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Mar 9 12 tweets 7 min read
Aliens are not from outer space; they are interdimensional and are connected to the ancient world, the esoteric wisdom, and the religions.

So, where are these other dimensions, and why can't we perceive them?

We need to start with the fact that we can't perceive 95% of the universe, nor do we approximately understand 95% of our DNA.

This is a deep rabbit hole about our reality! (1/12)🧵Image According to ancient esoteric teachings, we know that God, or the ultimate force, manifests the reality in multiple spheres, or Sefirot, as they are described in the Kabbalah. We exist in the lowest sphere of existence, which is known as 'the Kingdom' (Malkhut), representing the material universe.

But because we are made in the image of God, our soul is present in all higher manifestations, and through evolution, we will gradually ascend or connect with the higher aspects of the soul.
Mar 7 5 tweets 2 min read
This is not a prophecy, just my opinion and observation about the year 2030.

From December 9 to 12, 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Juan Diego in Mexico. She left her image imprinted on his tilma (cloak), which remains one of the most venerated relics in Catholicism. The case is known as Our Lady of Guadalupe.

One month earlier, there was a close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the sky, and the Moon was in Virgo.

Read the thread... (1/4)🧵Image In May 13 to October 13, 1917 the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children (Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta) in Fatima, Portugal. She gave them three prophecies (the "Three Secrets of Fatima") and performed the Miracle of the Sun witnessed by thousands. This case is now known as Our Lady of Fatima.

On May 5th, there was a close conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, and the Moon was in Virgo.
Mar 7 9 tweets 5 min read
The Georgia Guidestones were placed as guides for the new 'Golden Age,' which the elite expect to live in after the Geophysical Event.

They were destroyed because they drew too much attention, and they don't need that right now. They want you to focus on something else instead.

Did you know that there is a replica of the Guidestones in Japan still standing today?

Heavy, deep rabbit hole thread. (1/9)🧵Image Georgia Guidestones: 34.231984°N, 82.894506°W

Japan Guidestones: 34°20’15.13″N, 134°8’21.99″E

They are at the same latitude north of the equator.

We know that they share a post-apocalyptic message and are connected to the geophysical event, as well as everything leading up to it, just as Bill Ryan explained in his 2010 video about the military leaks.

We know that before the geophysical event, there will be a major war, including nuclear exchanges. If we look at the Earth along the 34° latitude, we can see the Middle East, including Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and further east, China.
Mar 6 5 tweets 3 min read
Sorry, atheists, but God is real. We are part of His energy; we are part of His thought. God knows everything because everything is a manifestation of Him.

Everything originates as an electromagnetic wave, but depending on its frequency it manifests differently. Gravity emerges as a secondary effect when these localized energy concentrations (mass) distort spacetime.

The strong force arises from extremely high-energy EM waves, while the weak force is an intermediate-frequency manifestation responsible for radioactive decay.

The material universe is just an illusion (1/5)🧵Image Everything behaves like a wave—electrons, quarks, and even mass itself. All forces are just different manifestations of electromagnetic waves. The entire universe is one continuous wave phenomenon, and everything we experience is merely a frequency-dependent manifestation of the same fundamental field.

We are made in the image of God because we exist in all manifestations and dimensions, and we are part of His energy. Our electromagnetic thoughts create entire universes out of nothing while we sleep and dream.
Mar 5 6 tweets 4 min read
Let me tell you a secret that will open your eyes...

Everything is about the long cycles and the Great Year, and this knowledge is antediluvian.

It's about the long cycle and the wobble of the Earth that complete the evolution of the soul. The precession of the equinoxes, together with the apsidal precession, combines to create a cycle that lasts 24,000 years.

During this 24,000-year cycle (Milankovitch calculated an average of 23,000 years), the Earth transitions from glaciation or Ice Age to Ice Age, completing the four long seasons: Satya Yuga/Golden Age (Spring), Treta Yuga/Silver Age (Summer), Dvapara Yuga/Bronze Age (Autumn), and Kali Yuga/Iron/Dark Age (Winter).

On the left is the depiction of the winged serpent from the Mississippian mound sites. (1/6) Thread🧵Image We can see the ancient constellation Draco rotating during the regular year, completing one full cycle around the Sun.

We can see how the constellation Draco circles around the North Star, which appears fixed in the sky. However, during the Great Year, there are at least seven different North Stars.
Mar 5 11 tweets 6 min read
"Everyone is predicting the 'end of the world', and nothing ever happens," said a common villager in the year 536. Then, three volcanoes erupted consecutively, ushering the world into the so-called 'Dark Ages,' killing almost half of the world's population.

