Shual Profile picture
That rug really tied the room together | (weekly news channel on hiatus) Try and be kinder.
Jerome Ku Profile picture Hemanth K Profile picture 2 subscribed
Mar 25 9 tweets 5 min read
Gonna do a quick one for now, and will do a longer one soon

Here are some features I like in @_kaitoai without getting into too much details #1 Audio Library

Either I've gotten lazy or there are too many spaces or podcasts to listen to, so I try to catch the TLDRs and the important bits via Kaito's Audio Library

Heck they even got a bot that transcribes, summarizes and lets you ask questions about the episodes

Mar 19 29 tweets 6 min read
Let's talk about @AIWayfinder Wayfinder Foundation dropped their 54-pager whitepaper a few days ago, and you can't be blamed for not dedicating an hour+ to read a whitepaper while tokens are mooning 1000x on 9 figure liquidity and breaking daily on-chain volumes like its no one's business, so allow me to help
Apr 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm reading a lot of talk on my timeline about banking infra and off ramp based on jurisdiction, source of funds, size

as someone who is fairly nomadic, I echo the sentiment that it's pretty tough out there if you're not carefully planning everything or simply unlucky operating in crypto is a very stressful.

you have to make sure you're not getting rugged, that your keys are safe at all times, that you didn't approve any malicious permission, and the list is far too long to add to
Apr 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Some tools and resources that I've compiled over the years, gathered in a few tweets for your convenience

- List of 250+ useful tools
- @ArkhamIntel dashboards
- Extremely comprehensive due diligence questionnaire to help you on your journey
- Shualpha

Enjoy ❤️…

Extremely comprehensive due diligence questionnaire.
Should cover 99% of your needs when examining a new project.

Built and compiled by a farmer, using a farmer's POV, but applicable still to non-farms as well.
Apr 11, 2023 26 tweets 17 min read
🧙‍♂️The @ArkhamIntel dashboard aggregation megathread🧙‍♂️

I've compiled a list of dashboards sourced from:
- The Arkham Discord
- Shared with me privately (+ permission ofc)
- Found on twitter

I encourage you to add more dashboards in the comments for posterity's sake

👇🧵 The goals for this thread are:

- Spread awareness about @ArkhamIntel's amazing dashboards
- Encourage people to add more dashboards in the comments so people can check this thread in the future for all their needs
- Encourage users to build their own dashboards
Nov 27, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm a big fan of @GearboxProtocol. I think gated leverage farming/trading (or as one could call it "decentralized margin account") is a great untapped field, and products such as Gearbox will become a new primitive

After a little less than a month, let's look at the numbers 🧙‍♂️⚙️ For that, I will be looking at this incredible dashboard set up by the Gearbox peeps. It's incredible and I wish more protocols would incorporate similar dashboards and metrics for their projects.…
Sep 9, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
anon let me tell you the tale of $WISE, way back near the end of 2020

They had a doxxed founder and team, raised over $42m in a 50-day public auction (in the middle of a raging degen bull market), and compensated themselves with thousands of ETH.

But why is it interesting? ImageImage First, some back story: $WISE was made and shilled by @wise_token CEO @PeterGirr.

Peter was a familiar face in most public degen groups on telegram and was even active in the most successful projects of the time.

Aug 22, 2022 32 tweets 7 min read
Most web3 gaming theses I read nowadays are unfathomably bullish. When I keep reading, I'm always disappointed. Severe overestimations, clear lack of gaming experience, and a myriad of buzzwords and fluff.

When I discovered @aradtski's article—I was thrilled.

But there's a but. I want to dissect the points raised and made from an ever more critical PoV, surely a more cynical one. Perhaps over-realistic in nature.

I found myself disagreeing with a lot of what OP said, but I must firmly congratulate the approach and mindset. Job well done in my book.
Aug 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I know some of you miss Shualpha.

Truth be told, I've not decided what to do with it yet.

