People like David Icke have been wrong the whole time about the 'lizard people.' What the ancient world is depicting as half-serpent people has a different meaning.
Have you ever wondered why the 'serpent' is associated with wisdom, even in the Bible?
Queen Elizabeth I is painted holding a 'serpent' as a symbol of wisdom; later, it was painted over with flowers. Her first advisor was John Dee, who possessed the largest library in the world, filled with occult books from the ancient world.
Deep rabbit hole thread that will not be understood by the ignorant. (1/10)🧵
Why do you think Moses raised the 'Serpent' in the desert to heal his people?
Why does the bible says:
John 3:14-15:
"Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life."
Because the serpent represents wisdom! (2/10)🧵
The hidden 13th constellation is known as the 'Serpent Bearer,' Ophiuchus, which is associated with Asclepius in Ancient Greece. Asclepius had defeated death by obtaining the wisdom of the serpent and was sharing that knowledge with the people.
In ancient Mesopotamia, the constellation Ophiuchus is associated with the constellation of the Sitting Gods, which depicts beings that are half-human and half-serpent.
Or the souls who have reached the point of evolution where they transcend to higher, invisible dimensions.
That's why the Naga people from Hinduism, according to legends, are known as advanced beings who now reside in another reality or dimension. They are also represented as half-serpents and half-human beings, symbolizing the progression from the material world to higher dimensions.
These depictions are present in ancient Chinese culture and Taoism as well. They are known as the primordial beings Fuxi and Nuwa, who created humanity. Notice how they are holding the Masonic symbols—the square and the compass.
In Ancient Egypt, the constellation of Ophiuchus and the Sitting Gods is also portrayed with a seated god, a serpent on his head, and holding the iron rod.
And if you know how to read the signs and the timing in the stars, then you will understand that in this age, the second return of the Messiah will occur, and He will rule with the Iron Rod.
Revelation 19:15 (The return of Christ as King)
"From His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty."
If you're interested in my timeline, read my exclusive article by subscribing to my Patreon or following my X account:
The intertwined serpent and the Dharmachakra wheel are ancient representations of our DNA and the evolution of the soul. The soul, like a serpent, climbs the Tree of Life or the 10 Sefirot or the seven Chakras to reach the throne of God and escape the cyclical nature of existence.
And this is the soul progressing toward the Tree of Life, reaching God. It is not a third strand; rather, it represents the soul climbing like a serpent, unlocking the dark DNA and fulfilling the evolution of the soul.
Because, as Bentov said, your body doesn't have a soul; your soul has a body. After a while, when your body returns to the ground, the soul acquires a new body. Later, as the soul progresses, it will no longer need a body.
It's not the evolution of the species; it's the evolution of the soul.
Our DNA exhibits piezoelectric properties, meaning it can generate an electric charge in response to mechanical stress. This stress, along with the resulting electric charge in DNA, alters its structure, influences gene expression, and activates hidden genetic sequences. This serves as a natural mechanism for adaptation, repair, and evolution.
Our soul and DNA are activated under stress, which is why the Geophysical Event is necessary for the evolution of the soul.
So the ancient symbolism is not depicting reptilian people but rather illustrating the evolution of the soul in higher dimensions. This evolution of the soul occurs throughout the Great Year. If you're interested in learning more about the Great Year, check out my exclusive articles on Patreon and X.
Also, read my latest exclusive article about why the circle represents heaven, the square represents the material world, and the significance of the symbols of the square and the compass:
The majority of people don't understand religions, and that is by design.
The corrupt mainstream narrative has convinced you that there are monotheistic and polytheistic religions, when in reality, all religions acknowledge one true ultimate creator.
And when all these ignorant accounts farm likes by saying, 'The elite are worshiping a Saturnian death cult,' they are only helping the elite by keeping you spiritually blinded.
The elite are simply tracking the signs in the sky and using them to their advantage while keeping you blind.
But all of this is meant to be, as the signs in the sky are pointing to what is going to happen...
Saturnalia in Ancient Rome was a festival celebrating the return of the Golden Age.
During that week, there was no need for labor, and all people lived in harmony without social divisions. This symbolized the abundance and generosity of the Golden Age. Work and business were halted, and the usual rigid Roman decorum was relaxed.
Saturn (Cronus) was the ruler of the Golden Age, and that time is returning with the Age of Aquarius. For the next 4,000 years, Saturn will be the ruler of the Ages.
Saturn is the ruler of the Age of Aquarius and the Age of Capricorn in traditional astrology.
You see, the 'elite' is aware of the 12 Ages of Man and the four seasons of Man, which are tracked in the stars and the sky.
Why do you think Prometheus at the Rockefeller Center in New York is depicted within the circle of Heaven or the 12 Zodiac constellations? I bet the majority of those who write about religions have no clue about this...
On the day Donald Trump was born, there was a total lunar eclipse, also known as a blood moon.
June 14, 1946, the total lunar eclipse occurred in the 13th hidden constellation known as the Serpent Bearer, or Ophiuchus, a rare event indeed.
