Eric Ralph Profile picture
Senior spaceflight reporter at @teslarati he/him
Sep 14, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
SpaceX has published a new render of Crew Dragon's cupola configuration and also revealed that Inspiration4's actual apogee target is 575 km (~357 mi), not 540 km. Plus a few new photos of Falcon 9 and Dragon at 39A :) I believe that means that Inspiration4 will be the seventh-highest humans have traveled in Earth orbit - four Shuttle Hubble Servicing missions and two Gemini test flights had higher apogees.
Aug 20, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Just from a quick scan, I'm seeing at least a dozen other senior employees that left since April 2021 including:
-Blue's Sr. HLS Descent Element director
-another sr. propulsion engineer
-sr. launch ops engineer
-advanced concepts program director
-principal New Glenn engineer -Sr. Propulsion Research Engineer
-Technical Program Manager (New Glenn)
-Sr. Director of New Glenn ops
-BE-4 combustion engineer
-Lead BE-7 turbopump designer
-Director of Corporate Strategy
-Sr Dynamics Engineer
-Sr New Shepard Tech. Director/Chief Engineer
-Recruiting Director
Apr 27, 2021 20 tweets 5 min read
lmao this is the whiniest high-horse shit I've every seen. Blue is basically protesting every single conclusion NASA drew 😂 Definitely makes an extremely strong case for printing a picture of a blue feather beside the dictionary definition of "sore loser," though! Gonna add a few thoughts while I read.
1. Blue Origin is either dumb or willfully ignorant when it tries to use the fact that "NASA made two [Commercial Crew] awards with less available funding and less out-year funding certainty" to whine that NASA didn't choose SX & BO (~$9B).