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Feb 4 5 tweets 3 min read
Right now is the age of the rise of the Antichrist and the beast system, which mankind loves.

This is from a manuscript in which the Antichrist is seated on the Leviathan beast. The constellation of Cetus, which represents the Leviathan, is located just below Pisces and Aquarius.
Everything is written in the stars. What happens in the heavens happens on Earth—As Above, So Below.

Observe: (1/5)🧵Image The return of Christ should be in Sagittarius, the warrior, as Christ will return as a warrior to defeat the Antichrist and reign for 1,000 years, which is associated with the constellation of Ophiuchus.
(2/5)🧵 Image
Feb 3 8 tweets 4 min read
I might be wrong, but I don't think the Second Coming is happening now, and certainly not in the year 2026, as Chris Bledsoe claims on the Shawn Ryan podcast.

This is the time of the Antichrist system and the material Golden Age, so let me explain it in terms of the Great Year.
(1/7)🧵 Currently, the star Regulus, which is part of the constellation Leo, aligns with the Sphinx during the Autumn Equinox and not the Spring Equinox.

In the podcast with Shawn Ryan, Chris Bledsoe only mentions the Spring Equinox, but to his credit, I have heard him say it's either the Spring or the Autumn Equinox.

So, what Bledsoe expects might happen during the Autumn Equinox, if it's connected to the star Regulus and the gaze of the Sphinx.
Feb 3 10 tweets 5 min read
The real meaning of the ancient Swastika symbol, before Hitler and the Nazis corrupted it, was connected to the four seasons in the Great Year, the cycles, and the movement of the heavens, which foretold what would happen on Earth.

As above, so below! Here’s how it connects to religions and the true nature of reality... (1/9)🧵Image If you set up Stellarium to 12,000 years ago, right at the time when the Younger Dryas and the Gothenburg geomagnetic excursion occurred, and set the date to the Spring Equinox, you can see the position of the Sun in Leo and the position of the Big Dipper.

This was the beginning of the journey of the soul in the New Great Year.
Feb 2 4 tweets 2 min read
Wait, if what Elon Musk says here about COVID-19 is true, then I have bad news for everyone. 🤯

That means the geophysical event is coming because, according to what Bill Ryan said in 2010, China will 'catch a cold,' and that cold is a bioweapon that will spread across the entire world, leading to totalitarian measures. After that, real wars will start, and all of this is orchestrated by the elites to prepare for the geophysical event.

This was all documented in a video from 2010. Watch the video in the next post of this thread.

(1/2)🧵Image Is the truth coming to light, or will they keep quiet about the geophysical event?

This is not a prophetic video; it was leaked to Bill Ryan 11 years before COVID-19.
Feb 1 6 tweets 3 min read
Mars structures are interesting, but no one is talking about this strange magnetic anomaly in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

It looks like this anomaly was created by a large artificial structure deep beneath the ocean.

Here's what I found so far... (1/6)🧵 Image If it's a digital artifact on the map, it hasn't been corrected for a long time, and it's the only shape of its kind in the entire world, so I doubt that it's a digital artifact.

You can see this T-shaped magnetic anomaly when you use the 'Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (EMAG2)' extension on Google Earth. Here's video proof...
Jan 31 13 tweets 7 min read
As I've said, the 12 Labors of Heracles represent the journey of the Sun throughout the Great Year and the difficulties we, as the human species, face during this time.

In my first thread, I went through the labors from one to six, starting with the Nemean Lion and the Age of Leo, the battle with the Hydra and the Crab in the Age of Cancer, the capture of the Ceryneian Hind and the twin gods Artemis and Apollo in the Age of Gemini. The fourth labor corresponds to the geophysical event and the tilt of the Earth's axis at the end of Gemini and the start of the Age of Taurus. The fifth labor represents the flood in the Age of Taurus, and the sixth labor is connected to the Age of Aries and the god Ares/Mars.

Here are the rest of the labors (1/12)🧵Image The seventh labor was to capture the Cretan Bull. Many would assume that it is connected to the Age of Taurus, but in this case, it is connected to Pisces, the age that symbolizes water.

The god of the sea, Poseidon, is the one who sent the Cretan Bull. King Minos of Crete had promised to sacrifice the bull to Poseidon as an offering, but he failed to do so. As punishment, Poseidon cursed the bull, driving it into a wild, uncontrollable frenzy.
Jan 30 5 tweets 2 min read
This perfectly explains the presence of the three white dots on the crystal orb in the hand of Jesus in the painting known as Salvator Mundi (The Savior of the World).

