This is a very useful article for understanding the Trump administration, as Trump and so many around him, display clear psychopathic traits and styles of thinking.
I'm not using this to insult Trump, just to highlight how people with these traits behave.
By psychopathic traits, I mean ruthlessness, a shallow disregard for the truth, projecting a false persona, false shallow charm, being very manipulative and having little regard for others. They are totally immersed in getting what they want.
As the article points out, these traits have long being considered desirable in the corporate environment. However, as the research referred to in the article, actually, such traits are not that helpful in the business world.
This is for the simple reason, those with strong psychopathic traits, are very bad at long term planning, and understanding the wider consequences of their actions. Their impulsivity, and disruptive nature, is not good for the overall running of an organization.
In other words, those with strong psychopathic traits, might be good at cutting particular deals if there is plenty in it for them, or making themselves immensely rich, which explains the behaviour of many billionaires. But there's more to life, and organizations, than this.
Given the chaos Trump caused in his last term in office, where he was restrained by people around him, who refused to follow his illegal orders. Now Trump has surrounded himself with obsequious people who will do, whatever he tells them. A recipe for disaster.
None of what Trump is doing now is very sensible in terms of long term strategy, and will cause many very adverse, unintended consequences. But this is what happens, when you hand over complete control to someone with so many psychopathic traits.
One of the overall qualities, necessary for a leader in Trump's position, is in recognizing when the policy you are trying to impose isn't working like intended, and that you need to re-evaluate your strategy. It is normal, for things not to go as expected.
Conventional leaders take this on board, and change tack, in face of the unintended consequences of their policy.
Yet, when is there ever an instance of Trump admitting his policy was mistaken, or taking responsibility for anything, in either his business or political career?
This is a fatal flaw in someone in Trump's position of responsibility. Especially, as things are bound to go seriously wrong, with Trump introducing deranged, and wild policy, which is bound to go seriously wrong.
There's a very good reason why previous presidents, including Trump in his last term of office, have not done the things Trump is attempting to do now, and it isn't because they were woke. It's simply because it doesn't work.
It's actually quite common for the policy introduced by authoritarian demagogues, to go seriously wrong and have unintended consequences. In fact, I can't think of a single example, where the radical policy of a demagogue has not gone seriously wrong.
Everyone, mainstream commentators, are mistakenly focused on the ambitions of Trump, and the billionaires around him, and what sort of society, and system them want to create. They are mistakenly thinking they will be able to do this, and it will happen, as they intend.
In reality, most of this attempted change and radical policy, will go massively wrong, with lots of intended policy.
This is when authoritarian leaders, take a dangerous turn, and become dictators, to try and keep control.
It really is very difficult to predict and anticipate, what will happen, aside from things will go drastically wrong, as an unrestrained psychopath has been put in charge, and he has removed anyone, any official who will stand up to him.
However, the one thing I think we can be pretty certain of, is that we won't end up with the system, that Trump, Musk et al, anticipate. It's comes down to how they react to the unintended consequences of their actions.
It's not just ethically wrong of mainstream media political analysts, to try and normalize Trump's abnormal behaviour and thinking, but it is practically mistaken. Things will go badly wrong, and no amount of propaganda will be able to explain it away.
@owenokaneten You present the false idea that anxiety is produced by overthinking, rumination. You show no recognition that some people have no inner monologue, with which you need to ruminate i.e. talk yourself, in your head. You seem to be unaware of anauralia.
@owenokaneten I found out this out, when I was being assessed and treated by a clinical psychologist, who mistakenly assumed I was ruminating about the trauma I had experienced, even though I had already told them, I couldn't ruminate.
@owenokaneten Aphantasia, the inability to mentally visualize things, is connected to this. This research paper, accepted but not yet publish, documents how those with aphantasia, are regularly misdiagnosed, and damaged by inappropriate cognitive therapy.
By deranged, I mean, Trump, and by extension, those around him, are totally detached from reality. Their attempt at radical policy and change, will not pan out like they expect.
This is gross incompetence on an unbelievable scale.
Take this shutting down of USAid.
In the MAGA mindset, this is a good thing. To stop paying large amounts of money, to ungrateful non-Americans.
Until you realize the consequences, and that it is a gift horse to China.
Let me suggest, that this is not billionaires bowing down to Trump, in withdrawing their support for climate action. As I have repeatedly explained at great length, it is the billionaires who have been blocking climate action. Most or all of them.
Billionaires, the WEF, were never backing climate action, they were pretending to back action, to try and control the agenda, because climate action, threatened their vested interests. So the best way to stop that, was to pretend to be in favour of climate action.
You have zero influence over climate action and policy, if you openly deny the climate crisis, unless you gain total power over the whole system. However, if you are very rich, and you pretend to support climate action, you can involve yourself in the framing of policy.
"Trump officials try to walk back president’s comments on Gaza ‘takeover’ – live"
This is not surprising, and it illustrates everything I have been trying to get across about Trump, today, and in the past. Trump just makes shit up, without thinking.
Trump just appears to have made this Gaza stuff up, off the top off his head, and even Netanyahu, doesn't seem to have known much about it.
People will wrongly assume, that being POTUS that this had already been worked out. No, Trump just made it up off the top of his head.
We see this a lot from Trump. When Trump was talking in the aftermath, of the LA wildfires, he started making shit up about sweeping the forest floors, like they do in Finland. Except this nonsense had already been dealt with in 2018.
In the madness unleashed by Trump, pretty much what I predicted but faster, the unfathomable greyness of Starmer in the UK (who is he working for?), the other dreadful lack of leadership, with all ignoring the climate crisis, I ponder what to say about it all.
The BIG thing that stands out to me, is the total lack of any coherent response or analysis of what is going on, and our way out of it.
I don't really blame people, because we have been buried under a mountain, of disinformation, outright lies and monumental gaslighting.
There are a 1001 takes on this. But all these only address some small aspects at best, and most of it is obvious.
In no rational world, should the halfwit with more money than sense, be playing a role in anything.