Below is a long thread on new Seth Rich Docs. But first Some Humor. Got to love the media. Lots of questions about sql programming/access to voter Databases w passwords. Throw in his laptop involved in Russia investigation/Crowdstrike and Questionable modification dates. Just Wow
I didnt follow this case. The IRS guy who stole Trump's Tax Returns, Charles Littlejohn, pled to ONE COUNT of Unauthorized Disclosure of Tax Records (26 U.S.C. 6 7213(a)(l). He only got 5 years. Did anyone realize the scope of this? HE STOLE >70k. He was required to create a victim's website. Anyone have it? A timeline.
Here is a little background for anyone interested. He is currently appealing his judgement (law people can he? In his plea it says he cant; I think) The case:
A. He was a subcontractor for the IRS with Booz Allen (Edward Snowden NSA Fame) (Parent Carlyle Group). That is a lot of access.
B. He leaked Trump's Taxes to a media entity (NYT I think)
C. THEN went back and stole more and gave it to them in Sept. Somehow anonymously.
more in next tweet
D. He then goes to propublica (i think) and gives them thousands of individual tax returns.
E. He then destroys the evidence.
A little more on important timelinenext tweet
FULTON 2020: SIGNATURE VERIFICATION SMOKING GUN? We know know that Fulton didn't do a real signature verification for Nov 2020. Did Vote at Home/ Elections Group ADMIT in an email Fulton didn't do it for the PRIMARY. How involved are these groups? Barron, the head of elections, doesn't even know where the signature verification is done. ( They did do "Signature Verification" for Jan 5) It wasn't done where they announced it. It was partly done at Peachtree, not just State Farm GWCC. These groups operated in the literal shadows with no paper trail, no financial from the county. Grants from Zuckerberg and a Memorandum of Understanding. (It wasn't just Fulton)
They broke election law. The laws McBurney is so passionate about. When the signatures didn't match the registration or the absentee ballot application (the law says match both)...they went searching for any signature it sounds liked and likely just created an application. ~30k...That is the amount of rollover the SOS sends. Replacement Theory ? i
Full Circle to the other Smoking Gun: The SOS allowed them to kick out signature verification observers in some selective counties that pushed back. Days after sending out a statewide memo that counties are required to have observers, the SOS reassures counties they dont need to. Its just a recommendation.
A friendly reminder:
-Raffensperger paid for a signature verification study w UGA and continues to withhold the study
-The GA AG refused to enforce the legally binding mandate for Fulton to comply
-During phone call Ryan Germany promises Trump he will do it.
They are all liars
A compilation on Fulton purposeful incompetence and obfuscation. An aside. 3 election servers go down during Nov. deleting critical election documents 1. Sig verification server w applications which they copied/cropped sigs from 2. Absentee drop box video
3 Election server during recount deleting ballot images and project packages.
A little compilation: Did they cure ballots from mismatched signatures using unauthorized signature sources such as photocopies court docs.
Doing a little deep dive on USDR (US Digital Response) the Elections Group Partner that helped create the absentee ballot application portal for Fulton County that bypassed the SOS portal. It's interesting to say the least. Stanford. Center for Civic Life. EAC. Harris County...
Just crazy all the ties to big non profits and GSA. With ties to the GSA and these other groups, they can funnel money to whomever and whenever they want, and it wont be noticed for years. Just create a new non profit, make some IRS extensions on your 990. No one notices.
After the change they started recording.
Oh....and there is more.
Organized File attached in next tweet for people who like puzzles..
Is this a ballot balance matrix or and not just an application ballot tracking system? The numbers are very interesting w regards to dates of apps. segmentation in relation to in person voting date of sending of ballots? What is with the equations all over the place? I have some hypothesis. Did they scan early, and scan again with a whole new batch of drop box? Early apps before in person voting certainly look like old drop box totals. Ill go into more later.
I think they were calculating sos sent ballots. And making sure they covered them. Fulton dekalb and a few others vs sos.
1/2 Interesting. Since people are starting to take notice of The Elections Group. How chummy are they w Fulton County. Before they even started, Rich Barron calls them colleagues. They are being paid by either themselves or Vote at Home Institute. Who funds them? Dark money?
They are being paid a cool 150/hour. (unclear from email if vote at home is paying them), but vote at home does give money to the GASOS in grants. I bet the other elections workers are jealous. Now who funds vote at home institute with 8 million dollars in 2020?? Well, thats more interesting. This is a non profit. This should have to be disclosed who their donors are. Who is Ascent Media. Well Its run by, you guessed Brian Kemps staff. Thats a nice ad buy there. Who else gives them money more recently? Sam Bankman Fried's SVB Charitable arm and the Tides Foundation. . Look at who they give grants too as well. Very interesting list of cities.