Gerald Prater Profile picture
Called to be a slave & disciple by Jesus My testimony - Set apart for full-time passionate ministry Habla Español Questions? Prayers?
Mar 7 10 tweets 3 min read
Fear, Identity and Promises – Do You Believe? I have always thought of this famous command that the LORD spoke through Isaiah as one of the approximately 365 times in the bible when He tells us not to be afraid. I have tended to focus only on the first line of the first verse (don’t be afraid because I am with you). But I
Mar 6 7 tweets 2 min read
Glorious Day The LORD created our bodies, each one of us (Genesis 1:26). He made you and me very unique and for a divine purpose (1 Peter 2:9). He says that He did all of this and knew each one of us even before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalms 139:13).

Throughout the bible, the LORD says
Mar 5 16 tweets 4 min read
Battlegrounds – Very Messy Places This morning’s devotional is somewhat of a personal testimony and a reflection back over the past several days. You see, as I went to bed last night and even as I woke up early this morning, I doubted very seriously that I would be able to write anything for a devotional today
Mar 4 8 tweets 2 min read
Why We Fear As a result of our natural tendencies and the nature of the fallen world around us, we all struggle with where to place our focus. We rely on our own understanding (very limited perspective) of the situations around us and we focus on what the world shouts at us every day. Those
Mar 3 18 tweets 4 min read
More on the Dragon – The Blessing of Conviction In last Saturday’s devotional, we began to look at this principle of the sleeping dragon that lays in wait within each of us (this is true). We looked at a vivid example of this being displayed by Moses when that dragon came out. We saw how this disqualified Moses from leading
Mar 2 7 tweets 2 min read
Personal Worship When I woke up yesterday morning, one of the themes of my prayer interaction with the LORD was one of worship. He led me to pray about worship, giving the example of David with his expressions in the Psalms. It is more than just a song… it is more than just a prayer… it is
Mar 1 18 tweets 4 min read
The Sleeping Dragon Within Early this morning, the LORD woke me up with a vivid picture of this sleeping dragon voraciously roaring and lashing out in my own life. This illustration led to this devotional.

When we are all sincerely honest with ourselves, we recognize that there is a sleeping dragon that
Feb 28 10 tweets 2 min read
Following Jesus – The Beginning The Gospel of John records the beginning of Jesus’ life-changing ministry when He called His first disciples. After a simple introduction by Elijah (see yesterday’s devotional), His first disciples began to follow Him.

In every case, He challenged them (as He does with you and
Feb 27 17 tweets 4 min read
The Days of Elijah Continued – Following Him Earlier this week on Tuesday, we read about how the LORD used Elijah in the Old Testament to demonstrate His great power as an example to motivate His people to make a good choice (life over death, light over darkness, and good over evil). Today we will see how the LORD once
Feb 26 16 tweets 3 min read
Psalms 46

I awoke this early morning with a renewed confidence in my spirit and a reminder on my heart that the Lord is in control. This is a reminder for me, but it is not only for me. This message and this burden is for anyone who will take pause and receive what He is speaking early this morning through His humble servant vessel. The basis of this message is on Psalms 46.

I know that all around me today (this season), things appear to be in chaos with utter pandemonium taking place everywhere. Even within me, I can often see what
Feb 25 23 tweets 5 min read
The Choice Today of Who to Follow – Convincing Evidence In the theme that we began yesterday about following, we all have a choice everyday about who we will follow. There are very strong and influential forces in our fallen world that work overtime to get our attention and to make us follow them. When we do the result is that bad
Feb 24 13 tweets 3 min read
The LORD Calls Us to Follow – Even When It’s Hard to Do So Jesus calls us to give up and to follow Him even though He knows how hard it is for us to do this. He knows that deep down inside because of our fallen nature, we demand to be in control and to have our own way with EVERYTHING. But He is patient, kind and loving as He works with
Feb 23 5 tweets 1 min read
Morning Prayer and Praise This was my morning prayer and praise as I awoke this morning. It is personal but I want to share it here with you. It is based on an old well-known prayer, but I have personalized it and added to it.

Lord, please give me today the boldness to do and say those things that You
Feb 22 5 tweets 2 min read
Opposite Choices Let’s be honest and confess who is in control of our daily choices and decisions (from the largest to the most insignificant). If those choices are based on our own ambitions, desires, wisdom, traditions or feelings, it means that WE have control over our lives. But Jesus said we
Feb 21 11 tweets 2 min read
Our Poor Decisions and God’s Tough Love The scene for today’s devotional is one of what appears to be insanity. God’s people have just watched Him do a simply amazing supernatural work bringing them out of Egypt through the Red Sea (they had all witnessed and experienced it personally). Yet only a short time later they
Feb 20 7 tweets 2 min read
Perfect Peace in the Middle of Storms and Burdens And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 7)

🤔Today we face situations without having a clear idea of what or why it is happening and how it will end. We are often easily overwhelmed by
Feb 19 14 tweets 3 min read
Pretenders and the Promise – A Message for Today Today’s message had its genesis this past weekend in a late-night journey reading through the early history of Israel. It is a continuation of yesterday’s message about Balak (king of Moab) and his desire to have Balaam (non-Jewish profit) to curse Israel. As you read through
Feb 18 14 tweets 3 min read
In today’s message from the bible, there is a scene that has been set during the travels of the young nation of Israel after the LORD freed them from captivity in Egypt. The LORD had promised to bless, to be with and to fight for them and He had kept that promise. The specific promise that He made to Abraham back in Genesis 12:3 comes into direct play here.

As the nation had traveled after their exodus, the word had gotten around of how powerful these people were (of course it was actually the LORD’s power) and some nations felt threatened by them.
Feb 17 12 tweets 3 min read
Serious Intimacy with God – Sacrificial Worship Our time of worship with the LORD is a time that is very special, personal, and must be taken very seriously. It is one of the types of sacrificial offerings that we give in His presence. He gave me this Old Testament description to illustrate this point:

After the LORD brought
Feb 14 9 tweets 2 min read
Celebrating Godly Love As we wake up today to celebrate Valentines Day, this is a simple word and reminder that the Lord has placed on my heart over the past few days. It is a reminder that He taught us about in one of His messages to the masses. And it is a word for all of us today.
Feb 13 10 tweets 3 min read
A Song That Comforts While It Chastises
A Tale of Two People Today’s message is based on a song that David sang to the LORD. It is a song about two people. It is a song about stubbornness and lavish forgiveness that patiently awaits. One person suffers in agony and presses further into the pain while the other person celebrates with great