Alessandro Palombo Profile picture
Founder @Jurproject, Ph.D. in Public Law. Prev: advisor @ Oxford Uni, Astana International Financial Center, San Marino Innovation
May 19, 2022 17 tweets 60 min read
1. Let's define the context, Jur's frens 🏛📡. @JurProject

In the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure to talk to many projects in the space, and we will be talking to many more in the coming days. @JurProject 2. There is a unanimous consensus on the need to create and adopt open-source legal contract standards.

@Polkadot @Kiltprotocol @MoonsamaNFT @publicpressure @energywebx@mynft @ScytaleVentures @trentmc0 @AventusNetwork @Kiltprotocol @gameDAOco @ZeitgeistPM @MomentumXYZ

May 18, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
1. It was 1995 and David Bohnett and John Rezner founded the Beverly Hills Internet hosting company, later renamed #GeoCities.

The original concept of the service was to create a virtual community of Web sites organized into "Internet cities." 2. During the registration process, new members would choose the neighborhood to which they wanted to belong.

This neighborhood became part of the member's Web address along with a sequential "street address" number assigned to make the URL unique