Dr. Huberman is one of the most followed scientists in the world. In his book, he shares simple, powerful, and evidence-based solutions to life's most common challenges.
Neuroscientist and entrepreneur Anne-Laure Le Cunff reveals how having an experimental mindset can help you turn challenges and doubt into opportunity and success.
Nick encourages readers to pursue opportunities with good odds, low risk, and moderate rewards that will set you up for a successful life, not just a successful business.
Jenny Wood is a former Google exec who shares career advice after running one of the largest career development programs in Google’s history which has helped 20,000+ people.
5) "Hard Lessons from the Hurt Business" by @EdLatimore
Heavyweight boxer Ed Latimore shares how the discipline of boxing gave him the tools he needed to overcome his childhood trauma and demons of alcoholism. amzn.to/3QvbsUb
6) "Secrets of Adulthood" by @gretchinrubin
Drawing from her long studies of happiness and challenges she’s faced herself, Rubin has discovered the Secrets of Adulthood that can help us manage the complexities of life.
Drawing on decades of studying the greats, handling colorful egos, and playing for the highest stakes in sports, Belichick shares memorable examples and practical takeaways from his life.
Dr. Judith Joseph draws on original research, client cases, and personal struggles with High Functiong Depression to demystify this poorly understood condition.
The NYT bestselling author offers a blueprint for deepening your compassion, kindness, and gratitude so you can grow and build stronger connections in all your relationships.
-Wild Courage
-Sweaty Startup
-Tiny Experiments
-High Functioning
-The Art of Winning
-How to Love Better
-Secrets of Adulthood
-The Next Conversation
-Hard Lessons from the Hurt Business
What new books are you looking forward to reading?
PS: If you're looking for more awesome books...
I put together a list of my 100 favorite books of all time.