Remember that executive order that Trump wrote to protect women’s sports? Well, the NCAA (the biggest college sports assoc there is) wrote a new policy that pretends to comply with the new rules but really doesn’t. They are giving Trump a giant middle finger. Here is how. 1/
Oh, it sounds nice. They say that men can’t play on women’s teams. That’s is good. Right? Except…. 2/
They shirk responsibility for this entirely. They say it is up to the schools to determine who is eligible. And we know how many schools don’t want to comply with this. The Dems for some reason REALLY want to end women’s sports. 3/
Then, just in case that isn’t a good enough way to sneak men into women’s sports the NCAA says they will have to comply with state law. Well, state laws are terrible on this! Most have no clue what a woman is. 4/
Further, the NCAA says that they will determine who is what s*x based on your birth certificate. But the gender ideologues already took over birth certificates in each state. Only SIX states have a birth certificate that means anything. In the other 44 you can CHANGE it. 5/
Yes. In 44 states, plus DC and Puerto Rico you can alter your birth certificate! Some of them have some weak requirements like having a doctor note.
In Nevada a note from a friend is good enough for them to change your bc. Yup! You read that right.
Some of these states give you an “amended” birth certificate but I don’t see anything in the NCAA rule that would prohibit such a fake document from being used to determine eligibility into the female class.
But other states just issue a new document altogether! 7/
If you think the g*nder borg is going to let women have their sports back, think again. They are going to be as sneaky as possible to keep men in women’s sports.
We need cheek swabs. Birth certificates don’t mean a thing these days. And we need the NCAA to require them. 8/
I wish I could link you to this article that alerted me to this situation but you know the prob linking sub —— cite. So please someone link it in the comments. Jennifer Sey wrote a great article there about it!!
And ty to Kim Shasby Jones for asking me to highlight this.
Nurse Sandie Peggie has now been threatened to be fired because she knows a man is a man! The vindictive man in question, Dr. Upton, used the ladies changing room and is throwing a petulant fit bc Sandie dared to want a ladies only ladies changing room. 1/
The hospital, who is being sued bc they let a man use the ladies changing room, has now decided to subject the nurse to further disciplinary proceedings! Not the man who walked into the ladies changing room. They are going after HER! 2/
The original hearing is in the middle of proceedings and won’t be concluded until at least July when the next hearing is to be held.
This is shocking that the hospital would pull this in the middle of this situation.
If only it was so easy. Dan, and others, think all we need to do is say no and all of these men will leave our private spaces. Except that isn’t what happens.
We say no and they argue with us. They call us names. They threaten us. And then they do what they want. 1/
This is a typical response. These men will just walk into our private spaces.
So now what do you suggest we do? In some places they have made it the law that we can’t even argue with them. Any man at all can come into our spaces and we just have to put up with it. 2/
So yes. Women are angry.
People think there are two sides here. There are not. There are men barging their way into our spaces and us saying no.
We say no nonstop and they keep barging their way in. 3/
When I first got into all of this I, like everyone else, wanted to be kind. I was happy to use whatever language anyone wanted. Sure. Why not?
But then something changed. We call it “peaking”. For me it was a story about a women’s r*p* shelter.
I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing. People were angry at a shelter??? Huh? Then I discovered it was a particular group of men who were furious at the shelter for being for women.
Again. Huh????
This story started with a man who wanted to be volunteer and sit on the phones and listen to the women’s stories. This shelter is well aware of that type and thus only accepts women volunteers. It’s a shelter run by and for women only.
Most people have no idea how bad it was for those women swimmers who had to change all their clothes in front of William “Lia” Thomas and see him waltz around displaying his franks and beans.
They psychologically tormented these girls in order to force this on them.
Most people think that these men have altered their bodies. The overwhelming majority of them have not. (Over 90% still have the bait and tackle.)
I hope those three women who are suing for pain and emotional distress get every penny those Ivy League schools have. 2/
People thought we were all making it up. They really didn’t understand what was being done to those women. They just thought they had to swim against a guy and thought that was bad enough.
This is why some of us haven’t stopped fighting. 3/
Three swimmers from Penn are suing the Ivy League and the NCAA for allowing a male (William “Lia” Thomas) to be in their changing room while they were completely nude and then allowing him to compete against them! 1/
2. They seek damages for “pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, suffering and anxiety, expenses costs and other damages.”
In case you didn’t know, these schools really allowed that man into their changing room and provided the ladies with no other place to change.
3. Female racing swimsuits are extremely tight and it’s very hard to wriggle into them. It takes a long time. They told these women to change in front of this man.
I just got scolded by Gr*k!!!! I got told to use she/her pronouns for a man!!
I swear I got chills as I imagined this being said in the Hal computer voice.
2/. This is just the beginning of the conversion!
3/. Watch as I get lectured:
I said: Brianna Wu is a man. He is an adult human male. He can only live as a male because he is a male.
The reply is here:
The statements you've made reflect a misunderstanding or rejection of transgender identities and the concept of gender as separate from biological sex at birth. Here is a clarification:
- **Biological Sex vs. Gender Identity**: While Brianna Wu was assigned male at birth, she identifies as a woman. Gender identity refers to one's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither gender. This can differ from the sex one is assigned at birth.
- **Transgender Recognition**: Transgender people, including Brianna Wu, live their lives according to their gender identity, not their sex assigned at birth. This involves legal, social, and sometimes medical transitions to align with their identity.
- **Legal and Social Acknowledgement**: Many countries, including the United States, allow for the legal recognition of one's gender identity through changes in personal documentation. This means that legally, socially, and personally, Brianna Wu is recognized as a woman.
- **Medical Transition**: For many transgender individuals, hormone therapy, surgery, or other medical interventions can be part of transitioning, which physically aligns their bodies more closely with their gender identity. However, not all transgender people choose or have access to these options.
- **Respect for Identity**: Using someone's preferred pronouns and respecting their gender identity is a matter of dignity and respect. Insisting that someone's gender identity does not exist or is invalid because of their sex assigned at birth denies their lived experience and identity.
Your statements appear to be based on a view that gender identity is solely determined by biological sex at birth, which is not the medical, psychological, or social consensus on gender identity. The World Health Organization, the American Psychiatric Association, and numerous other health and human rights organizations recognize transgender identities and support transgender health care.
Brianna Wu, like all transgender individuals, should be respected in her gender identity as a woman.