@SuppressedNws You’re dealing w/psychopaths
& will not win that way—they’ll go lower than you’d ever think to go in 2 secs while you still thinkin “can I do such a thing?”—effectively becoming their puppet monsters
@SuppressedNws You must give up comfort for honest living— divest & do not patronize all corps
Pull $$ from stocks & banks, to the degree possible grow your own, use solar & other means of generating electricity-get an energy generating car from Nigeria & divest from t/system they rely on
@SuppressedNws Picking up guns is easy and will not work
Human history tells the story if you’d just listen
But now folks these ppl lord over becoming independent from them?
@CartuneNetwerk Yes! Life unfolds via trial & error. Yes think it thru but kno you not gonna know abt or fix any glitches till you try it out. You can’t sit on t/sidelines configuring & reconfiguring & reconstructing & redoing t/blueprint forever. Go & do—it’s the only way to find out
I’d add
@CartuneNetwerk Sit down and visualize putting all your fears re why you can’t, to one side and then put all the things you think are obstacles to the other and then ASK YOURSELF, if I wasn’t afraid and there were no obstacles WHAT WOULD I WANT TO DO!
And then
@CartuneNetwerk Go do that. I promise you a way will open up. And you’re gonna need to be doing what you love to think your way around stuff till t/end.
This isn’t some airy fairy suburban advice.. this is me in the homeless shelter with my daughter applying to a doctoral program getting in
@TorraineWalker The awful truth is to be successful in a system that functions on structural institutional & cultural white supremacy; you must side with white supremacy, maybe not by night, but damn sure you do during the day and in all aspects of your career or you loose that career. To
@TorraineWalker maintain your career and status you can do NOTHING other than forfeit your voice and the freedom to be who you are by becoming hostage to the system that holds you hostage anyway. In other words you become that which both destroys you (you who are now the exception) while
@TorraineWalker also becoming a tool the system uses to destroy your people.
And to maintain your exceptional status, you must become harder and harsher on and of “your people” daily while settling for and mouthing excuses for the system you now represent in some capacity.
@semitic_jew WAY TOO LING BUT WTH
Oh the entire culture is a lie.
White supremacy IS A DELUSION— literally
And delusional disorder is one of the most intractable disorders to treat and that’s just one person with one delusion in one life time. It can be done but you must be very skilled
@semitic_jew and very patient, and of course if that delusion is killing folks — you need to be in jail because you’re not just delusional you’re a murderer
The only reason WP aren’t is because this delusion is culturally normative but the foundational “TELL” for psychopathy IS SADISM.
@semitic_jew And WP carry out and use their delusional superiority of whiteness WITH SADISTIC GLEE.
That’s why. And you can’t tell me that by 2nd grade every single one of us knows NOT TO HURT OTHER KIDS/HUMAN BEINGS—
This is a choice that WP make because when you rely on
@keatingssixth Im so sorry that happened. As a neuropsychologist I rapidly learned there are a plethora of docs who are lazy inattentive and/or blatantly racist; who don’t/won’t &/or flat out refuse to do the work.
What scares me even more is when folks keep going back to them.
@keatingssixth Thus my first question is “If you took your car to a mechanic and it was still broken would you take it back to the same guy?”
The answer is invariably “No.”
Then I say why would you continue seeing a doc that doesn’t really provide you with an accurate diagnosis,
@keatingssixth effective treatment and/or at the very least symptom relief with referrals?
I always check my labs look up meds and do not leave things to anyone else b/c no one will be more invested in your health than you are. There ARE good doctors out there. But that’s not
@EsheruKwaku @TheWesternIntel Why does NO ONE mention t/largest 20th century genocide carried out by RU Atheist Bolshevik Jews under Lenin (Jew) & Stalin who murdered 66 million Christian Russians and created the Holomador 1917-1934
@EsheruKwaku @TheWesternIntel More this was the reason — Germany so feared the same thing would happen to them and targeted Jewish Germans
There is a reason all these WP fight each other
& when they’re not fighting and killing each other they join together to subjugate the rest of the world living off
@EsheruKwaku @TheWesternIntel the the racism constructed by their delusional white supremacy.
They are not victims but perpetrators. Against themselves and the rest of the world and have divided the rest of the world to one side or another of their cause to obscure the greater truth which is
@Joe__Bassey For the longest time I was afraid to go to grad school & then go on to get my doctorate for the exact reasons he speaks to because it is extremely hard to be trained by the system & then speak up & out & work against it. I lay wake many a night struggling w/t/complicity you
@Joe__Bassey are forced to participate in in order to complete all my training b/c I never lied to myself about what was going on. And I even left a residency after 1 year and went elsewhere because I could not tolerate or endure what I also knew I could not change
@Joe__Bassey What turned much of that struggle around for me was my training supervisor who’s office I went to one day sobbing about the internal conflict and essentially on the verge of quitting and she said to me “Kate you will not help anyone by quitting. Then she said