If people think the stock market is crashing now #stockmarketcrash, just wait until Trump's idiocy really starts unravelling and sinks in. When investors come to realize that Trump has absolutely no idea what he's doing. That Trump is just making up shit as he goes along.
The most dangerous notion, that most political analysts seem to have fallen for, is that Trump and those around them, have some grand plan, that they know exactly what they are doing, and it will happen, and unfold like they want.
No! Trump and the ideologues around them, including Space Karen, literally have no idea, at all, of what they're doing. At best, they have a mass of incoherent, partly formed notions in their head, which will not pan out, like they expect.
It won't be make America great again, it will destroy America.
I'm baffled by those who think Trump will be able to transform America and the world as he bizarrely thinks he can. Just look at Trump's track record, which is of total failure. Trump is just a plain old conman.
The vast majority of Trump's business ventures, ended in disaster and bankruptcy, Trump university, his casinos etc. Only his real estate scam, he inherited from his father, has kept him afloat.
The New York Fraud Case, revealed exactly how Trump's scam works, by massively over-inflating the worth of his properties to get loans, and then massively under-valuing properties for tax purposes. A full on scam.
Then look at Trump's first term in office, which was a complete unmitigated disaster, and where Trump never achieved any of the things he claimed he was going to do. Where Trump was widely regarded as the worst president, in US history.
Trump is essentially a conman, who flannels people with bullshit, bluster and lies. He is a man born very rich, who has never really achieved anything in his life. His reputation as a successful businessman, is a fiction from a reality TV show. None of it is real, it's BS.
Exactly, where is the basis for Trump achieving any of what he claims he can do?
Trump is a near 80 year old man, with a history of his business ventures ending in disaster, and bankruptcy, and his first term in office, ended in a mess, with him achieving none of his aims.
Trump never takes any responsibility for anything, and blamed his total failure in his first term in office, on a made up conspiracy theory of the deep state, who conspired to undermine him.
When actually, he was just a total incompetent, who messed up.
But this is what lying blusterers and conmen like Donald Trump do. They convince people that they have got genius plans that are going to make everyone rich, with meaningless word salads, and bamboozle people. It's what conmen do.
Just look at Trump University, if you want to get a good idea of how Trump's ventures end. It is an exact model and analogy for what Trump is going to do to America and the world. Don't say, no one ever told you what is going to happen.
Anyway, there's no need to take my word for any of this, because people are going to get to see this unravel in front of them, in real time. When the flag drops, the bullshit stops. The undoing of Trump, is him being given the opportunity, to do what he claims he can do.
It's not just started out a bit rocky. This is just the start, it's going to get much, much worse. Trump will crash the stock markets #stockmarketcrash, the economy and cause chaos in the world. We are going to be very lucky if he doesn't start a major war as a distraction.
You see, in the UK, we have experience of these unhinged right wing ideological plans. Brexit was a total disaster, and even Brexiters can't name a single Brexit benefit. Then, Liz Truss, crashed the economy after only 45 days in office. Be warned.
It's difficult to know what to make of this. You can commend France for being remarkably candid, but condemn them for being utterly delusional, in thinking that a country called France could exist at 4C of warming, and that it is possible to adapt to it.
For a very long time, at risk of falsely being accused of being an alarmist, I have been trying to warn, that well before we got to these theoretical high levels of warming, our civilizations would have collapsed and a large proportion of the population would have starved.
I am quite frankly baffled as to why anyone thinks an organized economy/civilization could persist at levels of warming, which make life very difficult.
The only glue that holds our current system/civilization together, is the pursuit of economic growth.
I just want to clarify a few points I've made about the Trump regime, our leadership in general, and political analysis, especially in the media i.e. I can't believe how bad it is.
There is a regular failure to understand what will happen in the future, when it can be seen.
I have been very critical of all ideology, but especially neoliberal, and right wing ideology. Ideology, being an interconnected set of ideas, that guides political policy.
My first objection, is that it is detached from physical and ecological reality.
The real world, the physical world we live in, and which sustains us, is governed by physical and ecological laws, which determine, what is possible, and what is not possible. Economists, and political thinkers, usually have very little education about this reality.
I like it, "Trumpcession". It's only just started, barely started. The one thing we know for absolutely certain, is that Trump doesn't learn from experience, and correct his mistakes. He goes into deep denial, and blames others.
I think there's deep denial, even from the so called liberal media, about just how bad it is going to get, and what a total clusterfuck, Trump is going to create. #TrumpClusterFuck
I suspect this denial is because of being wedded to economic growth.
In other words, the liberal media, centrist politicians, who Trump hates, refuse to accept the reality of what is happening, because of how the whole economic growth agenda, is going to be torpedoed by the incompetent psychopath in the White House.
This is just a quick thread to explain why there is a total refusal by the establishment in the UK to ban lead shotgun shot for shooting game birds, because even conservationists, don't seem to understand the reason why.
In most of the world there are some sorts of bans and restrictions on using lead shot in shotguns to shoot game birds and waterfowl, because lead shot is highly toxic, but not in the UK*. Here I will explain the dynamic, that blocks this action.
In the UK game bird shooting with shotguns, is the chosen hobby of the most senior members of the British establishment, the Royal Family, the aristocracy, and the other senior members of the Royal Family.
The defining feature of the Trump regime, will be:
"When the flag drops, the bullshit stops".
The way to destroy a psychopath like Trump, is to put him in a position of power, where he can do all the things, he said he could do.
Unlike Trump's first term in office, where he surrounded himself with rational, experienced and competent people, who held him back, this time Trump has surrounded himself with MAGA yes men, and fellow unhinged ideologues, psychopaths and oligarchs.
What Trump says, will happen, or rather there will be an attempt to implement it. We are going to see the biggest clusterfuck in human history. Caligula etc, were a bit limited in their scope, due to slow speed of communication, and the limited size of the Roman Empire.
The world is in a complete mess politically. Whilst this crisis has been triggered by the absolute idiocy of the Trump regime, the complete inability of global leaders to respond to Trump's madness, demonstrates that it is a much deeper problem than just Trump.
To those of us with our eyes open, the failure of our global leadership, to produce any sort of coherent response to the climate and ecological emergency, which is an existential threat to our civilization, proves there has been a lack of leadership, for a long time.
I mean, it is hardly as if everything was fine before Trump got in, because it was the anti-human neoliberal doctrine, operated by nearly every regime in the world, which allowed right wing populism to arise, and gave Trump the keys to the White House.