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5 beats a day for 3 summers
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Jul 5 4 tweets 2 min read
Past few months have made it evidently clear why bull markets are so difficult

I’m luckily in a position where my portfolio size has jumped significantly since the lows in Jan 2023

However, as size has increased, it’s been significantly harder to stay “comfy in spot”. Days like yesterday are definitely periods where your conviction is tested

I still strongly believe we haven’t topped for this cycle

- Spot ETH etf hasn’t launched yet. Fink has yet to say much about ETH directly
- Trump has positioned himself as extremely pro “number go up” candidate, and even further leaning into being pro crypto
- We have made significantly regulatory progress over the last month (ETH etf approval, USDC getting EU license under MiCA, Coinbase suing SEC, Chevron case)
- Rate cuts looking more probable as unemployment inches higher, inflation flat/lower, and we get closer to the US election

I mentioned this before, but the post-halving price action isn’t out of the ordinary – miners selling, sell the news $ flowing out are all in line with what has happened in past cycles

With a ~15% drawdown on BTC in 4 daily consecutive candles (and much, much worse for majority of alts) the supply overhang from mtgox, german/us gov seem to be more priced in than not (more detailed rationale linked)

I think the tricky part is to align this with the fact that chart technicals are in a fairly dicey area - daily and weekly structure are in a precarious position (below MAs and significant support lvls) atm.

The question then becomes – does the weighted $ care about these lines? Especially with the ETF the lines become more blurred (how much do the suits weigh squiggly lines on candlestick charts?)

Disagree or think I missed something? Would be curious to hear why I could be wrong here
Jun 10 8 tweets 2 min read
Apr 8 5 tweets 2 min read
Ok here's how you actually make a deposit into Karak 1. Go to
2. Use any of these codes to gain access: lKJxH SKX9t 3WaAT AVSkZ ItmS9
3. Pick the network you want to use - I'm gonna pick Ethereum Mainnet for simplicity app.karak.network
Feb 19 4 tweets 2 min read
Lots of posts about Ethena on the TL today but many of them are long and dense.

Here's a concise 2 min explanation (so you can get back to trading AI coins 👽) covering:

1) What is Ethena + how they pay ~27% in APY on stables?
2) What are the risks? *What is Ethena + how they pay ~27% in APY on stables?*

1/ Ethena utilizes the mechanics behind ETH - it combines staking yield and perps funding

2/ By combining spot staked ETH and a short ETH perps position, they take on negligible directional risk

3/ As the user, you provide a ETH and/or stables that serves as collateral in Ethena’s custody, which they use to put on this yield generating position (which accrues to the stablecoin they issue)

Ethena has built automated system that manages their risk via re-upping collateral, maintaining delta-neutral exposure, etcImage
Dec 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I've mentioned @aevoxyz aka ribbon finance a bunch since they've been consistent w/ prelistings (JTO, JUP)

I've been working with the team and want to surface some *facts* given their upcoming new token launch:

- *AIRDROP* details
- token value accrual
- recent growth Airdrop details:

- Airdrop up to 16% of total supply, but likely less (rest for incentives)
- At 350M FDV, this is worth up to 58M USD
- 86% of their tokens are circulating + investors agreed to lock tokens for an additional year

P.S. trade on their platform for airdrop 😉 Image
Nov 6, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Been hearing that the btc spot etf is gonna take away from Coinbase's trading volumes

This is the most mid curve take I've ever heard

Will break down this argument and debunk it Image Here's a substack link for those that prefer:


Imagine if someone said “I’m hesitant to buy Costco stock because they are working through an approval to sell rotisserie chickens and I know that rotisserie chickens are a loss leader for grocery stores"

The spot BTC ETF is Coinbase’s equivalent of selling rotisserie chickens.

To get into it, the argument I’ve heard is that the spot BTC ETF will cannibalize Coinbase’s trading volumes. Why would anyone buy BTC on Coinbase when they can buy the ETF on Fidelity or Schwab?

This myopic view falls into the classic example of “first order thinking”. It doesn’t consider any of the other implications and the potential downstream effects on Coinbase’s business.jaypeg.me/p/the-bitcoin-…
Aug 14, 2023 39 tweets 9 min read
The key differentiator between Solana vs other new age blockchains is its cult-like community

Despite FTX, Solana continues to be improved -- from both a tech and community POV

Here are some glimpses of support (aka cult-like activity) from a number of the bigger CT accounts Pentoshi Image
Jul 8, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Bob Loukas always provides invaluable perspective on how to navigate crypto markets for *free*

For those that don't have the time, here are the key takeaways https://t.co/QvE93OgKqp

For those that don't know who Bob Loukas is

Jun 28, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
And if you aren't positioned, here's why you probably aren't getting a significantly better entry than what you have now

As always, reasons up front, details threaded https://t.co/WuXZzSJBjY
1/ *Post Binance / Coinbase SEC lawsuit price action*

$COIN completely retraced the SEC lawsuit gap

The market is voting, and its saying that the SEC is going to lose this battle
Jun 14, 2023 8 tweets 6 min read
I work full time as a software developer at one of the FAANGs

How do I manage to keep up with crypto while working an intense full time job?

