) 🤔 Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State (Republican)
🚀 Steny Hoyer – Director at International Foundation for Electoral (EIN 521527835) 🤔 U.S. Representative from Maryland (Democratic)
🚀 Rob Portman – Director at International Foundation for Electoral (EIN 521527835) 🤔 Former U.S. Senator from Ohio (Republican)
🚀 Andrés Pastrana – Director at International Foundation for Electoral (EIN 521527835) 🤔 Former President of Colombia (Conservative Party)
🚀 Donna Brazile – Director at National Democratic Institute (EIN 521338892) 🤔 High-profile strategist, former DNC chair (Democratic)
Seeing all these big names on such a tiny fraction of EINs, and so many names associated with establishment Republicans, I am lead to conclude that these NGOs *are* the so-called uniparty.
NED includes both Democrats (Karen Bass) and Republicans (Elise Stefanik, Mel Martinez, Steve Biegun). IRI is packed with GOP heavyweights (Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney) but operates under the same umbrella as its "Democratic" counterpart, NDI, which boasts figures like Stacey Abrams, Tom Daschle, and Donna Brazile. Even IFES, positioned as neutral, features top Democrats (Steny Hoyer) and Republicans (Rob Portman) working side by side.
TL;DR: We are funneling massive amounts of taxpayer money—mostly through the State Department and USAID—to NGOs stacked with high-profile establishment politicians from both parties.

And this is just from pulling one thread that started with one NGO: Consortium for Elections & Political Process Strengthening.

How many more are out there waiting to be uncovered?

End of thread, for now. 🫡
I totaled the active grants listed on the website—$1,479,962,814,823.87. That’s $1.5 trillion in spending, spread across multiple years. And that’s just the big-ticket grants—countless smaller awards (<1 million) aren’t even included.

We are being bled to death by the Uniparty through NGOs.
Hat tip from @EaglesTTT :

Literally nobody is getting a salary at Consortium For Elections And Political Process Strengthening! Quite odd for an organization which manages 165 million in revenue.…Image

• • •

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Feb 6
I used AI to help come up with the clearest explanation of the Uniparty possible.

The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) is a coalition of three organizations:

✅ International Republican Institute (IRI) – Aligns with center-right and conservative political groups.
✅ National Democratic Institute (NDI) – Works with center-left and progressive groups.
✅ International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) – Focuses on electoral integrity and administration.

💰 CEPPS operates under funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to promote democracy, elections, and political party development worldwide.

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), another USAID entity, also supports IRI and NDI, along with other initiatives globally.

In summary: USAID and NED provide funding, CEPPS (via IRI, NDI, and IFES) implements programs, and IRI/NDI engage with political parties abroad, mirroring the U.S. Republican and Democratic Party structures.Image
Follow @EaglesTTT . He is doing a lot of manual auditing / accounting on this that my data is not going to pick up - for instance, IRI reported no grants on their form 990, but then in their audit they reported financing refugee-related NGOs.
When you see International Republican Institute (IRI) think Republicans. Their board includes:

🇺🇸 US Senator Dan Sullivan – Chairman of the board and Republican Senator from Alaska, known for his work on national security and energy policies.

🇺🇸 US Senator Joni Ernst – Republican Senator from Iowa, former military officer, and advocate for veterans and rural issues.

🇺🇸 US Senator Lindsey Graham – Senior Republican Senator from South Carolina, influential on foreign policy and national security.

🇺🇸 US Senator Tom Cotton – Republican Senator from Arkansas, strong advocate for military and defense policies.

🇺🇸 US Representative Kay Granger – Republican Congresswoman from Texas, key player in defense appropriations and foreign policy.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 5
I’ve built a powerful tool to help you track nonprofit leadership and follow USAID grant flows with ease.

Here’s what you can do:
✅ Search by Principal Officer – Find nonprofits connected to a specific name.
✅ EIN & Nonprofit Name Lookup – Quickly locate organizations by tax ID or name.
✅ Expand Your View – See all principal officers linked to an EIN in one place.
✅ Follow the USAID Money Trail – Instantly trace how USAID grant dollars flow from the following NGOs:
🔹 National Endowment for Democracy
🔹 Freedom House
🔹 Global Communities
🔹 Internews Network
🔹 Consortium for Elections
🔹 PACT Inc
🔹 Institute of International Education
🔹 East-West Management Institute
🔹 Church World Service Inc.

💡 Whether you're uncovering connections, investigating foreign funding, or demanding transparency, this tool puts the data at your fingertips.
⚠️ Data-heavy! Best viewed on desktop.
👇 Try it now: [link in next post]Image
The data comes from IRS Form 990s and is aggregated for analysis. Here's how to read and understand the numbers:

🔹 Gross Receipts → Pulled from Page 1, Box G of IRS Form 990.
🔹 Contributions → Pulled from Part VIII, Line 1f of IRS Form 990.
🔹 Taxpayer Funds → Pulled from Part VIII, Line 1e ("Government Grants").
🔹 Individual Grants → Pulled from Schedule I of IRS Form 990.

Only a curated subset of larger nonprofits is included, so the "Grants Given" totals may not match exactly with Schedule I. Instead, they add up to the total grants in the dataset I compiled for each EIN.

I use the most recent available tax years for these graphs. For example, Freedom House doesn’t have a public 2023 Form 990 yet, so the data includes a mix of 2021, 2022, and 2023 filings, depending on what’s available.Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 4
Updates will be rare. I have to manually download 150GB with a bad Internet connection.
We've used both Google Fiber and Comcast Xfinity, each with different routers, but both have had issues. This wasn't a problem in our old neighborhood, so I suspect our current high altitude might be a factor. The connection always cuts out when it snows.
Ok, I see so many offers for Starlink, but is it all that fast?
Read 5 tweets
Feb 4
👀 A wild tip from @DogeWatchReport...

The International Republican Institute (IRI)—a Republican-aligned NGO—has some big names on its board, including @LindseyGrahamSC, @SenJoniErnst, @SenTomCotton, @SenDanSullivan, and more.

Their latest report shows:
💰 Gov Funding: $130.7M (IRS Form 990)
📜 Active Grants: $9.2M
🔎 EIN: 521340267 | UEI: V2DWM1KMJNK5

Now here’s the kicker: Their own audit lists migration-related NGOs like the International Organization for Migration & Pan American Development Foundation.
Why? What’s the connection? 👇 Receipts linked below.Image
@DogeWatchReport @LindseyGrahamSC @SenJoniErnst @SenTomCotton @SenDanSullivan Link:…
@DogeWatchReport @LindseyGrahamSC @SenJoniErnst @SenTomCotton @SenDanSullivan Just to clarify—I don’t know why @SenJoniErnst is on the list. But even good people can get swept up in the status quo.

The real test is what she chooses to do next. Actions, not words. Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 4
🎶✨ Oh look, it's our adorable little NGO puppets, dancing to the fedgov tune! 🎭💃 ✨🎶 Image
🎶✨ "Each with their own VIP lineup of well-heeled, well-connected principal officers—because who doesn’t love a little nepotistic flair? 🎭💼✨" 🎶
🎶✨ Wouldn't it be just awful if they were all, you know... searchable? 🔍😏 ✨🎶
Read 5 tweets
Feb 3
I know exactly what I’m building tomorrow, and it’s going to be my most controversial yet.

No turning back now.
Told my husband my idea - and his eyes boggled.

I'm starting by precomputing the shortest path of every single EIN to National Endowment for Democracy.
Read 4 tweets

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