I’m enraged by headlines like “Now we know how Covid attacks your heart” 5 years after Covid WRECKED my heart at the tender age of 38. I knew exactly how Covid attacked my heart in 2020, long before my doctors, because I followed the science. All of these are from 2020-2022.
We have known FOR YEARS. 2022 was the last year media attributed the DRAMATIC increase in heart attacks, strokes, & vascular complications to COVID. It became a puzzling mystery in 2023 & beyond.
We are an extremely sick society. When you see articles about kids dying in public, at school, playing sports, or even kids dying in their sleep, remember we know EXACTLY what we are doing.
When a U.S. representative’s teen daughter died of arrhythmia in 2022 after multiple Covid infections, we heard it was a puzzling mystery and Covid had nothing to do with it because she was vaccinated. The society-wide denial is SICK.
This doesn’t say in SOME children, or in children in lockdown, or in high-risk children, it says ALL CHILDREN who get Covid, & it’s from 2020.
“They also found the elevated biomarkers in children with asymptomatic/mild infections.
They found that a high proportion of children with SARS-CoV-2 infection met clinical & diagnostic criteria for thrombotic microangiopathy.” chop.edu/news/chop-rese…
We knew, we’ve known, we know. We were forced to forget.
June 2020: “The pathologist had never seen anything like it. But the results showed Ruschitzka why his patients were suffering so much: The virus had targeted their blood vessels.” science.org/content/articl…
Media has tiptoed up to it, but then everyone forgets & we pretend it’s a puzzling mystery again.
“The possibility exists that this could mark one of the many instances of heart damage following a coronavirus infection.” si.com/college/usc/ba…
By the time this data was reported, we were a year and a half into The Great Unmasking & Back to Normal.
Had we followed the precautionary principle instead, perhaps most of society, kids included, wouldn’t be “Dying Suddenly” in public.
For a brief moment in time, media acknowledged COVID is causing the skyrocketing cancer rates in young people (& everyone else).
In 2025, everyone has forgotten again, & we aren’t anywhere near “after the pandemic.” This is after all of science spent 2020-2024 acknowledging COVID is likely oncogenic & definitely causes immunodeficiency.
The money monsters are salivating. Think of the profit opportunities!
In 2023, studies found one of the most aggressive and deadly cancers around—pancreatic cancer—is the most likely cancer to occur following Covid infection. The information is here, we’ve had it for years. No one wants to pay for this, so the public cannot be told.
Judging by the dramatic benefit cuts & policy changes occurring in both the U.S. & UK simultaneously, at PRECISELY the same moment we are hearing the soil is unproductive, our food supplies are threatened, & the masses are sick & dying, it’s safe to conclude we’re at End Game.
“A group of South African scientists has pleaded for help, saying they are trapped in an isolated base on a cliff edge in Antarctica with a team member who has become violent.”
“His behavior has become increasingly egregious, and I am experiencing significant difficulty in feeling secure in his presence.”
My now-deceased brother-in-law was stationed at McMurdo for two winters, & I can confidently say this is very unusual. newsweek.com/antarctica-sou…
I’m not saying this is related, of course, but these days this is my first thought when someone is behaving out-of-character...🧵
“The 40% rise in death rates is consistent for working-class folks 18 to 64-years-old.
‘Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a 3-sigma or 200-year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic levels.’”
The record death never ended—the media coverage did.
*Data linked below
This is QUITE LITERALLY when we returned to normal.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business—not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.”dailykos.com/stories/2022/1…
By 2023, medicine & media was openly lying about the cause.
“Among working people 35 to 44 years old, a stunning 34% more died than expected in the last quarter of 2022, with above-average rates in other working-age groups, too.” usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
I always laugh when everyone is like, “Has anyone else noticed people have changed? Like, people aren’t behaving normally, they can’t remember anything, their personalities are changing, & they simply aren’t working right…what is that?”
Oh my sweet summer children…
“We discovered COVID-19 causes neurons to undergo a cell fusion process, which has not been seen before.”
So it seems we’ve been forced to “coexist” with a likely lab leak. Both Sides insist on no public health protections for the friendly lab leak, & we’ve been told we need to acquire the lab leak to protect ourselves from the lab leak & there’s vaccines for the lab leak, & nothing makes sense anymore. And I still don’t think this is the whole story.
(No one will see this post anyway, so I can speak frankly)
“The papers reported that the assessment was, however, shared with the U.S. CIA in the autumn of 2024.
A CIA spokesperson said in January that the CIA has assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely to have emerged from a lab than from nature.” reuters.com/business/healt…
Related thread, & why I think there’s still a lot of holes in the origins discussions, but there will be no follow up, & we will get the narrative our corporate overlords want us to have.