So what is the astrological significance of this? Deep rabbit hole... (1/8)🧵
The Moon was in the Purva Ashadha Nakshatra, or the Kaus Australis (Epsilon Sagittarii) star, in the constellation of Sagittarius.
Purva Ashadha is a Nakshatra of dominance and ambition. Political or social shifts may occur, and people born during this blood moon might have political ambitions. This Nakshatra is ruled by the 'bright star' or the planet Venus, so power struggles in finance, creativity, and leadership are likely. Industries related to money, beauty, diplomacy, and entertainment may also experience upheaval.
But the most interesting part for me is the following... (2/8)🧵
Purva Ashadha is ruled by Apah (the Water God), so floods, storms, or oceanic disturbances may occur around this period. In my opinion, this might be the sign of the cyclical event connected to the pole shift and the geophysical phenomenon that brings the flood.
So, what if Trump is truly the last president marking the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new age, or as the 'elite' call it, the 'Golden Age'?
The Blood Moon, or the Total Lunar Eclipse, that will occur in the constellation of Virgo, right at the border with the constellation of Leo, is an interesting one, and in my opinion, we are already feeling the effects.
According to Vedic astrologers, if the eclipse is visible from your area, the negative effects are felt somewhere between 75-100%. If it is not visible, the negative effects will be around 25-50% because this is, once again, a global event involving the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.
So, let's see which parts of the Earth will be most affected... (1/4)🧵
The eclipse will be primarily visible from North America, including the USA, Canada, and Mexico, as well as South America. It will also be visible from parts of Africa, Europe, and Australia.
So, the greatest effect will be felt in the USA, and as I said, we are already witnessing its effects. Let's see what it truly brings and in which house the Moon is during this Total Lunar Eclipse.
As I said, the eclipse is occurring on the border between Virgo and Leo, and the Moon is in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, which is associated with the bright star Denebola (Beta Leonis) in the constellation Leo.
When the Moon is in this house, it is connected with key figures who govern countries, such as kings, presidents, and prime ministers. During this Total Solar Eclipse, they will face major challenges.
It can be a sign of changes, health issues, major financial problems, and tensions related to wars, assassination attempts, military coups and other significant events.
Steven Greer must be a disinformation agent; he is pushed by the deep state to muddy the waters. That's why he has all these connections to celebrities and high officals.
They are using him to push the narrative that the geophysical event will be an artificial event rather than the natural event described in ancient religions and the esoteric wisdom.
This event is connected to the geomagnetic excursion.
This event was best described by Bill Ryan, who published the elite's plan in 2010. He uncovered that the virus (COVID-19) would be released in China, that there would be military-imposed measures, total lockdowns, etc. Then, after the virus, wars would start, including World War III with China.
The 'elite' have crafted this plan to better prepare for the real threat—the geophysical event—that would make a nuclear war look like a child's toy.
They need the chaos so people will be under constant threat. In a big war, no one will account for where the money is spent. There will be military curfews, where no one will be allowed on the streets or in certain areas, and that's how they will finish their doomsday bunkers and cities.
Greer was a guest on Khloé Kardashian's podcast, and the Kardashians are known for building doomsday bunkers and preparing for the event. I don't know if they are aware or if they have just heard the rumors and are taking precautions.
Aliens are not from outer space; they are interdimensional and are connected to the ancient world, the esoteric wisdom, and the religions.
So, where are these other dimensions, and why can't we perceive them?
We need to start with the fact that we can't perceive 95% of the universe, nor do we approximately understand 95% of our DNA.
This is a deep rabbit hole about our reality! (1/12)🧵
According to ancient esoteric teachings, we know that God, or the ultimate force, manifests the reality in multiple spheres, or Sefirot, as they are described in the Kabbalah. We exist in the lowest sphere of existence, which is known as 'the Kingdom' (Malkhut), representing the material universe.
But because we are made in the image of God, our soul is present in all higher manifestations, and through evolution, we will gradually ascend or connect with the higher aspects of the soul.
This is true not only in Kabbalah but also in Hinduism (the Kundalini) and in Ancient Egypt. What is known as the Sefirot Malkhut in Kabbalah is equivalent to the Muladhara Chakra in Kundalini, the lowest chakra representing the material universe. The same concept exists in Ancient Egyptian religion, where this sphere is known as the part of the soul called Khet.
Just as there are seven chakras, in esoteric Christianity, there are seven inner churches.
This is not a prophecy, just my opinion and observation about the year 2030.
From December 9 to 12, 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Juan Diego in Mexico. She left her image imprinted on his tilma (cloak), which remains one of the most venerated relics in Catholicism. The case is known as Our Lady of Guadalupe.
One month earlier, there was a close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the sky, and the Moon was in Virgo.
Read the thread... (1/4)🧵
In May 13 to October 13, 1917 the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children (Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta) in Fatima, Portugal. She gave them three prophecies (the "Three Secrets of Fatima") and performed the Miracle of the Sun witnessed by thousands. This case is now known as Our Lady of Fatima.
On May 5th, there was a close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, and the Moon was in Virgo.
Chris Bledsoe's first encounter with the UAP phenomenon and the divine feminine energy occurred in January 2007. A month and a half before that date, there was a close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, and the Moon was in Virgo.