Making a Way – More on God’s Promises
In my last devotional message, we looked at God’s words through Isaiah that talked about His identity and promises while commanding us to not be afraid. I left out two verses from that section that dealt with our adversaries or things that opposed us. Today we will look at some
other words that He says through Isaiah where He again makes promises that deal with those problems that oppose us. Please take note of the way that He uses the past (what He had already done in a very famous event) as a reminder of what He had already done and an indicator
(promise) of what He was still going to do.
God’s promises are always Yes and Amen. There is no shadow of changing in Him. All we have to do is to follow Him and He takes care of all of the rest. He already knows how this immediate situation (indeed this whole story) is going to
HE is the WAY. HE never changes. We tend to wander, but His promises remain. Now let’s read these words that He says in Isaiah chapter 43:
16 I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.
17 I called forth the mighty army of Egypt
with all its chariots and horses.
I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned, their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick.
18 “But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
19 For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun!
Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. - Isaiah 43:16-19
A version of this devotional in Spanish is available at t.me/devocionalgera… youtube.com/watch?v=SE_M9n…
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Fear, Identity and Promises – Do You Believe?
I have always thought of this famous command that the LORD spoke through Isaiah as one of the approximately 365 times in the bible when He tells us not to be afraid. I have tended to focus only on the first line of the first verse (don’t be afraid because I am with you). But I
don’t really stop and take these words in, putting them into full context with what He says next in this full statement.
This week during a time of devotion and listening carefully to His word, He showed me how this statement is more than just a command not to fear and reminder
The LORD created our bodies, each one of us (Genesis 1:26). He made you and me very unique and for a divine purpose (1 Peter 2:9). He says that He did all of this and knew each one of us even before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalms 139:13).
Throughout the bible, the LORD says
a lot about you and me and He makes it very personal. Because of what He has said and what He has done to back it up, as long as I have breath in my lungs today, I will give this body (which belongs to Him) back to Him, join in with all of creation and I will do what I was made
Battlegrounds – Very Messy Places
This morning’s devotional is somewhat of a personal testimony and a reflection back over the past several days. You see, as I went to bed last night and even as I woke up early this morning, I doubted very seriously that I would be able to write anything for a devotional today
with any sincerity of spirit. You see, yesterday I was involved in a day-long activity that left me completely drained emotionally, spiritually and physically. It was a day that I would have normally celebrated as one of my favorite of the week because I get to go and commune
As a result of our natural tendencies and the nature of the fallen world around us, we all struggle with where to place our focus. We rely on our own understanding (very limited perspective) of the situations around us and we focus on what the world shouts at us every day. Those
things cause us to become anxious because, well, that’s the message of this world.
But when we keep our focus on the LORD and lean always on Him, we find that:
He is always there with us
He is always assuring us that He is on His throne and in control
He is always reminding us
More on the Dragon – The Blessing of Conviction
In last Saturday’s devotional, we began to look at this principle of the sleeping dragon that lays in wait within each of us (this is true). We looked at a vivid example of this being displayed by Moses when that dragon came out. We saw how this disqualified Moses from leading
the people into the promised land and I told you not to feel sorry for him because he himself did get there.
Moses is an Old-Testament image of the law and this scene was necessary to illustrate a very important point for all of us… “The law is insufficient to lead us into
When I woke up yesterday morning, one of the themes of my prayer interaction with the LORD was one of worship. He led me to pray about worship, giving the example of David with his expressions in the Psalms. It is more than just a song… it is more than just a prayer… it is
bigger than any one event. He led me to pray that my worship would be a life. Much like preaching the gospel, the best way to do it is not with words, but with the way we live. So He led me to pray for the spirit to worship in every circumstance and situation… to let it become