2026: Voters, upset by the Trump recession, vote blue in the midterms.
2028: Angry at the economic collapse, voters give Democrats the White House and Congress and swear they’ll never vote GOP again.
2030: Voters put Republicans back in charge in Congress.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
This, if you’re wondering, is why Republicans never course-correct. They don’t have to. They pull the same shit every time, voters punish them for a midterm and maybe the next presidential election. Then, like an amnesiac, they hand the keys right back to them two years later.
I remember in 2008, the Democrats won sweeping victories. The Bush economy was a mess, and voters swore they’d never vote Republican again. Two years later, they handed the House right back to the GOP. “Well, they learned their lesson,” the voters said.
When you get right down to it, the median voter is Susan Collins. They might not be happy. They might even be “concerned.” But in the end, they’re going to vote Republican anyway, and the only people who are fooled by their pretense are congenital idiots.
@dilted @Doggo12347 She says all the right things, and a bunch of woolly-headed Democrats think “Oh, how nice, she spoke a word or two against Trump, we have to reward her to encourage other Republicans to speak up.” And then she goes and votes with Trump 95 times out of 100.
@MooOz45375 @TheRealFitzroy @wzowl When the average voter thinks a narcissistic, half-psychotic, sociopathic carnival barker like Donald Trump is actually a better bet than the Democrats, that should be a very strong clue that the Democrats have a serious problem. But Democrats just want to ignore that reality.
@MooOz45375 @TheRealFitzroy @wzowl Somewhere along the line, Democrats decided they were going to go all in on every fringe group that was out of the mainstream and not only fight for their rights (a good thing), but also try to force the culture to treat every fringe group’s fetishes as normal (too far).
@MooOz45375 @TheRealFitzroy @wzowl In doubling down on every “underdog” group, Democrats sent a message that normal people, the majority, were on their own and could expect no help or support from them. And everybody was going to have to swallow a bunch of odd new cultural norms, and if not, they were bigots.
@MooOz45375 @TheRealFitzroy @wzowl It’s one thing to say trans people (for example) should have basic human rights and dignity. Of course they should! It’s another thing entirely to give children puberty blockers and send people with male genitalia into girls’ and women’s shower rooms. That’s too far and too much.
@MooOz45375 @TheRealFitzroy @wzowl But that’s the problem the left has always had. They don’t know where to draw the line. Their maximalist positions on certain social issues are neither reasonable nor politically salable, but they just keep pushing. They need to learn some self-restraint. But they never do.
@MooOz45375 @TheRealFitzroy @wzowl If you don’t understand why Drag Queen Story Hour for children at the public library is a problem, I can’t help you.
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One of the most encouraging developments of this election is that Kamala Harris has clearly learned something that Democrats have traditionally refused to accept:
For purposes of winning an election, policy doesn’t matter. (1/)
Policy matters very much AFTER YOU GET ELECTED. But governing and campaigning are two different things. The voters who are interested in policy are 1) in the minority and 2) already know who they’re voting for. The people you have to convince won’t be convinced by policy. (2/)
Those of us who know and care about policy already know what either candidate is going to do. It doesn’t need to be said. We’ve already decided.
The undecideds are low-information voters who have to be won at a gut level. (3/)
So let me tell you why I’m really encouraged about Harris right now:
She understands—in a way Democrats have largely resisted understanding for the last three years—that voters judge the economy based on prices. And she is offering proposals that go right at that problem.
Republicans clearly understand how effective Harris’s proposals are likely to be and they are currently screaming their heads off about “price controls,” hoping to either get her to back off of a winning strategy, or to convince people that action on prices is somehow a bad idea.
Remember this: if, as Democrats, we ever see that Republicans are screaming their fool heads off about something, we should double down on it and keep doubling down on it. When Republicans are screaming, that means we’re winning.
There has been an uptick the last 24 hours in Democrats suggesting Biden tell the Supreme Court to go pound sand. That’s a position I share.
But it is important to understand that there are some practical limitations to that, and it depends upon the ruling. (1/)
To wit—there’s nothing Biden can do about a decision like Dobbs, which gives states the power to decide. Unless he’s ready to send the Army into Mississippi to protect abortion clinics, he can’t just snap his fingers and make that ruling go away. (2/)
However, if the Supreme Court issues a ruling that forbids Biden from taking an action, yeah, he can ignore that and do whatever he wants. Because what are they going to do about it? Does the Supreme Court have a police force? LOL. (3/)
If you ever find yourself wondering “Why do old people have such outsized power while nobody listens to young people?”—consider this:
1) In every single election since such data have been tracked, under 25s have had the lowest turnout of any age demographic. No exceptions. (1/)
2) In every single election since such data have been tracked, over 65s have had the highest turnout of any age group.
3) Politicians’ first priority is getting elected or reelected. When they ask “Who’s going to vote?” they inevitably come to this conclusion: “Fuck those kids.”
They don’t care if you protest. “Have fun, kids. Protest all you like. You won’t vote, and I’ll still be here after the novelty of protesting wears off. When you buy a house and have some kids, you’ll start voting, and then you’ll vote for me because you know my name.”
Folks, there are a couple things going on right now that you just need to ignore and stop worrying about:
1) Polling is completely, 100% fucked. If you believe Trump is winning by 13% in Nevada and leading in New Jersey, step away from Twitter and get help.
2) Six months out from an election, people have a tendency to spout off. They’re pissed off about one thing or another, and they’re just talking out of their asses right now. “Screw Biden, I’m gonna vote for RFK!” In a few months, when things get serious, they’ll get real.
Every election, polls show that voters start to “come home” in the last few weeks of a campaign. That’s because at some point, people stop blowing off steam and start thinking about what they’re doing. It isn’t that anything has really changed. It’s just “shit-or-get” time.
The reason leftists annoy me is because they cause Democrats to lose and have no recognition whatsoever that they are a liability. They want what they want, but they aren’t willing to do the hard work necessary to get it. They don’t get that progress happens piecemeal. (1/)
Every time Democrats have gone too far left too fast, the voters have punished us. People fear rapid change. You have to warm them up to it a little bit at a time. The left’s impatience always results in a backlash that ultimately pushes their goals further away. (2/)
I’m not entirely unsympathetic to some of the things they want to do. For example, I believe health care should be available to everyone, even though I think M4A is unworkable. But when you try to get big change all at once, people get scared. They need digestible bites. (3/)