Dear Christian,
We’re talking about the lost sheep, coin and son (prodigal) in a way you most likely haven’t seen it. Rooted in the depth of your identity in Christ. If you’ve been lost for sometime and confused within your Christian journey, you’re in the right place.
Luke 15
2 months ago, I misplaced my iPad pencil, I knew it was in my room, somewhere around the bed I sleep on everyday, I even attempted to look underneath (just touch the floor without looking) but I didn’t find it,
I carried on because I COULD DO WITHOUT IT.
Last week, my bottle cover rolled under my bed and I had to really bend and look to pick it up and there was my pencil closer than even the cover. The Holy Spirit used that to teach me that the effort you put on something to be found is dependent on two things.
Its value and the value you have of the item.
Jesus in Luke 15 gave us 3 examples to show us 3 dimensions of value.
In V4, speaking on the lost sheep, Jesus asked “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.
Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?”
Now, I’m not a shepherd so my answer is NO!
If I have 99 sheep and one goes missing, the common sense thing to do is to protect the rest. What are the odds I will even find it?
If I was the sheep’s mother, the story is entirely different or even a shepherd, I would have more value for its life. Prioritizing the search for one over the safety of 99 does not add up. Is the sheep valuable? Yes! Do I value it more than a total of 99 sheep? NO
Same thing with the woman and the coin. If I have $1000 best believe I’m not lighting a torch to sweep for $10.
Now here’s where it starts getting interesting.
Like Jesus used one unit to exemplify a whole,
Without a sheep, the shepherd looses his identity.
Without money, the woman won’t be able to afford certain necessities.
One way or another, the things that were lost affected the identity of the people that lost them.
These things were incoherent, incapable of defending themselves like the sheep depending on the shepherd.
Which is why the father and the prodigal son was different!
There was a switch because the dynamics had changed.
There was a value match!
We don’t see the father waiting for sheep to return. Matter of fact he killed a calf.
Neither do we see the shepherd going to look for a man.
For the same reason the shepherd can lose his identity as a shepherd without a sheep he didn’t create,
Is the same reason the prodigal son loses his identity without his father and not the father losing his identity because the father is the creator, HIS IDENTITY IS ESTABLISHED.
Things, animals, jobs can’t give us our true identity. Only fickle/ temporary identities.
Reason why the father had to wait because his son is not like a sheep or a thing! His son is coherent!. So he can only wait for him to get to the realization that in me is your true identity
In V17, the bible records
“When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!”
After he had spent money on “things”, in V14b “he began to be in need.”
Coins don’t have need and sheep, not too much but there is something that a life out of your true identity in Christ does to you!
The devil first camouflages it to make you feel like you’re actually living. Then he strips you bare to the lowest you start frolicking with pigs.
The same pigs Jesus said in Mtt 7:6 that you shouldn’t give your pearls to, that’s where the devil keeps you.
You need to do two things in this order: 1. Understand the value of your father. 2. Understand your value/worth
You’ve been trying to do No 2 alone, how’s that going?
For the son to be able to return, he had to understand the value of his father in V17- “How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!”
To those who were once with the father and became overfamiliar, this is mostly for you.
You thought you were missing something the world had to offer only to realize it was all a lie.
Oh, come home.
In V20 the bible records “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son,”
Immediately the prodigal son remembered his father’s value, automatically, he connected with his identity.
Your father has hired servants, he has put provisions for you to navigate life seamlessly!
Why are you on a self imposed famine and starving?
Your father said to tell you he’s waiting. He’s ready to receive you back.
He’s behind the door knocking.
You’re not too far gone because he never left so he’s not far also. Contrary to what you thought, He was around that’s why he saw you’re yearning to return a long time ago.
How much do you value your creator?
Do you realize there’s a lot to lose?
Like the shepherd values the sheep and the woman her coin, is your identity not valuable enough?
