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Sep 20 18 tweets 9 min read
NEW: The American Psychological Association (APA) is mis/disinforming kids with its new kid's book, on mis/disinformation. 🧵/1

True or False? The Science of Perception, Misinformation, and DisinformationImage The APA engaged in a real-life conspiracy with the CIA to bolster Bush-era torture. Now its new children's book seeks to “prebunk” young readers from investigating conspiracy theories. It also misinforms kids on other topics including racism, gender, and the COVID-19 pandemic. /2
Aug 24 15 tweets 6 min read
NEW REPORT: DNC Disinformation Program lists factual reporting and satire as "disinformation" 🧵/1 Image In a video uploaded by Democratic Party strategist Simon Rosenberg in 2023, Tim Durigan, the DNC's lead disinformation analyst, shares a PowerPoint with a sample intelligence report that provides a rare inside look at what the DNC sees as "disinformation".

(highlight added) /2 Image
Aug 7 19 tweets 8 min read
EXCLUSIVE: In a newly discovered Zoom recording, the Biden/Harris team reveals how they manipulated voters to think Biden's mental decline was "disinformation". 🧵/1 Image Biden/Harris digital director Rob Flaherty says the DNC created a program to detect, track, and censor what it deemed "misinformation" (like Biden's mental decline). He calls it "critical" and "one of the more important decisions" made by the party in recent years. /2
Aug 3 29 tweets 10 min read
Why are these names redacted from the White House / Facebook meeting notes? The public must know who decides what content is censored online for there to be any accountability.
"Rob" = Rob Flaherty - Biden Digital Director, now Harris '24 Deputy Campaign Manager
Jul 19 8 tweets 3 min read
YouTube search:

"matt orfalea russia hacked the election"

Where am I?

Still going.../2
Jul 1 5 tweets 2 min read
Jun 9 7 tweets 3 min read
While shooting a satirical music video in support of the protesters, I was spat on and had my camera stolen at the protest yesterday.🧵 "I'm with you," I told them as I lip-synced the lyrics. Somebody snatched my camera and ran away. I pursued him, and eventually, he tossed it in the grass. Incredibly, the camera recorded the whole thing.
May 17 25 tweets 9 min read
Orf vs The Memory Hole 🧵

-A foreign country bombed the offices of a major U.S. press outlet

-Accused it, without evidence, of harboring terrorists

-And a significant portion of the US media spun the story to support the foreign country

1/25 On May 15, 2021, the IDF gave the tenants of the al-Jalaa Building in Gaza—which included AP, other news agencies including Al-Jazeera, and residential homes—one hour to evacuate before bombing the building.

Apr 27 6 tweets 3 min read
WOW: The Jewish student who claims she was "stabbed in the eye" previously testified to Congress to shame Yale for not giving her a security escort...🤔

"That's just the beginning" 🧵 1/5
"I haven't had time to cry...The week before that, I also didn't have time to cry...The week before that, I didn't have time to cry...Again, the Yale University administration did nothing. Again, I didn't have time to cry."

Mar 7 5 tweets 2 min read
UNHINGED: MSNBC smears the Supreme Court after it ruled to not remove Trump from the ballot.

"An Alarming Message"
"A Power Grab in Every Way"
"An Emergency for our Democracy"

And despite the court's *unanimous* decision, MSNBC says it was "not really" unanimous, framing it as a battle of the sexes: "four women" vs "the guys".

🧵 1/5Image MSNBC: The Supreme Court is "nefarious", "unprepared", "wrong", "lacks seriousness", & "undermines democracy".

Feb 5 23 tweets 9 min read
The Dumbest Snopes "Fact-Check" Of All Time?

At least 5 Snopes “fact-checkers”, including its founder, pushed the disinfo that COVID-19 could not have originated from a lab.

🧵 /1

Astonishingly, Snopes' David Emery tried to claim in a thread w comedian Adam Carolla that, “Snopes didn’t say the lab leak theory couldn’t be true.” /2
Dec 7, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
WaPo repeatedly called Trump & Republicans "Rats" & "Vermin". Now they won't stop comparing Trump to Hitler for using the same dehumanizing language.

🧵/1 Image WaPo argues that “vermin” is a term used by “authoritarians” to “dehumanize” and “encourage followers to engage in violence”. That’s interesting, because, over the last several years, WaPo itself repeatedly called Trump and Republicans “rats” and “vermin”. /2 Image
Aug 30, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
YouTube’s Misinformative Misinformation Policy🧵

YouTube's "Harmful Misinformation" policy only applies to misinformation associated with stereotypical MAGA Republicans: “Pizzagate, QAnon, StopTheSteal” and “contradicting authoritative scientific consensus on the existence of and causes behind climate change.” /2 Image
Aug 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: YouTube no longer has a “Covid-19” policy but an expanded policy to ban *any* “medical misinformation” that contradicts WHO or local health authorities (like CDC) regarding substances and prevention, treatment, or denial of health conditions.


As usual, this policy will be arbitrarily enforced, as it "may not cover all [CDC]/WHO guidance," but rather only guidance relating to an ever-changing hidden list of "specific health conditions and substances"🤔/2
Jun 13, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The 2-dose vax is a 3-dose vax requiring 5+ doses 🤔 Full Story:… Image
Jun 5, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
YouTube just DELETED Mike Tysons's full interview with @RobertKennedyJr. Why @TeamYouTube? Image See for yourself, take a screenshot, and share
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The New Twitter CEO, Linda Yaccarino, helmed the fear campaign to scare Americans into believing mass experimental injections were a NECESSARY "first step to ending the pandemic". "The science is clear," says the man who lied about Iraq WMDs & falsely connected Iraq to 9/11. (1) COVID was never a threat to 99.5%+ of the pop, (2) the vax does not stop infection or transmission, (3) minimal benefits wear off shortly, and long-term side-effects are unknown.
May 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
May 8, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
1/ Everything about Joe Biden's campaign ad is a lie 🧵 2/ Biden laughably paints himself as a protector of freedom as he (1) Keeps prolific journalist Julian Assange trapped in a maximum security prison (2) Tried to force everyone to be injected with a controversial vaccine with no long-term studies.
Apr 25, 2023 31 tweets 14 min read
How to Find Russians Anywhere


After the 2016 election, the Senate Intel Committee asked Twitter to identify accounts from Russia's Internet Research Agency. But both Twitter and 3rd party researchers struggled to find Russian agents. Image 2/ At first, Twitter was only able to produce 22 plus 179 IRA "linked" accounts. Democrat Mark Warner called the numbers "inadequate on every level". Twitter went back to the drawing board in an analysis project called "Osprey".

Mar 16, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
UPDATE: I was contacted and thanked by @internetarchive's @MarkGraham for pointing this out. The page can now be archived.

Unfortunately, this is now after the article was removed, so the false NBC affiliate story on "Russian Bots" has already been memory-holed.


🧵1/5 It seems that only the "Russian Bots" propaganda article was excluded from archiving, as has a largely uninterrupted archive history @internetarchive. 2/5