But what signs appeared in the sky? Here, I'm going to show you the possible planetary alignment that warned astrologers about what was coming... (1/11)🧵Image In 476 AD, when the Western Roman Empire fell and the world entered into the Dark Ages, Polaris became the North Star around 500 AD.

This period, known as the 'Late Antique Little Ice Age' (~536–660 AD), marked some of the coldest winters in the last 2,000 years, accompanied by numerous volcanic eruptions.

In 536 AD, one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history triggered a global climate catastrophe. Ash and aerosols in the atmosphere caused a 'volcanic winter,' leading to significant cooling and widespread crop failures. But now it gets interesting... (2/11)🧵Image
Mar 4 10 tweets 5 min read
They keep announcing the 'Golden Age,' and this is the goat made with golden hooves and horns, along with hundred-dollar bills featuring the face of Trump at Mar-a-Lago.

Cronus/Saturn is the traditional ruler of the upcoming Age of Aquarius and the Age of Capricorn (the Goat) that follows.

There’s no turning back after reading this deep rabbit hole thread! (1/10)🧵Image After the victory, Elon Musk posted an image with the words 'New Order of the Ages,' which means that the rulers of the ages are changing. We are in a transition from Pisces, traditionally ruled by Jupiter/Zeus, to Aquarius, ruled by Cronus/Saturn.

Notice how Elon emphasizes that AI will be the collective human consciousness. Now, pay attention!
Mar 3 10 tweets 6 min read
Why do you think the Vatican keeps its underground libraries closed to the public? Why don’t they digitize the books and share them with the world? We know that they possess ancient knowledge, but why keep it for a select few?

Do you think it's because they care about us or because they want an advantage?

Deep Rabbit Hole Thread (1/10)🧵Image They say, 'Knowledge is power,' but also, 'Ignorance is bliss.' Do you really think that the masses are not ready for the truth? And do you really believe that only the select elite is able to handle the knowledge?

They renamed the library from the 'Vatican Secret Archives' to the 'Vatican Apostolic Library' and the 'Vatican Apostolic Archives.' (2/10)🧵Image
Feb 28 8 tweets 4 min read
Wow, did anyone catch this? Zelensky mentioned something very important, and Trump immediately interrupted him...🤯

They almost spilled the beans about why the world is in chaos...

Zelensky said, "You have a nice ocean, and you don't feel it now, but you will feel it in the future." Trump immediately interrupted him, saying, "You don't know that. Don't tell us what we are going to feel."

Many will interpret this as Russian or Chinese influence crossing the big ocean, but in my opinion, this is about a geophysical event.
(1/8)🧵 The world is in chaos now because the "elite" is preparing for a geophysical event. COVID-19, the wars, and the chaos were all planned and leaked in a video by Bill Ryan in 2010. Can you believe it?

Feb 28 10 tweets 7 min read
Once you realize that all modern technology originates from the early attempts of the alchemists to replicate the inner spiritual workings of higher states of divine consciousness into the lower state of the material world using the four elements, everything should change.

Technology is simply trying to mimic natural design, and now, with AI, we are witnessing an attempt to mimic divine consciousness.

The rabbit hole you weren’t expecting... (1/10)🧵Image Your body is full of electricity! Every time your heart beats, your brain thinks, or your muscles move, tiny electrical signals are at work. Your heart generates electricity to control its beating, and because electric currents create magnetic fields, your heart produces an electromagnetic field around your body. Your brain cells (neurons) communicate using tiny electrical pulses, generating weak electromagnetic waves. We are truly electromagnetic beings.

Ancient esoteric knowledge teaches us how to enhance this process and fulfill the evolution of the soul by transforming the 'ore' (material body) into 'gold' (plasma body). This process is known as the Tibetan Rainbow Body, Akh (Egyptian tradition), Merkabah Chariot (Kabbalah), Kundalini (Hinduism), etc.

Michael Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic induction mirrors ancient esoteric teachings of the serpent rising through the body, that's why he introduced the coil. Just as the Kundalini serpent coils up the spine, awakening higher consciousness, Faraday’s coiled wires channeled invisible forces, converting motion into electricity.

