Find an excuse to touch her fingers, either by brushing her palm with yours or by giving her something to hold. Compliment her about her delicate fingers or how smooth it is.
She’d know your naughty games by now, but as long as you keep the pace slow and
enjoyable, she’ll enjoy your sensual touches.
she’d be curious to know what you have in mind!
Another good way is to pretend like you know how to read palms.
Flirt with her and say something naughty when you see her palms.
3. Whisper into her ears
Whispering something intimate like
-I wish there weren’t so many people around us
-you smell so good it’s driving me crazy
with some heavy breathing in the background will make the hair on the back of her neck tingle, in a good way.
And make sure your lips graze her earlobes slightly so she can feel a hint of a teasing kiss on her ear
4. Keep her interested
Don’t talk flirty just yet.
It’ll raise her guard.
She’s already touching you and she’s obviously conscious of that tingle in her arms.
Get her distracted from the touches by having an interesting conversation with her.
Get her attention by telling her about something you heard or reveal a little secret of yours.
As long as you excite her with something while talking to her, there’s a good possibility that she won’t let the awkwardness of sitting so close to you bother her.
But here’s the thing.
IF she’s uncomfortable around you, or if you haven’t built the s3xual tension with her, there’s a good chance, she may slide a few inches away from you.
If she does that, back away because she isn’t interested in allowing you into her personal space yet.
A girl's worst nightmare is seeing a man she left for another become better, richer and fitter, then date a more beautiful and feminine woman than her.
What if you could attract beautiful feminine women?
If you want to be successful with women, master these 8 ways to evoke emotions:
1. Make her jealous.
Women are innately jealous of each other.
Observe how a ‘7’ looks at a ‘9’. She looks at her with disgust, but truthfully, she’s looking at her like that because she’s jealous that she doesn’t look as ‘pretty’ as her.
Use this aspect of female nature to ur advantage, surround yourself with good looking women and other women will be drawn towards u.
Never forget: Women desire what other women have. When u are around women, women want you. When you’re single, women couldn’t care less about you.