Gerald Prater Profile picture
Called to be a slave & disciple by Jesus My testimony - Set apart for full-time passionate ministry Habla Español Questions? Prayers?
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Jul 25 10 tweets 2 min read
Sermon on the Mount – Post Mortem Yesterday morning as I posted my devotional message about the final words in Jesus’ Sermon, there were some more comments that I wanted to make about those words. But out of a desire to keep the message from being too long, I resisted. So here are those thoughts for your
Jul 24 12 tweets 3 min read
Sermon on the Mount Final Words – The Importance of Our Fruit After telling His followers to diligently seek the kingdom of God, Jesus continues in the last half of Matthew chapter 7 to finalize His Sermon. He gives the example of the broad and the narrow gate (and the way) which lead to destruction and life respectively.
Jul 23 11 tweets 3 min read
Closing Points about Being Different As Jesus finalizes His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 7, He summarizes this very powerful message about the real kingdom of God with some very powerful points that are a call to action for everyone who hears. Essentially, His closing message is “In light of all that you
Jul 22 9 tweets 2 min read
Being Different from the One Who Judges At the opening of Matthew chapter 7, Jesus begins to finalize His Sermon with some important closing points. The first point that He makes to His followers is that He tells them not to judge others for their sins. When you stop and think about it for a moment, He is asking them
Jul 21 10 tweets 2 min read
Being Different by Not Worrying In His Sermon on the Mount after saying that we should do everything to please God, Jesus continued at the end of Matthew chapter 6 to tell us NOT to depend on our own efforts to provide for ourselves. He said that we should not lay up for ourselves treasures on earth because
Jul 19 8 tweets 2 min read
We Do All that We Do to Please God After ending Matthew chapter 5 with words commanding us to love our enemies, Jesus continues His Sermon at the beginning of chapter 6 with a series of words about the importance of Who motivates us to do everything that we do. He cites 3 specific areas; good deeds, prayer, and
Jul 18 8 tweets 2 min read
Being Different – Loving Like God Loves After giving many examples of how it is not possible for us to keep the Law of God in His Sermon, at the end of Matthew chapter 5 Jesus ends His introduction with yet another important example for us of how to keep the Law. In Matthew 22:37 after Jesus was asked by a Pharisee
Jul 17 10 tweets 2 min read
The Importance of the Law So far in His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has opened with the beatitudes followed by declaring to His followers that they are the salt and light of the world. Then He begins to talk about the real purpose of the Law and things that we all need to clearly understand.
Jul 16 8 tweets 2 min read
More on Being Different for the Lord After beginning the Sermon on the Mount with the beatitudes in the first 12 verses, Jesus transitions with two analogies that further describe how His followers will be different from the world. First, He describes us as “the salt of the earth.” When you think about it, how is
Jul 15 13 tweets 3 min read
The Blessing of Being Different This is a message that the Lord has been pouring into my spirit for the past several weeks. It is based on the famous Sermon on the Mount that Jesus gave in Matthew chapter 5. Up until this point in His earthly ministry, Jesus had been getting the attention of many people by
Jul 13 5 tweets 2 min read
God’s Goodness – Grace Vs Mercy Image Over the past week, the Lord has been leading me through several messages (and several messengers) about the goodness of God. Also during that time He was preparing me for this special short message as a summary of that same theme. Here is the special message:
Jul 12 8 tweets 2 min read
The LORD Is Willing To Give Us Riches This morning the LORD reminded me of how much He has always longed to bless the people exceedingly. He has always gone out of His way to demonstrate His love for us and given us undeniable evidence of His presence, power and majesty.

But because of the rebellious nature that
Jul 11 10 tweets 2 min read
God is Always Good - So Do Not Fear As I contemplate and reflect on this, I see it as a reminder to you and me today of some important truths that will keep us focused and not distracted. The characteristic of His goodness is shown as a theme permeating the entire bible from Genesis to Revelation (His goodness and
Jul 10 10 tweets 2 min read
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus and His Position This morning as we consider John’s vision at the beginning of the book of Revelation, I ask you to take note of an interesting observation. After you see this, I encourage you to think on and ponder it, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to help us to understand what He is saying.
Jul 9 12 tweets 3 min read
Judgment for Iniquity Along with Apathy When the LORD comes to judge the world, He will do so because of the obvious iniquity and corruption that has begun to run throughout. It will have gotten to the point where shear evil will be observable at all levels of society. Notice in today’s verse how He gives this warning
Jul 8 11 tweets 2 min read
The Potter and the Clay As I look back through my journal over the years, I found this jewel. Five years ago today as I awoke, the Lord showed me the famous word that He gave to Jeremiah in chapter 18 about the Potter and the clay. He showed me some basic things about this famous metaphor to give
Jul 7 10 tweets 2 min read
The Great Pursuit I had a dream last night that I was on the run for my life, being chased in hot pursuit by a group of adversaries. Have you ever had one of those types of dreams that brings about a somewhat restless night that bordered on tossing and turning? My dream involved running through
Jul 6 14 tweets 3 min read
Hope and Light in the Darkness – Purpose in Everything In my last devotional yesterday, I told you of how I was going through a place of futility and feeling that my words didn’t matter. It was in the wake of some recent public statements that I have made to leaders in my local school district about the importance of our freedoms and
Jul 5 11 tweets 3 min read
When There’s Nothing Left to Say – Where Do You Look? On a day of feeling betrayed, defeated, taken captive by hostile forces (basic freedoms ripped away) and as one of futile efforts against our enemies, this is how the LORD woke me up this morning. He reminded me that our feelings can be misleading and what we see is not always as
Jul 4 9 tweets 2 min read
True Freedom through Faith Alone Happy Independence Day! As we celebrate our freedom today in America, I want to share these words from Paul where he reminds the church at Galatia about what true freedom is. For the Christian, freedom from sin is found through faith in Christ alone. Our lives give evidence of
Jul 3 7 tweets 2 min read
The Rock and Firm Foundation – A Perfect Love God’s love for us is indeed a perfect love that we can not begin to comprehend. When we truly believe in what Jesus did for us, it completes a covenant commitment that can never be changed. We become adopted as His child, a relationship that can never be taken or cancelled.