never forget that AOCIA viciously smeared anti-genocide protesters in New York, saying "anti-Semitism has no place in our city", and voted for the IHRA equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. She helped normalize the fascist Zionist censorship industrial complex that is now kidnapping people off the street
alone among members of the squad AOCIA also "affirmed Israel's right to self defense", and vowed to support "strengthening Iron Dome", which is the key mechanism enabling Israel's genocidal mass torture, maiming, killing and rape of Palestinians with full impunity
AOCIA also met with genocidal Zionist relatives of an Israeli rape-soldier and laundered him as some poor helpless victim of evil KHAMAS terrorists. This was at the DNC, where she disgustingly lied about Kamala "working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire"
both AOCIA and Bernie Sanders are now desperately trying to launder their reputation through purely symbolic amendments they know will fail, and even despite that are solely limited to a tiny irrelevant fraction of future "offensive" arm sales to Israel:
the Iron Dome support is the most deranged of all. Unlike Bernie Sanders who refuses to acknowledge the genocide (see…), AOCIA actually did do that after being confronted and pushed on it by anti-genocide protesters (see…).
And yet still she supports funding the key mechanism by which Israel is able to conduct its genocide, the air defense shield it has erected over itself with US funds, which defends all the military and airbases that are directly doing the genocide, that are directly mass beheading, burning alive, maiming and killing Palestinian babies, children, girls, boys, men and women. That's fucking insane.
That's like saying I oppose the Holocaust, but I support giving the Nazis air defenses.
I oppose Russia in the proxy war in Ukraine, but I support sending them the Patriot batteries.
There is no reality wherein AOCIA or Bernie Sanders would ever dare utter such a fucking deranged position.
Except for Israel. For the genocidal Israeli death and rape-cult, they are perfectly happy to say this. They are perfectly happy to vow to always and forever defend it as it is literally eliminating an entire people from existence, as it is occupying and annexing land in three different countries, as it is threatening genocidal war against Iran, Yemen, and anyone who dares stand up to its genocide.
Like Bernie Sanders, AOCIA also opposes imposing the same sanctions they both support against Russia on Israel:…
And then pseudo-radicals demand that you accept this as the upper maximum limit of what is allowed to be said.
Yeah, no, fuck you. You can go fuck yourself. I will never accept this deranged bullshit that in any other context, like for Russia, you would go absolutely insane over and denounce them as the most evil monsters on earth:…
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today marks the 22 year anniversary of Rachel Corrie's murder by Israel. They intentionally crushed her to death with a bulldozer for trying to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes. After they killed her they made it a ritual to make pancakes with her face on it to celebrate
the ritualistic gleeful celebrations of murdering, maiming, torturing, burning alive, beheading, crushing to death babies, children, girls, boys, men and women is a core part of the Israeli death-cult. They do it as part of their wedding rituals:
a favorite Israeli activity is to organize lynching parties where they go out on the hills overseeing Gaza and have picnic as they watch and cheer the mass burning alive, beheading, maiming, rape and killing of babies, children, women and men:
the Western media class is now laundering Trump's massacre of Yemenis with the same propaganda laundering phrases they perfected for Gaza: "Iran-backed Houthis", "according to the Houthi-run health ministry", "according to the Houthi-run media". They're all genocidal Zionist scum
this is the same Western media class that pretends to be so outraged and offended by Trump. The good liberals at AP, Reuters, Guardian, CNN, NYT, BBC. But the moment he begins massacring children and babies, they all love it, they cheer with utter glee. They can't get enough
the US-NATO-Israeli Zionist empire is a cancer on the world, and the most important faction that is keeping it alive, the ones with the most resources and propaganda skills, are the liberals. It's not Fox News. No one gives a shit about Fox News. It's the New York Times and BBC
what happened over the past few days is just astonishing and shows the power and control of Zionists over the US. Someone in Trump's orbit with his permission got Adam Boehler to initiate direct talks with Hamas bypassing Israel, the first time the US has done this (Genocide Joe and Kamala would never). Boehler, who apparently did not get the standard Zionist Israel lobby talking points drummed into his head beforehand did what no one is allowed to do and actually listened to what Hamas told him. He worked on trying to get Israeli-American prisoners out for the obvious reason that they also have American citizenship, and he realized something shocking: Hamas is willing to lay down their arms in exchange for a long-term truce on the 1967 borders.
This of course has been the position of Hamas for decades (see…), consistently refused by Israel because they want to genocide and annex all of Palestine, and the entire Zionist Western media and political class launders it for them and presents Hamas as evil monstrous sub-human "worse than Nazi" anti-Semites who can't be reasoned with.
So what happened next? Israel's military intelligence Unit 8200 found out about the direct contact between Boehler and Hamas, and Netanyahu and his point person for running their US colony Ron Dermer became outraged and utterly horrified.
They decided Boehler must go, as he acknowledged the truth and was making noises that would fundamentally undermine their genocide agenda, and that is not allowed.
They leaked to their US Zionist media proxies like Barak Ravid and Jake Tapper that Boehler was having direct talks with Hamas bypassing Israel, and the entire Western media and political class Israel lobby assets were mobilized to begin a hysterical smear campaign against him, which was completed by Tapper on Sunday March 9th, who had him on CNN for the sole purpose of ensuring his removal.
Boehler was doing the media rounds to try to defend himself and salvage his position, and he did so by saying: Hamas offered to lay down their arms in exchange for a long-term ceasefire along the 1967 borders, and "Israel is not an agent of the US." He also said the Hamas negotiators he was in talks with were "nice guys".