But don't assume I stopped being a library rat, so here are some great articles to read: Managing Risk in DeFi Portfolios by Hugo Inzirillo & Stanislas de Quenetain
Jun 29, 2022 7 tweets 9 min read
@mewn21 @0xkhan_ I'll curate and brb @mewn21 @0xkhan_ Anything noah-caldwall gervais ( my fav); for speed runs summoning salt ( will have u watching fkn videos on wii boxing) tomatoanus (…) and virtual ( trackmania)
Feb 16, 2022 27 tweets 18 min read
Today is a sad day.

Today we mark a full year(!) since @nftmachine opened the telegram chat for @0peNFT, an @opensea competitor.

He raised 277 ETH from 130+ investors to his ENS, never shipped any semblance of product, ran away, and used the money to buy NFTs.

Full story. 🧵 I hope this time this story will gain more attention than it previously did. @nftmachine aka Tyler Gaye, is a doxxed American citizen. He *will* have to answer for what he did, I and others are making sure of it.

Please tag every small, medium and major NFT influencer and share.
Feb 9, 2022 25 tweets 7 min read
Long term, I'm bullish on NFTs. I really am.

I will take a minute, however, to dismantle this post and why I think it's way off, at least for now.

1/x 🧵 This highlights exactly what's awful in today's prominent Early Access models.
The premise is: You can buy our still-in-development game for a discount, as long as you understand it's still in development.

Some games take *years* to officially launch 2/x

Nov 24, 2021 48 tweets 65 min read
List of useful tools in no particular order #3: Electric Boogaloo #2

As with previous lists, PLEASE, feel encouraged to add more tools in the comments for others to use

Enjoy these 250+ tools❤️ This is by no means a complete list of course. There will be a #4 in the future, most likely. Please add more.
Nov 23, 2021 37 tweets 10 min read
Gaming and crypto, two of the fields in which my life revolves around

Here are my comments on @wvaeu's lovely, insightful article: First of all, let me start by commending Eva for a wonderful article. She formulates her theses, explores them in-depth, tries to poke holes and voice counter-arguments, and utilizes examples, explanations, and data to articulate her points.

As a sucker for good research, kudos
Nov 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Even before EVE Online, Second Life, Runescape and WoW gold farming, there was Entropia

It makes for a good case study wrt digital currencies, virtual land/assets and pegged assets

If you're building your P2E thesis, imo, this is a must if you want to do it seriously Configuring the player - subversive behaviour in Project Entropia

Death in Space and the PIracy Debate: Negotiating ethics and ontology in Entropia Universe…

The Virtual Future - Entropia Universe…
Nov 3, 2021 44 tweets 9 min read
Allow me to interrupt $BADGER's god candle, @KylieJenner photoshopped memes and various L1 shills on your timeline to talk about a cool, extremely-niche subject that's dear to my heart:

Lucid dreaming In the course of everyday life, we rarely reflect on our global reality orientation and state of consciousness.
Even less do we question whether we are awake or not.

Ask yourself this question right this instant — "Am I dreaming right now?"
Aug 14, 2021 6 tweets 9 min read
@mevcollector @PranksyNFT @beaniemaxi @DerpyBirbsETH Am I doing this right senpai?

'1. For this project, there was an usual buying by known addresses of famous influencers.

Checking their addresses and their subsequent balances and tx history, this leads me to believe that this crunch on supply might drive up demand.' Image @mevcollector @PranksyNFT @beaniemaxi @DerpyBirbsETH '2. Checking to see if paper mache hands are dumping the listing we can see that nansen probably has a hard time tracking this data from @opensea as the collection is unverified still and the data is kinda messed up or there aren't many sellers' Image
Jul 31, 2021 35 tweets 38 min read
List of useful tools in no particular order #2 -- new and improved!

As with the last iteration, you are encouraged to add your own tools so people can always go back to this list and find whatever they might need.

Enjoy. 👇🧵♥️ 1. - market data/analytics
2. - analytics
3. - analytics (on-chain)
4. - analytics (on-chain)
5. - analytics
6. - DeFi analytics