CBPolitics Profile picture
Political analyst, former columnist, and speaker. Midwest native. #NWIndiana #DaRegion
rootwoman123 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 15, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The reason leftists annoy me is because they cause Democrats to lose and have no recognition whatsoever that they are a liability. They want what they want, but they aren’t willing to do the hard work necessary to get it. They don’t get that progress happens piecemeal. (1/) Every time Democrats have gone too far left too fast, the voters have punished us. People fear rapid change. You have to warm them up to it a little bit at a time. The left’s impatience always results in a backlash that ultimately pushes their goals further away. (2/)
Oct 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
What we all have to understand is that Republicans fundamentally believe the 1960s destroyed their country. They believe that the Civil Rights movement, gay rights, the Sexual Revolution and the antiwar movement wrecked America. It is vital to understand this, because … (1/) When you understand what they believe, it is easy to understand what they’re trying to do, and all of these things that keep shocking us actually make sense and become predictable. They’re trying to repeal the 1960s and everything that’s happened societally since then.
May 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Biden got the best deal possible. All the other suggestions were fantasies. There were never going to be five Republicans to sign a discharge petition (thereby almost surely ending their careers due to inevitable primaries). The Supreme Court would have squashed any 14A gambit. Minting a $1 trillion coin was an idea right out of Fantasyland. The writers of “The West Wing,” on their absolute craziest day, would have dismissed the idea as absurd—and that entire show was absurd. Biden would have done as well to print a trillion dollars in Monopoly money.
Mar 3, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
You can criticize Biden all you want for his promise to sign the DC crime bill, but the bottom line is that he’s not going to let Republicans paint him as soft on crime. The crime issue almost single-handedly revived New York’s GOP in 2022. It was the only move he had. When people start getting nervous about crime, their inner Republican comes out real fast. That’s why Republicans always try to play the crime card. They know it works. Biden couldn’t let them do it. It’s as simple as that.