The next day Trump came out and defended Boehler, but his fate was already sealed.
Just days after the Tapper interview he was removed.
This is what Zionist power looks like in action, and there are countless, innumerable examples like this that happen every single day which get immediately memory-holed.
again, what Adam Boehler said about Hamas' position of laying down arms in exchange for long-term truce on the 1967 borders is a fact, but it's a fact that's not allowed to be acknowledged by Zionists as it undermines their genocide agenda, so he had to go
the only view allowed about Hamas and the Palestinian resistance is that they are rabid "worse than Nazi" anti-Semites who are beyond all reason and are to blame for everything, because that is how Zionists launder their genocide and annexation agenda:
Marco Rubio cited the rape hoax to justify the kidnapping of Mahmoud Khalid and others, and even added a new deranged twist to it, "Hamas raped teenage girls". You should thank the New York Times, CNN, Jake Tapper, Jeffrey Gettleman, and also Bernie Sanders for having laundered this hoax that is now being wielded to kidnap people
the aim of the rape hoax was to launder the Gaza genocide and actual mass rape of Palestinian children, girls, boys, women and men, and advance the vast Zionist censorship industrial complex, and it was made possible by liberals and pseudo-radicals who fabricated and spread it
the rape hoax is the go-to Zionist laundering mechanism to justify blacklisting, firing, kidnapping, torturing, raping and killing, and all those who played a role in fabricating and spreading it like Jill Filipovic are directly responsible for it:
to be clear for anyone who might be confused: "Jeffrey A Sachs" is a genocidal Zionist piece of shit and not the Jeffrey Sachs who actually matters. He's an irrelevant nobody who keeps spouting the most deranged genocidal Zionist propaganda covered over with a sheen of liberalism.
He laundered the genocidal 40 beheaded and burned babies atrocity propaganda hoax which played a key role in laundering and justifying the actual mass beheading and burning of Palestinian babies, and he did it all with utter glee and has never even bothered to retract it, because he's a sub-human piece of shit.
liberal Zionists like "Jeffrey A Sachs" are the most disgusting and depraved, because they cover it up with pseudo-radical "progressive" rhetoric. As Norman said, they are the most murderous, mutilating, rapist, genocidal of all the Zionists exactly for this reason:
just look at this insanity. He says that you can't blame pro-Israel Zionists for being rabid genocidal anti-Palestinian racists, because hey, "mainstream pro-Palestinian" voices "dehumanize all Israeli civilians". And then he's asked to name people who fit that description, and he says "Z Squirrel". LOL
Yes, I'm definitely a "mainstream" voice like the genocidal Zionists. I have the ability to write NYT, Guardian, AP, Reuters pieces. I host CNN shows. I run Fox News and Daily Wire and Breitbart. I'm in the State Department, the CIA, the FBI, I own the entire Congress, the presidency, the leadership of both major parties throughout the West.
So my Twitter account, with less than 250K users, is "mainstream" at the same level as all that.
HAHAHAHAH this is just total complete genocidal Zionist deranged insanity victim complex bullshit.
"Jeffrey A Sachs", a nobody hack cunt who will soon die and no one will know he ever lived fortunately, thinks that I am on the same level of evil and depravity as genocidal Zionists like himself who literally own everything, because I commit the horrific crime of not equating the Israelis who have first class Ubermensch status codified into law to the Palestinian babies, children, girls, boys, men and women who are subject to apartheid, beheading, burning alive, torture, rape and mass murder.
Jeffrey A Sachs sees himself like a very civilized progressive liberal as he is a genocidal Zionist maniac freak cunt, whose equivalents throughout history, like Apartheid South Africans and their supporters, said the exact same thing: How dare you not treat our good White Afrikaaners as equivalent to those they systematically subject to apartheid, mass murder and rape? How dare you "deny" their humanity? Are they not civilians too?!?! OH CRY FOR THE CIVILIANS IN APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA AND NAZI GERMANY EQUALLY AS YOU CRY FOR THE BLACKS AND JEWS THEY MASS MURDER, OTHERWISE YOU ARE EVIL!!!
Scum like Jeffrey A Sachs have always existed throughout history, and they are now remembered as the most evil depraved sadistic sub-human filth that have ever lived. And so it will be too for him, not as an individual because again no one will remember he ever lived as he is a nobody hack, but as a social type: The Zionist, in whatever variety, psuedo-radical liberal like him or right-wing conservative, they're all the same scum. And the world sees it now, including most in the West, and he can't stand it, he's going insane over it. Scum like him are going increasingly deranged and hysterical over it, but there's they can do. It's over.
Bernie Sanders's account recently posted the deranged claim that "For 250 years the United States has supported democracy." This was not a fluke. Bernie Sanders is now repeating that depraved neo-con lie at all his rallies, making it a core part of his messaging. From today:
the speaker who introduced Bernie Sanders shouted the Azov Nazi slogan "Slava Ukraini!", Sanders repeatedly laundered the Azov Nazi proxy war and did not mention the ongoing Gaza genocide until someone shouted it out at the end and he repeated his lies:
so Bernie Sanders is now doing a neo-con tour through America, erasing the history of genocidal US empire's wars and coups and the countless millions of deaths it caused across the world, as he launders an ongoing proxy war and goes "uhhh MEDICARE MAYBE, UHH MEDICARE GOOD"