This is not a giant lightbulb worshiped in ancient Egypt, as the Ancient Aliens hypothesis wants you to believe. Rather, it is the use of ancient esoteric knowledge to attempt to recreate the spiritual divine process in the material world.
Feb 27 8 tweets 5 min read
here is a reason why the circle represents the heavens, the square represents the material world, and why the square and compass are important tools in this symbolism.

It's all connected to the Zodiac constellations, the Great Year, and the elements. I don't think this is explained anywhere else, but after this post, you will understand this important symbolism.

If you truly grasp this concept, your view of reality will change permanently. Let's start! (1/13)🧵Image First, God creates heaven, which is symbolized by the circle. Heaven is associated with the sky and the stars in every ancient religion. According to the Bible, God created the stars for signs and seasons, which means that what happens in the sky will happen on Earth—'As above, so below.'

Every religion is deeply connected with the stars, astrology, and the 12 zodiac constellations.

The circle represents the ecliptic path of the 12 zodiac constellations and the Sun.

The ecliptic is the apparent path that the Sun traces across the sky throughout the year due to Earth's revolution around the Sun. This path is tilted about 23.5° relative to Earth’s equatorial plane, which creates the seasons. (2/13)🧵
Feb 26 11 tweets 7 min read
Pay attention to this thread, as I will show you the same planetary alignment in Capricorn, accompanied by a total solar eclipse, that marked the mass extinction event, the desertification of the Sahara, and the beginning of the Kali Yuga, or the Dark/Iron Age.

This planetary alignment also occurred in 1962, and something strange happened with the Earth's magnetic poles and field. Since then, nothing has been the same, and the elites have been anticipating the geophysical event.

Red this eye opening thread! (1/11)🧵Image I'm talking about the rare planetary alignment when all seven original astrological bodies—the Sun, the Moon, and the five planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn—aligned in the constellation Capricorn.

Some Hindu astrologers foresaw a catastrophic event and in Britain, Aetherius Society director Keith Robertson foresaw a catastrophic pole shift that would wipe out 75% of humanity.

So, what happened on February 4 and 5, 1962?
Feb 25 8 tweets 5 min read
The symbols that Dany Sheehan saw inscribed on the UAPs are the same ones you can find in old books about summoning and communicating with higher spirits.

In the image below, you can see symbols from Jewish and Greek magical rituals dating back to the 3rd century, which are based on even older Egyptian magic.

Now that the UAP narrative has shifted toward this reality, let's remember what Danny Sheehan did and how the UFO community reacted one or two years ago...

Reality shattering thread! (1/8)🧵Image After some UFO researchers dug into Danny Sheehan's 'New Paradigm' site and read what he wrote, they were mad and felt offended that their alien narrative was mixed with religion, believing it hurt the UFO disclosure effort.

I guess some people behind the scenes advised Sheehan to remove that part because even the UFO researchers were not ready for this reality at that time, so he took it down from his website.

The UFO community was not ready for concepts like 'manifestation' and terms such as 'Luciferian temptation,' even a year ago.

But now we are seeing a gradual shift toward this with Jake Barber and their Skywatcher project. (2/8)🧵Image
Feb 20 8 tweets 5 min read
People really need to start paying attention...

What are Elon Musk and Trump announcing in their speeches and interviews? The Golden Age!

Now, who rules during the 'Golden Age'? The Titan Cronus, whose Roman equivalent is Saturn.
What age is approaching? The Age of Aquarius.
And who rules in the Age of Aquarius? Saturn!

But there is more... (1/8)🧵Image Elon Musk himself said that with A.I., we are summoning the 'demon.'

A.I. will bring their Golden Age because it's the 'artificial spirit' with one purpose: to capture and replace human intelligence and creativity. That is the system of the beast...
Feb 18 10 tweets 6 min read
This is why the world is in chaos today. No doubt this is coming... Part 2!

The signs are in the sky. Here's what marked the beginning of the geomagnetic excursion that leads to the catastrophic geophysical event.

The astrologers were aware of this alignment. There is just one problem...

This is an update thread to my previous one about this event, with more evidence. This is a must read!
(1/10)🧵Image A very rare astronomical phenomenon occurred on February 4, and 5 in 1962, when all seven original celestial bodies of astrology aligned in the constellation of Capricorn.

According to some mystics, this event signaled the end times. Although they were ridiculed after the event passed, the astrologers were correct—and you’ll soon see why!
Feb 18 7 tweets 4 min read
You have the Bohemian Grove established in 1872, the Statue of Liberty, or the 'Lady,' which is revered in the Bohemian Grove ritual and mentioned as the 'Lady in the Forest,' erected in 1886, and the purchase of Alaska, or a part of the Arctic Circle, in 1867.