Here's my list of the folks / newsletters I follow (no this isn't a sponsored post) and a brief description of why you should follow them Image Linn puts out an extremely consistent newsletter

Her newsletter covers both a 10000 foot view (macro, majors, general advice & apophenia) as well as a deep dive into a variety of major protocols

May 20, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Michael Jordan talked a whole lot of shit

But what made it more entertaining was that he always delivered

And it made things memorable, we still talk about Jordan decades later

He's still printing $ w/ the Air Jordan brand - 400M in rev last year

Whats my point? @LucaNetz .. Image I've been watching this guy closely since the start of this year

I was initially skeptical but this dude has been delivering:
- Pudgy floor from 0.8 -> 7
- 9M raised in May '23 with rates at 5%
- Pudgy Plushies: #1 toy on Amazon

But best of all? He's been talking shit
May 18, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
The Shapella upgrade is through and staking withdrawals seem to be derisked

Should you convert a portion of your ETH stack into a liquid staking derivative? Feeling FOMO on the staking yield?

Here's how I've been thinking about it 🧵 Image 1/ Staking ETH via LSDs is the most crypto native version of a carry trade there is

You are basically short tail risk (prolonged/permanent depeg) for a carry of 4-7% yield / year

What's difficult to reason about is the probability of tail risk
May 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I got a question in my DMs asking who .@BobLoukas is

Figured I'd share for those who don't know

Bob runs a program called "4 Year Journey" where he buys and sells BTC

Bob doesn't transact frequently, he's not your typical CT trader

Even so he's been able to ~10x his portfolio Image Bob focuses on buying fear and selling euphoria

He doesn't try to time the exact bottom or sell the exact top

As mentioned, he doesn't transact frequently, and opposite of a lot of CT characters, he isn't flashy

He has a set of Youtube videos that he releases every few months
May 16, 2023 13 tweets 11 min read
Miladys are supposed to be one of the strongest communities in crypto

Even .@elonmusk is aware of them

How strong is this NFT community? 🧵 for a data-driven analysis

(PS. for those hunting for alpha / wallets, I go over the most profitable wallets and link them at the end) Image 1) I built a dashboard a while ago to assess the strength of an NFT community

We’ll cover:

- Milady NFT sale price trends
- Holders over time
- Average # of days held / # Unique Holders / Days since mint
- Top sales and most profitable wallets

(dashboard link in the QT)
May 10, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Better late than never

I scroll through crypto-twitter and jot down notes, bringing you the top opportunities every month

Here's a review of the top plays of April '23 🧵 We cover: Image
May 5, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
I read through 23 pages of the Coinbase Q1 '23 shareholder letter and listened to their earnings call

The most important takeaway is that "Brian is still bald, his head is shinier than ever"

Other highlights 🧵 ImageImage I cover:

- Trading Volume & Revenue
- Subscription & Services
- Expenses & Q2 Outlook
- Q&A Highlights
Apr 13, 2023 11 tweets 8 min read
Want to better understand EIP-4844 but don't want to sift through the proposal and technical jargon?

I break it down so anyone can understand it

Here's an ELI5 of EIP-4844: Proto danksharding Image Dropping the TL;DR upfront before getting started.. Image
Apr 2, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
Buckle up

The best opportunities in crypto - March '23 edition Image 1/ * Arbitrum Airdrop *

The long awaited $ARB token arrives

Arbitrum first launched in late ‘21

The snapshots for the airdrop were taking in Feb ‘23

At $1.30 per token, your airdrop ranged from $812.5 to $13325 Image
Mar 22, 2023 20 tweets 10 min read
Don't have time to trade but still want to participate in the upside of crypto?

Doubtful about blindly buying into such a volatile asset class?

I take a data driven approach to help you understand how to outperform in crypto long term

Read on if you prefer wealth 🧵 1/ First off: this is not financial advice, do your own research

I'll start off with the takeaways and then dive into the data for those that still have an attention span longer than that of a TikTok video 😃

Alpha first, data second
Mar 15, 2023 16 tweets 12 min read
.@mevcollector turned 11E -> 862E (7736%!) by investing in the strongest NFT projects

But *how* do you identify these NFT projects?

I built a dashboard to assess the strength of NFT projects so you can find the next 100x!

(including the most profitable wallets to copytrade 💵) Image 1/ Let's use the dashboard to look at my favorite project, the Pudgy Penguins

As an overview, we'll cover:

- NFT sale price trends
- Average # of days held
- Unique holders
- Top $$ sales + traders 🤑
(and more)

Link for y'all to follow along with: dune.com/0xjaypeg/nft-c…
Mar 8, 2023 31 tweets 23 min read
Tired of rotating from shitcoin to shitcoin?

What if you could just buy an index on crypto and call it a day?

$COIN (Coinbase) is the index fund of crypto, and here's why: 1/ I’ve mentioned that the next mainstream “wallet” wont look anything like the popular crypto wallets today

Coinbase gets it too, and has been working towards this all along

They’ve had a coherent view of this since 2016 coinbase.com/blog/the-coinb…