The three stars—Altair (Aquila), Vega (Lyra), and Deneb (Cygnus)—are known as the Summer Triangle.

They are around the Milky Way path, which, in esoteric wisdom, is associated with the path to the gods and the River of Fire. (1/5)🧵Image Altair (Aquila) has been present on many heraldic coats of arms and flags since ancient times.

This constellation is connected to Scorpio and evolution, symbolizing ascension through the Milky Way path to the throne of God. (2/5)🧵 Image
Jan 28 14 tweets 7 min read
Now, here’s where Jake Barber is completely wrong about the secrecy: the UAP secrecy is tied to the geophysical event.

Specifically, it’s not about an upcoming asteroid, but rather about the geomagnetic excursion and the geophysical event. That's why the elite is building doomsday bunkers and developing A.I. that will replace the majority of the workforce.

To ignore this is to ignore evidence! (1/14)🧵 This was leaked to Bill Ryan by individuals who worked in the government and UAP programs and are 'ET experiencers.'

The video, dated 2010, predicted COVID-19 in China, its spread around the world, the implementation of totalitarian measures, the onset of World War III, and ultimately, the Geophysical Event.
Jan 27 9 tweets 6 min read
The 12 Labors of Heracles correspond to the 12 Zodiac constellations and the journey of the Sun throughout the 12 Ages. Many scholars have already proposed the connection to the constellations, but none of them have linked the Labors to the Great Year.

The story of Heracles follows the exact order in which the Sun passes through the constellations during the Great Year.

In my opinion, even the geophysical event is represented in the story. In this thread, I will show you that this is true! (1/9)🧵Image The first labor of Heracles is to kill the Nemean Lion, which represents the Age of Leo, and this is evident.

The journey of the soul begins in the Age of Leo, as the preceding Age of Virgo symbolizes the birth of the new year, with the virgin giving birth to the material world. Read my thread from yesterday.
Jan 26 17 tweets 11 min read
Let me tell you what I have learned about the divine feminine energy and the lady often encountered in various religious events as well as in the UAP/UFO phenomenon.

This information is not based on 'channeling' or close encounters, even though I can say I have had some unexplainable sightings and dreams throughout my life, which I am not going to share.

This is based solely on esoteric and religious texts, the original interpretation of the texts, and my own perspective.

So let's start! (1/🧵Image First, I want to clarify that there is only one God, one Creator, and this is the truth in all religions. God embodies both divine masculine and feminine energies.

This truth can be found in the Bible when God created man in his own image:

Genesis 1:27 reads:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

And then He separated them into male and female.

This is true in Hinduism, where Brahman—the ultimate, formless, and infinite reality—manifests Himself in the Trimurti (Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma) and the Tridevi (Parvati, Lakshmi, and Saraswati).

And this is true in the ancient Egyptian religion, where Tatenen (Tanen) separates himself into the Ogdoad. By separating himself into male (divine masculine) and female (divine feminine), Tatenen creates all reality and all gods.

This is from the Shabaka stone (c. 716–702 BCE):

''He who made all and created the gods. And he is Tatenen, who gave birth to the gods, and from whom every thing came forth, foods, provisions, divine offerings, and all good things. Thus it is recognized and understood that he is the mightiest of the gods. Thus Ptah was satisfied after he had made all things and all divine word... Indeed, Ptah is the fountain of life for the gods and all material realities.''
Jan 24 8 tweets 5 min read
They are not telling you this!

The real reason why so many countries have an eagle or a bird on their coat of arms and heraldic flags is that it is connected to the Great Year, or more specifically, to the end of existence in the materialistic world, which is associated with the constellation Scorpio.

Aquila, according to the mainstream scientific narrative, has been recognized as a constellation for at least 3,000 years and has been associated with different kinds of birds.

But is this true? (1/8)🧵Image Of course, it's not true. The earliest depiction of Aquila is on pillar 43 from Göbekli Tepe, which is why they are not telling you the truth about the 12,000-year-old sites discovered in Turkey. In fact, they even flooded the Nevali Kori site!

But the fact that Scorpio marks the end of existence in the material realm and the conclusion of the 1,000-year Messianic reign is depicted on the Göbekli Tepe pillar. They don't excavate the pillar fully because you would see Ophiuchus with the serpent.
Jan 23 16 tweets 10 min read
Now this is a rabbit hole you don't wanna miss because it's about the future of humanity!

Trump announced the biggest A.I. project in the world, which would invest more than 500 billion dollars in developing data centers and ensuring the USA remains the leader in A.I. technology development. However, there is a hidden agenda behind this that they don’t want you to know about!

