Muse | ✨YQY Big Naturals✨ Profile picture
30s | she/they | 🔞 blocking minors | SVSS + MDZS | JC LBH & SJ Apologist✨ | YQY multishipper | PentapoxParadox on Ao3
Oct 15, 2023 109 tweets 17 min read
#QiJiu Cherry Magic AU where SJ wakes up being able to hear people's thoughts when he touches them. This goes unnoticed for some time because he's not touching anyone in general until NYY greats him with an excited hug.

He hears "Shizun looks so nice today!" Except he was definitely staring at her face when he heard it and did not see her mouth moving. Later when Ming Fan hands him a scroll he hears his disciple running through all the things he needs to catch up on before SQQ notices he hasn't finished X task from the day before.
Sep 26, 2023 46 tweets 7 min read
Ning Ying Ying’s Best Day Ever starts the way it always does, with sun warming her sheets perfectly and the birds chirping and warbling their songs. It takes a moment for the last fog of sleep to slip away, but when it does she jumps out of bed with an excited scream. It’s been years since she’s woken anyone up doing this, the quarters she’s received as a senior teaching disciple are generous enough that she doesn’t have to share.

There are times that she misses it though, the easy comfort of other girls in each others space was so nice.
Jul 21, 2023 89 tweets 14 min read
Modern au where tiny QiJiu always play getting married behind the slides so Shen Jiu can make Yue Qi’s vows include ‘SJ always gets the last popsicle on the freezer’ ‘take SJ to a theme park every year’ ‘SJ picks dinner three nights a week’ ‘Stay best friends with SJ’ Dr. Lan, in an uncharacteristically rude manner says, "No." and motions Shen Jiu closer to help with the luggage.
Jul 18, 2023 92 tweets 15 min read
It would have been Justice if instead of pickling Shen Jiu, Bingge had seduced Yue Qingyuan, and become the sect leader’s husband.

He would have been so insufferable I just know it. SJ would have eaten his fan to bite back remarks!!! 🔞 So he's stays close, even long after the effects of the flower have faded. Kisses Yue Qingyuan for every year that they've known each other, for every day he's turned away from him. Scratches lines of red across his back for every week that he was married.
Jun 30, 2023 89 tweets 14 min read
I can’t stop thinking about Jin Zixuan cyclically falling in and out of love with Jiang Yanli through their whole childhood, always expecting her to put up with it since they’re going to get married (even out of love he accepts it as a truth)

And then she breaks the engagement Whispering breaks out around him about how he wanted to break the betrothal.

That’s not…that’s not what he said.
Jun 30, 2023 42 tweets 7 min read
Me: i’m losing the QiJiu bug 😔

Also me, vibrating: arranged marriage au where YQY politically married into lord SQQ’s house and since he didn’t remove the veil, didn’t consummate the marriage, doesn’t know his lowest rank spouse is Yue Qi. YQY thinking SJ doesn’t want anything to do with him and tries to live unobtrusively in the farthest abandoned corner of his house. He tries to catch a glimpse of SJ when he can, but it isn’t lost on him that SJ always visits his wives and never his husband.
Jun 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
reading about the golden age of piracy in china and trying decide a rough era for this fic and what I can allude to and then being like...hmmmm....OR i can just be vague.... learning a lot about governance and the different types of Chinese ships, as someone who grew up reading a lot of english pirate stories, this is really interesting and I want to look into any novels based at sea now 👀
Jun 16, 2023 73 tweets 11 min read
I want a QiJiu pirate au where YQY is the pirate and SQQ is The Law chasing him across the ocean meanwhile YQY doesn’t know that the man hunting him is his childhood friend that was sold to a respectable house and never seen again Right after Yue Qi left he got pulled into whatever the Chinese equivalent of a press gang is and sold as a powder monkey to a naval ship that doesn’t dock back home for several years. He gets some money and status working up in the ranks to eventually become a gunner.
Jun 3, 2023 91 tweets 15 min read
In honor of Noodle NPC breaching containment, here’s the first Noodle NPC Side Serving: Mobei Jun

(Also support my son by voting here: )

Shang Qinghua has been by Mobei Jun’s side nearly his entire life.…
Shang Qinghua looks beautiful and happy and he wants to die.

It hurts.

When he pulls his husband over to meet him for the first time, he sees the moment recognition flashes across his face.

/He knows./

(It hurts.)
May 30, 2023 77 tweets 13 min read
🔞genderbend QiJiu lesbians where SJ, still mad, watches childhood friend YQY from a far and sees her turn down guy after Guy with no remorse so she mocks her for having no experience as an adult but then the next person that asks YQY out is a woman and she accepts YQY: Xiao Jiu wants someone with experience….

