Vivian Wilson just said she was sex-selected prenatally by Musk: "My assigned sex at birth was a commodity that was bought and paid for. So when I was feminine as a child and then turned out to be transgender, I was going against the product that was sold"……
In the context of the news above, Wesley, how do you feel about Elon choosing Vivian's sex for her, while you denied her right to choose her sex for herself?
The anti-trans group Genspect @genspect hosted Wesley Yang at their 2023 Denver "Bigger Picture" conference; his talk is summarized as 'a rising generation has already been indoctrinated' ().
But Elon tried to indoctrinate Vivian before she was even born.
Obviously this new information was not available to Wesley Yang or to Genspect at the time of his Denver conference talk in November 2023.
But now you know. So from this point on, wouldn't it just be really eugenicist for anyone to keep making Wesley's argument here?
"The fact that it took them this long is totally on them" -Maia "Maia Poet" Abbruzzese in a Spaces just now, admitting that the discovery that her mother is SEGM cofounder Evgenia "Zhenya" Abbruzzese is in fact true
"You fuck with enough mama bears who are trying to protect their kids, you will start to lose your beloved trans rights" -Maia "Poet" Abbruzzese, sephiroth-posting in the space above
@AidanCTweets I also wasn't the one who originally found this; I believe Julie Rei was the one who discovered that Maia "Poet" was Maia Abbruzzese - credit to her for that.
I think I originally found out who "Zhenya" Abbruzzese was and that she's Evgenia Abbruzzese, based on legal filings.
@AidanCTweets In fact I got a takedown notice after I first tweeted Zhenya's email address that I found in the legal filings in our court case in Florida, where she worked with the DeSantis administration to remove transition treatment coverage from our state Medicaid:
@AidanCTweets That email address was from page 20. That's a public legal filing and it's evidence of a meeting she had with state employees doing government work. It's public business and part of an ongoing lawsuit by us against…
I've had enough of people talking about just reaching for the eject button themselves and doing the fascists' job for them instead of going down fighting
What's the worst they can do? Torture and kill us? Everyone's going to die anyway
New: Flyer for anti-trans group SEGM's conference in Athens, Greece on October 2-5: "Questioning Gender: Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Youth Gender Dysphoria"…
So Louis Appleby thinks the problem is that withholding gender-affirming medical treatment is *seen as* rejection. It's not a problem to him that this *actually is* a rejection of care for trans people. He thinks the problem is that trans people noticed!…
It's beyond insulting for him to suggest trans people and our "perceptions" are what's responsible for trans youth being genuinely distressed at the actual withholding of their medical care, a real thing that is in fact taking place regardless of anyone's "perception" of it
If @ProfLAppleby thinks the way to address trans people's distress at being denied medical care is for trans people to decide it's actually okay for us to be denied medical care, he has nothing of value to offer. He's facilitating NHS' institutional denial of our real experiences
Now that Finland has exported Kaltiala-style abusive anti-trans gatekeeping all over the western world, they're moving on to the next target: people who care about any injustice. Wouldn't you just be happier if you didn't care about what was happening? :')…
Yes, what's happening to trans care in England and in Florida traces back to the influence of one Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala of the "tell me how you masturbate" clinic:
I've said it before: *This is a values problem.* They can churn out any amount of evidence that being aware of bad things and unremediated injustices in the world makes you less happy. Maybe it's true. You still can't get from that "is" to an "ought" of 'so just stop caring!'