It's not a coincidence that they named the project Stargate, just like 'Project Stargate,' which was about remote viewing in the 1970s and was established by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

Deep Mega Thread rabbit hole: (1/16)🧵 First, listen carefully to what one of the two most powerful people said at the inauguration: 'It's thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured.'

Now we all know that Elon Musk is one of the doomsday preppers. He is aware of the geophysical events, climate change, and Ice Ages that coincide with geomagnetic excursions, as you will see in the next video in this thread!
Jan 22 9 tweets 5 min read
Chris Bledsoe, in his recent podcast appearance, said that the Lady, or the divine feminine energy, told him that a shift in knowledge will occur in 2026 when the star Regulus aligns with the gaze of the Sphinx in the morning before sunrise.

He is not sure whether that happens on the Spring or Autumn Equinox. In our current age in the Great Year, the constellation of Leo rises before sunrise on the Autumn Equinox.

Let me explain what we will see in the sky from the gaze of the Sphinx in Giza in 2026. (1/8)🧵Image Many will say, 'Why is this so important when the constellation of Leo rises on the Autumn Equinox every year before sunrise?' However, they are not aware of the Great Year and the precession of the equinoxes.

The 12 (or 13) Zodiac constellations rotate backward during the Great Year, moving approximately 1 degree every 72 years.
Jan 21 7 tweets 4 min read
From multiple different sources, the end and the beginning of the Great Year are associated with the constellation of Virgo.

The 'Tablet of Adda' depicts Shamash, the god associated with the Sun, rising in the last three constellations: Sagittarius, Ophiuchus (the reign of the Messiah), and Scorpio, marking the end of the soul's path in the Great Year.

The goddess Ishtar (Inanna) is represented as the Virgin or Virgo holding a sheaf of wheat, as seen in the astrological sign and depicted on the tablet.

She is mentioned in the Bible in Revelation as the bride or the New Heaven and the New Jerusalem descending from heaven. She gives birth to the age of Leo or the new souls, who begin their journey in the Age of Leo, which is next to Virgo on the astrological chart and on the Tablet of Adda.
(1/6)🧵Image Enki is Aquarius, his bird is the constellation Aquila, and Capricorn is beneath them. We are heading toward the Age of Aquarius, during which the Golden Age will begin.

But before that, there will be a geophysical event.
(2/6)🧵 Image
Jan 20 11 tweets 6 min read
We can stop pretending that there is a mystery to be solved about the UAP phenomenon when that mystery was already solved in our past.

Everything you need to know is present in the esoteric knowledge. Many of these crash-retrieved UAPs are just empty shells used as vessels by those who have achieved the Tibetan Rainbow Body, the Akh, the Merkaba chariot, etc.

Let me show you the evidence! (1/11)🧵Image The symbols from the Rendlesham Forest Incident can be found in medieval manuscripts, including those in The Lesser Key of Solomon, a medieval books composed of ancient esoteric texts and spells.

They used these to summon the aerial spirits for various purposes.
(2/11)🧵 Image
Jan 18 9 tweets 5 min read
OMG, that's why they want to block the sun! 🤯

The 'elite' secretly know that geomagnetic excursions and the sun are the drivers of current climate change, while they sell you the 'human-driven climate change narrative.'

They know that the geophysical event is approaching, and they are trying to postpone it so they can better prepare their doomsday bunkers.

There are scientists who are telling the truth, and here's one! Dr Willie Soon... Thread! (1/9)🧵 As I have explained in my threads, the Great Year is connected to the four great seasons, the four Yugas, and the Four Ages of Man. The Satya Yuga, or the Golden Age, corresponds to Spring, while the Kali Yuga, or the Dark/Iron Age, corresponds to Winter or the Ice Ages in the Great Year.

These seasons and the geomagnetic excursions are influenced by the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun and the solar energy we receive from the Sun.
Jan 17 13 tweets 8 min read
Don't be in denial—read this and watch the videos; it might open your eyes!

Jeremy Corbell, in this video excerpt from the documentary on Tubi, warns about the potential lie propagated by certain factions within the government regarding an event involving a slow-moving spaceship or UFO expected to arrive in 2027 or possibly another date, such as 2036.

He says he knows exactly where this scenario was discussed in a classified document from the 1970s. I found another potential document from the 1990s discussing a similar scenario about a potential invasion near the year 2030. This document is part of the leaked Majestic 12 documents.

Follow this deep rabbit hole thread! (1/13)🧵 You can find the leaked document on the Majestic Documents site; it's titled 'Important Memo.' The document describes the UAP phenomenon as spiritual and mentions that a potential invasion could occur in the year 2030, which fits the timeframe between 2027 and 2036 for a potential event involving an approaching spaceship.

