The Steele Dossier was a hastily cobbled together justification for two things:
1) to justify the spying on Trump's campaign team PRIOR to Mike Rogers shutting down NSA SIGINT database mining for Trump Team comms up to April, 2016.
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I understand a lot of people thought the entire Robert Hur Special Counsel investigation was a big fat nothingburger.
Only now are they starting to realize what it means for a Special Counsel appointed by Biden's very own DOJ under Merrick Garland to have discovered the sitting President had...shall we say....COGNITIVE ISSUES.
What I found **exceedingly curious** was WHY somebody wanted to get it into the OFFICIAL FEDERAL RECORD that a DOJ-appointed Special Prosecutor found that President Joe Biden was having...uh...PRONOUNCED MEMORY ISSUES during interviews with his investigators.
The MOST I'd expected out of the Hur investigation was the admission that...yes...
1. Biden took a whole bunch of classified documents home with him that he had no authorization to take. Federal crime #1.
2. Biden **displayed** and discussed these classified materials with people not authorized to see/know about them. Federal crime #2.
3. BUT because BIDEN WAS PRESIDENT, Hur's hands were tied and he wasn't allowed to prosecute a case against his own boss, the Chief Executive.
That's as FAR as I expected Hur to go. An admission that he couldn't prosecute because a LEO officer of the Executive Branch is not allowed to prosecute his own boss. Any more than a JAG officer could court-martial his own Commander-in-Chief. it so happened, Hur threw me and everybody else a huge unexpected CURVE BALL in his final report.
Hur gave a DIFFERENT EXPLANATION as to WHY he declined to prosecute Biden for the very serious federal offenses he had obviously committed with these classified documents.
In his final report, Hur has an entire section devoted to laying out Biden's memory issues, his cognitive difficulties and how this affected his decision not to prosecute Biden.
This explanation for his decision not to prosecute Biden so upset Rep. Adam Schiff that Schiff dressed Hur down AT LENGTH during Hur's testimony to the House Committee.
Schiff was especially upset that Hur was officially opening up the door to Biden having pronounced issues with cognition/memory during his presidency.
Schiff, a central figure in the US Congress involved in the cover up conspiracy to hide Biden's cognitive decline from the public for 3 1/2 years [until an EXTREMELY UNFORTUNATE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE OCCURRED between Trump and Biden] was extremely UNHAPPY that Hur was opening up this door 2 years ago.
On the record.
In an official report.
Over a year before that embarrassing debate happened that led to Biden being forced to drop out of the race.
Notice what Schiff keeps RETURNING TO as he browbeats Hur for including this section in his PUBLIC report:
It turns out there’s 17 times the amount of gold in Fort Knox than there’s supposed to be?
There only around 6 Q drops containing the word 'gold' in the sense under discussion.
That did Q Team point every one towards?
Who's controlled all the gold until recently?
Who's been - quite literally even, 'covered' in it? For hundreds of years? How did they obtain most, if not all, of their wealth?
What is a cult?
How does a cult function?
If a cult is the main driving force behind a government's monetary policy, is there going to be any openness or transparency regarding the currency system or the central bank/s?
What if the SEALs have been used during this currently ongoing Silent War between patriots and cultists to seize back stolen assets?
Assets that have been silently stolen for a couple of hundred years?
Where does a criminal cult that's always successfully hidden it's existence go to complain about having what they stole from the world taken back from them? What legal recourse do they have, when they can't even admit to having possessed most of these assets in secret in the first place?
How do the super-duper wealthy secretive cult families that control The Federal Reserve central bank use debt and inflation to control more than 3 dozen of the world's most important countries, but most of all, the United States? Via their 'tip of the spear', the CIA/MIC/ICS? Also through what I've affectionally dubbed 'The Permanent Bureaucracy Hydra'? [PBH]
What happens to these super-duper wealthy secretive cult families that control the US monetary system via their privately-owned Federal Reserve bank some miracle...the US national debt and inflation were suddenly...erased?
What would America look like 10 years after The Fed is ended?
Q Teams said 7 years ago that....we have the gold. And that the gold would end The Fed. Drop #2619.
Is it an accident that 1 month into the new Trump term in the White House, the planets are coming into alignment to allow BOTH the opening of Ft. Knox **and** the release of the Epstein client list?
Who did Epstein work for?
Who did Epstein REALLY work for?
Their 'public' accounting of the amount of wealth they own, what did Q tell you about that?
What happened to a lot of the cult's control when the House of Saud strings were cut and Trump got that sword dance welcome in 2017?
Has Soros been using any of his own money for his 'destroy America' project? Where do most of the funds he uses to install US politicians and drive US public policy actually come from?
Why is the global NWO cult so heavily invested in the Climate Change hoax? What benefit do they get from maintaining the fiction?
What kind of system would be created by truly evil people to maintain control over underlings to do their bidding without question and without fail?
If they do in fact worship Satan? Would they have any real problem doing things to kids and capturing their underlings on video doing things to kids to ensure they maintain iron-fisted control of all of them?
How sick were the things going on inside that temple at Little St. James in the USVI?
Is Epstein Island the only place in the world where these kinds of blackmail/evil worship activities occur? How many other venues are there?
What did Q tell you that the 'N' in 'NWO' does NOT stand for? What does the 'N' actually stand for?
Why are people in our movement who run around saying the Nazis were the 'good guys' of WW2 and Hitler was a hero some of the dumbest fucking people you'll ever encounter?
Who have we been fighting all of this time?
Who have we REALLY been fighting all of this time?
When the stock market crashed to start the Great Depression, we've all heard the stories of the rich men who were suddenly rendered destitute jumping out of windows or shooting themselves.