Come home 🫂
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Dear Christian,
A lot of us are praying this year, joining the Hallelujah Challenge alongside several christian activities, trusting God for direction. The Holy Spirit brought light on a very popular bible story. I’ve come as an answer to your prayers.
1Kings 19-
Prior to this, Elijah had killed the prophets of Baal and Jezebel was now threatening seriously to kill him. The bible records in V3 that “Elijah was afraid & ran for his life.” The threat made him to panic which caused him to run. This is how most of us react to life.
When we’re faced with a challenge, and we can’t really see a way out, that nut forms in our tummy, we get scared and make emotional decisions. For Elijah, he ran, left his servant in Beersheba and journeyed into the wilderness then he told God to take his life.
Dear Christian,
If you know anyone tired, burnt out and trying to make sense of the season they’re in, they need to see this. A different perspective on the resurrection of Lazarus that the Holy Spirit brought immense light on. John 11:1-44
The Chapter starts with Mary and Martha sending word to Jesus in V3- “the one you love” is sick. So we need to understand that there was a serious and existing relationship between the siblings and Jesus. In V5, the bible also re-iterated that Jesus loved them.
However, he stayed where he was for two more days because he already knew and said the sickness was not unto death but for God’s glory to be revealed through it.
Now, let’s put ourselves in Lazarus’ shoes. Having a personal relationship with a friend that can heal you,
Dear Christian,
Today we’re talking about a kingdom matriarch whose story we don’t talk about because we have not understood its depth. In her story is a ministry to women and parents. Share to everyone you know, Let’s talk about Leah.
The first time the bible mentions Leah is in Gen 29:17, she was described as one who had weak eyes. Hebrew meaning defines Leah as “delicate”. Forced by her father to marry a man who didn’t love her because of his greed and she didn’t have any say in her marriage.
Leah however tried to take control of the narrative of her marriage with childbirth and we see that in V31, God saw that she was not loved & enabled her to conceive. Why do we know little of Leah? because we failed to really look at her sons. For in their birth, we see her life.
Dear Christian,
You’ve most likely heard a preacher or your pastor talk about “patterns”. Some of us don’t know how deep it is. This teaching is a scary one that left me mind blown but God has to bring awareness.
Let’s really understand PATTERNS.
Gen 25:20 Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah but like Sarah, Rebekah was not able to conceive in V21 and just like Abraham was pleading for Sarah, we see Isaac do same. However, we see in V26 that Isaac waited 20 years for his sons,
Similar to Abraham after being called and waiting 25 years for Isaac. If you read deeper, you’ll realize that this pattern existed because God was establishing nations through Abraham’s lineage and nations are not built in few months.
Dear Christian,
There’s the story of a particular man in the bible that we know but don’t look at his life completely so we’ve never really understood the sad and pitiable life he lived. Sadly some of us are falling into this trap. Let’s talk about LOT. Gen 11-19
Lot was the nephew to Abraham. In Gen 11:28, Haran who was Lot’s father died and when Terah, his grand father moved from Ur, he took his grandson along with Abraham and Sarah to Harran. (Lot’s first move)
Terah died, God called Abraham, he moved again with Lot and Sarah, (Move 2)
From Canaan again, Abraham moved to Egypt, Lot followed. He got favoured in Egypt and left wealthy in Gen 13:1.
It starts to get interesting.
Gen 13:5-6 Now Lot, who was moving about with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents.
Dear Christian,
Today, my heart goes out to those of us that have had to make tough decisions that hurt others and even our selves. To those in this cross-road right now, the struggle between your wants and God’s needs is tough! I’ve brought comfort.
This comfort may not be what you want to hear but you may need it for clarity.
Sometimes when God is refining us, it’ll come with a lot of shedding, hurt, pain, misunderstanding, our emotions turned upside down. Sometimes we can’t even understand it.
Isaiah 43:2b;
“… when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”
Notice it said “when”, NOT “if”