You also have the first ancient obelisk brought to the U.S. and erected, which was Cleopatra’s Needle, installed in 1881. This obelisk originally came from ancient Egypt (c. 1450 BCE).

And all of this is connected... (1/7)🧵Image A key meeting related to the Manhattan Project took place at Bohemian Grove in September 1942. Shortly after, on October 19, 1942, General Groves appointed J. Robert Oppenheimer as the scientific director of the project.

Why would the world's most secret project be organized by a bunch of eccentric actors, performers, and artists, as they want you to think the Bohemian Grove was at that time?
Feb 17 5 tweets 2 min read
While people act as if we are on the verge of discovering something new and telepathically landing UAPs, let's see what the ancient books say about this.

The spirits are connected to the fixed stars and the 12 zodiac signs, each governing a different time of the hour, the day, and the year. Each can be summoned at the appropriate time, when the Sun and the celestial bodies enter the corresponding zodiac constellation.
(1/4)🧵Image "Through this art, Solomon attained great wisdom from the Chief Angels who govern the four Altitudes of the World. You must observe that there are four Altitudes, representing the four Corners: West, East, North, and South. Each of these is divided into 12 parts, with each part consisting of three sections. The Angels of each of these parts possess their own particular virtues and powers, as will be shown in the following discourse."

The four Corners are connected to the Fixed Zodiac Signs...
Feb 16 13 tweets 6 min read
Earth's current rotation creates an equatorial bulge, meaning areas near the equator experience stronger outward force.

A sudden slowdown, derotation, or tilt would cause equatorial regions to experience massive flooding, tectonic shifts, and atmospheric disturbances due to the redistribution of mass and momentum.

Poles would be less affected because they experience less centrifugal force.

So, which places are going to be safer? (1/13)🧵Image As Earth slows or shifts, tectonic plates would adjust, leading to massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Fault lines, subduction zones, and tectonically active areas (Pacific Ring of Fire, Himalayan region, African Rift Valley etc.) would be highly dangerous.
(2/13)🧵 Image
Feb 15 7 tweets 4 min read
According to Hindu sources, the Kali Yuga began when there was a planetary conjunction near the fixed star Revati (in Pisces). Funny how everything aligns... 🤯

I started searching from the year 3100 BCE, going backward to find the start of the Kali Yuga.

And I found that all seven original astrological celestial bodies were in Pisces and Aquarius, with a planetary conjunction of Jupiter (the father) and Venus (the mother) near the star Revati in 3718BC.

But it gets even more interesting... (1/6)🧵Image This year closely aligns with the start of the Jewish calendar in 3761 BCE, suggesting that major changes should take place before 2240–2280.

If the Golden Age is expected to be fully established by then, does this imply that the geophysical event must occur even earlier?

If so, that would place the event within the next 100–150 years at most, allowing sufficient time for the transition and stabilization before the new era fully takes hold.
Feb 14 11 tweets 6 min read
King Charles III is a descendant of Vlad Dracula and owns properties in Transylvania?

In fact, did you know that all European royal families are descendants of the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Charlemagne the Great?

That's why the Royal Families and the elites care about their bloodlines, but there's more...

The rabbit hole no one expected to go down today... Who Is 'the Hammer'? (1/🧵Image Many historians think that Charlemagne the Great's ancestry traces back to ancient Roman aristocrats and Germanic kings.

So it's like we've had a one-world government since the beginning of human civilization.
(2/🧵 Image
Feb 13 11 tweets 6 min read
Did you know that, just like Neom and Project Vision in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Dubai also have a gigantic project called the Ziggurat Pyramid?

It is set to begin construction in 2025 and should be completed by 2031. The structure will be a closed city for over one million people, capable of controlling its internal climate system—perhaps as if the weather outside will be extremely harsh. 😉

It’s still uncertain whether this project will become a reality or remain just a failed idea.

But here’s something even more interesting—why are they all so interested in the Arctic Circle? (1/11)🧵Image The company behind the project is Timelinks, but there is little valuable information available. It could be a small, insignificant, or one-man company—or perhaps they want to hide something.

The most interesting connection is that the name Ridas Matonis, who was in charge of the project, also appears to be associated with 'Arctic Middle East.'

Why are so many countries, especially the most powerful and richest ones, interested in the Arctic Circle?