According to Corbell, this is a lie, although he never clarifies why certain factions within the government want to propagate this narrative to the public.
Jan 16 9 tweets 7 min read
What if the Upcoming Age of Aquarius Really Brings the Biblical Flood?

In my latest threads, I shared the last three mass extinction events that coincided with geomagnetic excursions.

The first occurred approximately 6,400 years ago, associated with the desertification of the Sahara and the Y-chromosome bottleneck, during which 19 out of 20 male lineages went extinct.

The second took place roughly 12,000–13,000 years ago, coinciding with the Younger Dryas mass extinction event and the Gothenburg geomagnetic excursion. The third event happened around 18,000–19,000 years ago, aligning with the Hilina Pali geomagnetic excursion.

So what do these three events have in common with the current geomagnetic excursion? (1/14)🧵Image Well, for starters, they all occurred during what we call today the fixed Zodiac signs. The event that occurred 18,000 years ago was during the Age of Scorpio, the one that occurred 12,000 years ago was during the Age of Leo, and the one that occurred 6,000 years ago was during the Age of Taurus.

That brings us to the current geomagnetic excursion, 6,000 years after the Age of Taurus, which coincides with the last fixed Zodiac sign: Aquarius. And now, we are at the dawn of Aquarius!

So, the duration of this cycle is approximately 24,000 years. This aligns with the ancient esoteric value of 24,000 years for the Great Year, rather than the scientific value of 25,772 years for the Precession of the Equinoxes.

And there’s a catch! (2/14)🧵Image
Jan 15 5 tweets 3 min read
I found undeniable proof that the Zodiac constellations are at least 12,000 years old, and that changes everything about our reality and what the mainstream scientific consensus is telling you!

They wanted to hide this proof from the public's eyes by deceiving you with their interpretations and even flooding entire ancient archaeological sites, such as Nevali Çori in Turkey, which is only 40 miles away from Göbekli Tepe.

Every religion is connected to the Zodiac constellations, the stars, and the Great Year, which symbolically spans the 12 ages of the constellations.

Mind opening thread (1/5)🧵Image And every hero story, like Gilgamesh or Hercules, is connected to the journey of the soul through the 12 ages of man, further divided into four Yugas, seasons, or aeons.

Gilgamesh holding the lion and then fighting the bull symbolizes the soul surviving the Age of Leo (Younger Dryas) and the desertification of the Sahara (6,000 years ago). There is a geophysical event associated with the so-called 'Fixed Zodiac Signs.'
Jan 14 10 tweets 7 min read
As I mentioned in my previous post, the 'elite' is preparing for a Younger Dryas-like event, where, after the initial warming, a mini Ice Age follows, along with the mass extinction caused by the geophysical event.

And make no mistake, this was hinted at in the past, even by the two most powerful men on the planet today!😵‍💫

Observe what Donald Trump said in 2020—no one was expecting this! This is an awakening thread with facts and evidence! (1/10)🧵 Elon Musk is also aware of the geomagnetic excursions and their connection to climate change and the Ice Ages.

This is not a deep rabbit hole, as he says; this is reality because it has happened multiple times throughout our history. Of course, it is connected to the mechanism of the Great Year, the long seasons, or the Yugas and the Zodiac constellations, which were used to track these long seasons so that people could prepare for such events.

Must see video! (2/10)🧵
Jan 13 14 tweets 8 min read
Why do the fixed zodiac constellation signs always coincide with geomagnetic excursions, climate change, and mass extinction events, and why did the ancient temple builders try to warn us?🤯

As I mentioned in my posts from yesterday, this is why they didn’t want to fully excavate Pillar 43 from Göbekli Tepe! They don’t want you to know that the zodiac constellations and the knowledge of the Great Year are antediluvian. They are also hiding the hero Ophiuchus, the 13th zodiac sign, which should be on the pillar, but we only see the serpent!

Follow this deep rabbit hole thread! (1/13)🧵Image In this thread, we will focus on the lower half of the pillar, which represents the zodiac constellation of Scorpio.

We can also see the constellation now known as the wolf, Lupus. It is clear that this is the same representation, as even the position of its front legs and head is exactly the same.

Our main focus is the constellation of Scorpio, which is a fixed sign, along with the serpent from Ophiuchus. If the pillar were fully excavated, we should also see Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer.

And if you think the people who built these temples 11,000–12,000 years ago were not aware of the Serpent Bearer, you are mistaken! (2/13)🧵Image