Men who spent years, maybe even decades carefully building their wealth...only to watch it all evaporate before their eyes.
But there's an added dimension to what's coming over the course of the next few months.
Many of the people who are about to suddenly lose all the wealth they carefully built are secretly career criminals. They haven't been building that wealth honestly; they've been stealing it.
There was incentive enough for a banker wiped out by the Depression who couldn't face life without the luxury and privileges he'd been enjoying. No more chauffer, maid, nanny, large mansion.
Rather than live as a pauper following the market crash, some of these men sought out the nearest window and jumped.
What if you've not only become used to a life of wanton luxury, but you've been enjoying that life due to your agreement to help facilitate a massive criminal enterprise that has literally been stealing hundreds of billions of dollars per year from America's taxpayers?
In addition to suddenly being plunged into abject poverty, and the loss of mansions, cars, planes, hired help, you also face the very real prospect of going to prison for a very, very long time.
Understand: these people won't just be BROKE...they're also going to be exposed as being thieves stealing from the public treasury on a scale that boggles the human mind.
Many of these people exposed as being key players in the theft of trillions of dollars over the past couple of decades will have no interest whatsoever in continuing to live in a timeline in which they are not only no longer wealthy, but they are outed as some of the biggest most vile and evil criminals in the history of the world.
So. Very likely more than a few of these CIA/MIC/ICS people, when they are exposed and their wealth begins to be stripped from them, they will take the easy way out.
And I'm OK with that.
@threadreaderapp /unroll please and thank you!
The release of the Epstein List is going to kick off a lot of this.
Because a lot of these vile criminals don't just steal billions of dollars...they do things with kids.
Some of you have heard about the initiation rituals into the club, what 'stars' have to do to join 'The Big Club.'
They have to allow certain things to be done to them.
And then once they are in 'The Big Club', to stay in they have to be willing to do what was done to them to the new initiates.
Very vile and sickening sexual practices and torture.
Now imagine what these same people do to children.
2. Leaking/theft/sale of classified national security material
3. Murder/crimes against humanity/children
I really do not GIVE A FLYING FUCK about people who tell me "It would have happened by now if it was going to happen."
Nothing can stop it.
I know what's coming.
You don't.
I put in the hours and read the filings **before I ever looked at Q**.
Before I read Q **I already knew about the secret grand jury** that was spying on/investigating the leaking traitors inside and around our US Congress.
I knew **that** was real. I knew that grand jury was all up in Adam Schiff's and Eric Swalwell's and 70+ other people's electronic comms for **over 3 1/2 years**.
HERE ME VERY CLEARLY: When Trump **tells you** "We caught them all" and "We have it all" the fucking influencers on here who tell you "HE'S BULLSHITTING! HE'S MAKING IT UP! HE'S BLUFFING!" do not have the first fucking clue what's been going on.
He's **not bluffing** and he's **not bullshitting**.
Why do you think I'm being very clear **ON THE RECORD** before it happens that you will see the return of John Durham, John Huber, and whoever the 'Mystery Prosecutor' was who was leading that military grand jury for 3 1/2 years?
We have been in a Silent Undeclared War for many years now. Trump is a wartime President. Always has been. He is the Commander in Chief and I suspect when this 'Mystery Prosecutor' is taken public, his nature is going to absolutely shock the FUCK out of a lot of people.
We are not in a Silent Undeclared War with one nation or multiple nations; we're at war with a globalist cult that has infiltrated many governments, **including our own**.
Every single one of the traitors inside of our US Congress who was being investigated by this grand jury and this 'Mystery Prosecutor' is by this definition an ENEMY COMBATANT. A spy, if you will.
As the Commander in Chief, the President **has the authority** to take investigations AWAY FROM the three letter agencies.
When this is over some people are going to think I am a genius.
I'm not.
I'm simply somebody who put in the time to read all the documents personally instead of forming an instant hot take based on headlines provided by surface skimmers.
I remember shit that went down in 2017 that nobody remembers even happened.
That's the only difference between me and those who don't see what's coming.
The ground has been FULLY PREPARED for what is coming.
And that's a BEAUTIFUL thing.
@threadreaderapp /unroll please and thank you
They came and stood behind him for just ONE LINE of his inaugural speech in 2017.
When traitors selling national security secrets are discovered in the US Congress, and these people are members of a global cult...and the DOJ/FBI/State Dept...shit, let's say THE ENTIRE FEDERAL 3 LETTER AGENCIES...are riddled with operatives loyal to that same global cult...
...what's a President to do, as the Commander in Chief?
Say his hands are tied and there's nothing he can do, so the investigation of the traitors in our Congress MUST be handed to a DOJ/FBI chock full of the exact same traitors?
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Trump and his team said when the turned instead to the military intelligence and JAG. FUCK THAT.
If the 3 letter agencies are compromised right along with the US Congress, then the 3 letter agencies cannot do such an investigation.
SOMEBODY ELSE outside of the compromised federal 3 letter agencies has been handling this.
I'd give you THREE GUESSES who it is, but you'll only need one, won't you?
President Donald J. Trump is hitting them from so many different directions that the CIA/MIC/ICS and the Permanent Bureaucracy Hydra [PBH] they've carefully set up and created over the past couple of decades literally have no coherent countermoves.
1. He's exposing the mind-staggering amount of theft and money-laundering that's been going on with over ONE TRILLION of US taxpayer dollars being stolen every damn year - but he's doing it in a way that they struggle to keep up and get ahead of the revelations, which go viral.
2. He's ending both their new Forever War in Ukraine at the same time he's taking Gaza away from them so they can't use it as an excuse to keep the Forever Conflict going in Israel. And he's getting ready to have Hegseth & DOGE audit the DoD - for REAL this time.