(THREAD) Republicans are lying about The Logan Act—what it says; why it exists; why it matters—and their lies are perverting discussion of a key element of the Russia probe. This thread explains The Logan Act is and why it matters now more than ever.
Hope you'll read and share.
1/ First, the basics: The Logan Act (18 U.S. Code § 953: Private Correspondence with Foreign Governments) is a federal criminal statute, and a very serious one. Violation of the statute is a felony, and those convicted of a violation can serve up to three years in federal prison.
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There are too many reasons to count for why Tesla needs to die. The fact that it's the deadliest car company in America is just one. No one—anywhere, for any reason—should buy a Tesla. They're poorly made, unsafe, and enrich one of the most evil men alive. freep.com/story/money/ca…
But I don't want to leave you with just t
3 reasons to hate Tesla.
4. No car company CEO has ever told more lies about the current/future capabilities of his products than Tesla CEO Elon Musk. 5. Musk works to destroy other electric car companies to ennoble and enrich his own...
...which makes the entire Tesla operation an enemy of the future of green energy rather than a savior. Elon Musk made the decision to use his clout at Tesla to damage other EV makers rather than celebrate them. No EV maker with that philosophy is beneficial to the environment.
Besides lying viciously here about the role he and Starlink have played in his pal Putin's war crimes in Ukraine, Musk below shows the growing madness I warned about as his biographer many weeks ago. His deranged attacks on a top Polish minister and U.S. ally reek of the Kremlin.
Starlink has become the backbone of the _Russian_ army, and Musk has done nothing to stop the flow of his tech to Russia as he continues having secret geopolitical negotiations with Vladimir Putin.
And he _has_ turned off Starlink strategically in Ukraine, causing untold deaths.
The vile threat implicit in the public message Vladimir Putin ally Elon Musk just sent to one of the top officials in U.S. ally and NATO member Poland is that he'll again shut off Starlink to damage Western democracies if anyone hurts his feelings.
If you understand that the world Trump and Musk aim to create is one in which the Democratic Party doesn't exist—indeed democracy doesn't exist—but an American Empire (with vassal states) allied with a Russian Empire, Indian Empire, Chinese Empire and Saudi Caliphate, you get it.
Musk isn't just an enemy of America.
It no longer suffices to call him that.
He's an enemy of Western democracy, and indeed democracy everywhere.
Read up on his guru—Curtis Yarvin—and on far-right techno-optimist transhumanism, and you will understand the evil the world faces.
What America saw yesterday in DC was a Democratic Party that supports democracy and our democratic allies in Europe while opposing the would-be Russian Empire. Every time Trump and Musk attack Europe and weaken our democracy—and democracy abroad—they reveal exactly what they are.
(📢) NATSEC COMMUNITY NOTE: Musk is confessing to beginning to blame Ukraine for a war Putin started—thus working to aid Putin—at exactly the moment he began having clandestine business and geopolitical negotiations with Putin.
1/ I used to be a federal criminal investigator. I'm now a Musk biographer who recently published a book about Musk, PROOF OF DESTRUCTION. Not a single federal criminal investigator who has researched Musk as I have would doubt that he's coordinated aiding the Kremlin since 2022.
2/ The beginning of the Musk-Putin conspiracy came shortly after Musk made associates aware he wanted to expand Tesla factories to Russia, suggesting he'd received the same business-related entreaties from Kremlin agents Trump got in 2013, 2015, and 2016. cnn.com/2021/05/21/bus…
This is one of the most shameful days in US history.
A weak, corrupt, compromised Kremlinist US president recruited his Yarvinist VP to gang up on a heroic ally on live TV. It devolved into a shouting match. Why?
I mean it: that was one of the most distressing videos I’ve ever watched as an American.
Zelenskyy is the George Washington of Ukraine and one of the most heroic men alive. He sat through a shouted (televised) lecture by two of the _worst_ men alive.
A real-life *horror film*.
What happened today was a character litmus test.
If you watched those two weak-willed Kremlinists (Trump and Vance) and thought they were great, you’re a person of low moral character.
If it wasn’t *clear* to you who the hero in that room was—and how he was abused—shame on you.
I only went to Harvard Law and have three terminal graduate degrees, including a PhD, so I apologize if this is a question a drooling moron would ask, @yhbryankimiq, but is there a reason you do not list his accomplishments?
Is it because none are his—but those of his employees?
I know this is a difficult concept for Elongelicals, so let me use their favorite form of argument: anecdote.
I have 5 higher-ed degrees; I earned them all personally and in the shortest possible period of time.
Elon flamed out at three colleges and was *not* admitted to a PhD.
I’ve founded 4 startups: a consulting company and three media outlets, one a multimillion-dollar operation. I had no seed money for my startups but the little in my bank account.
Musk had money from his dad’s emerald mines and $300 million via Zip2—the idea for which wasn’t his.