*flirty milf appears*

YQY: yes, perfect

Meanwhile, Shen Jiu watching her Qi-jie grow flustered at this woman’s attention when she never reacted to any men flirting w her: the risk I took was calculated but man, I’m bad at math
May 28, 2023 140 tweets 21 min read
#moshang cockblocked by administrative duties
Shang Qinghua is going to throw up.

Mobei Jun is straddled above him, carefully peeling back his robes and running his hands over all his exposed skin. Groping shamelessly at the softness of his stomach and chest and Shang Qinghua is so hard there is no way he doesn’t feel it. He definitely feels Mobei Jun pressing against his thigh.
May 27, 2023 48 tweets 8 min read
#QiJiu where Shen Jiu is a private school teacher and when he confiscates a smut magazine from his students there’s a fold out of Yue Qingyuan naked and tied up and he just has to go the rest of his day knowing that’s in his desk, that there are People Who Have Seen Qi-Ge’s Dick He doesn't deviate from his schedule, staying after hours to do some grading and lesson planning for the next week. He takes the train home like he always does, eats his dinner like always, and then opens the magazine as if his world hasn't been tilted on it's axis
May 24, 2023 48 tweets 8 min read
Trophy husband Yue Qingyuan, at your service
I didn’t finish in time for maid day but lets pretend I did! Image a continuation of the underground fighter Yue Qi AU!
Ever since Xiao Jiu had saved him from the fighting ring, Yue Qi had been living the high life. Where once his days had been marked by broken bones and violence, now he counted them by what continent they were on.
May 22, 2023 34 tweets 6 min read
Okay but a modern au where Mu Qing and Mu Qingfang went to medical school together, specialized in the same thing, and years later started working in the same hospital. The hi jinks that would ensue when the the wrong Dr. Mu is sent in to deal with their homies Or the potential miscommunication that because people were talking about the other beautiful Dr. Mu, the nice one? the scholarly looking one? Which? Who??

I just wanna see Feng Xin and Liu Qingge misunderstand something about their doctors/love interest and be like Image
May 21, 2023 71 tweets 12 min read
Putting in my hours at the QiJiu factory
A beautiful man lives at the edge of town. He has broad shoulders and a warm smile, and a kind word for anyone who needs it. His husband, it seems, only lets him out on cloudy days. They are a study in contrasts, where one exudes warmth the other is nothing but cold gazes and sharp edges, using gentlemanly manners to keep a distance. Where one is comely and inviting, the other is a peerless beauty, untouchable and unapproachable by mere mortals.
May 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

How to care for your demon didi just updated!!!!!!!

The fix where tiny MBJ is found by tiny QiJiu after being abandoned in the human realm! My LGJ!!!… MBJ SR JUST SHOWED UP!!!! Image
May 19, 2023 107 tweets 17 min read
In another life, in another world, Shang Qinghua stays late at the noodle stand at the base of the mountain.

The days have piled on, the work seems insurmountable, and rest seems like a distant memory. Shang Qinghua wouldn’t even be here if his head disciple hadn’t locked him out of own office. She had looked at him in that terrifying way of hers and pushed him out the door with a command to go eat some noodles and get out of her hair.
The impertinence!
The gall!
May 19, 2023 33 tweets 6 min read
Cumplane are soulmates and that’s why every Shen Yuan/pidw ship works

Except maybe Shen Yuan/MBJ because he’s For Airplane. it would be like two feral cats being fed by the same person meeting. They both see themselves as the Person Who Knows SQH best. They’re both wrong. it would be funny if the Person Who Knows SQH Best is just some random npc vendor or stall owner that he has been going to for years and actually listened to his complaints. Like imagine SQH rolling up one day like this is my best friend X

SY and MBJ wouldn’t know how to act
May 17, 2023 129 tweets 20 min read
You know what, fuck it, LiuQiJiu continuation of this thread

Liu Qingge ex lady in waiting to the presumed dead queen YQY, is now a fish monger living in a house on the beach. It’s not the life her parents wanted for her, they have repeatedly, and loudly, told her as much. But Liu Qingge is stubborn and no one has ever been able to stop her when she sets her mind on something.
May 17, 2023 69 tweets 11 min read
Once again thinking about lesbian QiJiu Maybe a situation where they are selkies and YQY has her seal skin stolen and is trapped as an unwilling bride to some adventurous prince and eventually becomes a benevolent queen with a melancholic air about her
May 7, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I'm editing this for AO3 so I can include this bit, but in this au YQY's head disciple is desperately crushing on SQH's terrifying head disciple.

YQY has clearly caught onto this and tries to give her excuses to go visit Wu Zhao and his head disciple is mortified by this. Especially, after an encounter that showcases Wu Zhao's ruthlessness among other disciples, Yue Qingyuan turns to his head disciple and says "I understand the appeal."

Lin Siniang wants to eat her sword out of mortification and resentment at what that implies about YQY/SQQ.