💫I Am Ash Elle Profile picture
✨☀️✨Starseed, Healer, Anchor, Homesteader, off Grid✨☀️✨ Tok Alaska
Jan 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Expansion of TIME

New Light Age

Know Time is an ever-expanding format, as your New Light World advances. To notice yourself – to be an observer – be awakened to the unconscious – conscious states as you flow in your day. See your world stepping into a new state of Light Awareness. For your world could be described as a new light bubble. As your physical form is upgrading moment by moment.
To contemplate your choices, your internal and external light awareness,
Jan 4, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read

We are Here NOW
We LOVE you.
We are you, from your future, to assist u on your path.
As you have crossed over the threshold into your New Year 2021, humanity has accomplished a Mighty Feat. As a collective, your SOULs have opened the Portal for a major SHIFT in your Reality.
Many of you might experience dizziness, spaciness and feeling tired, while feeling exhilarated and joy at the same time.
The dizziness, spaciness and feeling tired comes from a complete...
Jan 4, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
A breakdown, a Reset, an update just before the baptisms of fire coming from the Sun today January 3, 2021
it is a process of dissolution in the light of everything that has been falsified.. These outages are also energy dematerializations that no longer have shortages.. by states of failure where we stay like this stopped, for a few moments or more… like prostrate, in stasis. To be exhausted…
living ′′ white ′′ in consciousness… emptiness..
Jan 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read

As you settle into the energies coming in today, you may notice an upheaval at first, a deep stirring, agitation, and irritability. This is just a gathering and clearing of the old within making way for the new. Stillness, peace,... grace, clear, open, light, rebirth, renewed, fresh perspective, non attachment, neutrality, empowerment, and Sovereign Divinity are the new energies coming in.
Take time to make your connection to Source a priority in every now moment.
Jan 3, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Keep your eyes to the skies

Much is being revealed

Beings of light from all over the Galaxy are here assisting with this glorious transformation and celebrating our accomplishments Their presence is becoming more and more known Many have felt isolated through the healing process
We are truly never alone, always guided and protected and loved beyond measure
As wholeness is embodied,
new rainbow tribes are or soon will be coming together to rebuild what we have already created energetically on the...
Jan 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
In Truth… God / Creative SOURCE / Great Spirit is the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS that Encompasses All Consciousness on All Planes and Dimensions throughout the Multiverse.
The Omnipresent… Omnipotent… Omniscient… Creative SOURCE within All Creation. As all Great Masters, Saints and Sages have told us the Temple is within.
By going within through Conscious Prayer Meditation and other Spiritual practices we expand in Awareness… in Consciousness until we BEcome ONE with the ONE SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS… THE ONE of All That Is.
Jan 3, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read

The Arcturians

To feel your world immersed in a wonderful new light spectrum. The welcoming of the New Light Paradigm, the celebration of life, remewal and light advancement.

We ask you to travel within this light frequency, connect more deeply to the... Crystalline Light particles, to discover your true connection, your Light Mission in this now moment.
To see the week ahead of virtual manifestation, deep core understanding and your role(s) in assisting Gaia and all beings.
To observe the beauty of nature, the fresh flowers of..
Jan 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
We have Massive amount of DNA Upgrading and Activation occurring in this NOW Moment!

HIGH Frequency Downloads of Photonic LIGHT CODES are Happening as we Speak!

Activating and Integrating into our Central Nervous System… and Energetic LIGHT Bodies. These incoming Frequencies can take the form of High Pitched Buzzing… ringing as well as SHIFTING pressurization in the inner ear.
The right ear is connected to HIGH Frequency Energetic Activations and the left ear with HIGH Frequency Physical Activations.
Jan 2, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
To ALL of the Light, with everyOne this resonates with, and especially Those that have enough of Their Divine Memory in this NOW, We request Your focus to go toward what We are Creating Now, the liberation and prosperity for ALL Humanity. The digital Light Warriors work at spreading the Awareness of the dark regime has become redundant, IT HAS ENDED, THERE IS ENOUGH OF THE TRUTH OUT THERE IN CIRCULATION, and by energizing getting the Truth out there, it is NOW distracting You from the Higher Mission of Creating...
Jan 2, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Kanyini Prayer… For the World…

On behalf of all of us of indigenous ancestry from the First Peoples of Australia, to all the great Creators of Nature, who have always loved us without condition throughout all our natural life and beyond, I offer this prayer: To Mother Earth: I acknowledge with love and appreciation the care and unconditional love you provide for all living things. May we be led to understand this; may your ways of unconditional love for all life, be our ways, that we live this each moment of our life.
Jan 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The Union of the Alpha and Omega is complete. Astra line ups with the Earth’s grids, coded to the Holy Grail, have completed the merging of Christ, for Holy Grail Unions. Sacred sites around planet earth and Mars are now lit and radiating the 1111 Union Code. These frequencies have awoken the molecular structure of the Jesus Christ 888 Code within the FirstFruits. This is forcing rapid change of the flesh vessel. Purification and downloads are happening at the same time. The FirstFruits are now becoming the embodiment of the 888...
Dec 31, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
2⊕21 – A Time of Collective Awakening

All around us, things are shifting. These shifts are paving the way for accelerated awakenings and advances in consciousness, but along with this also comes waves of emotion. Perhaps you have been feeling these waves of emotions for yourself – perhaps some days you feel at peace and are thriving with this new routine but on others, you find yourself gripped with anxiety and frustration.
We are all navigating uncertain, never-seen-before times –
Dec 31, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read

Part 2 – The Arcturians

Like a melting Snow Flake, know the vibrational climate of your world is changing, as the Love Frequency Expands, reaching the far corners of your reality.
For our Universal Mission is UNITY, the joining of all Beings in a Harmonic... Light Flow, aligned to the original construct of your Reality. The true alignment of Mother Terra and Life.
We see the great Union of many, the Heart Crystalline Expansion, like a New Light Template anchoring your reality. As you walk the path, emitting the High Vibrational...
Dec 26, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read

Beloved Family,

Expressing Gratitude and Love to all those who participated and all those who were with us in this beautiful New Earth Geodome IN SPIRIT! WE gathered at candle light aligning with the Oceans , waters from Lake Titicaca merging throughout the Globe in Uluru .
We celebrated with joy as the Cosmic egg of creation rose in Uluru together with reverence and gratitude for Mother Earth.
Dec 15, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read

December 13th, 2020

Planetary Conjunction

As Light Showers your world of Infinitite Proportions – Love, Intelligence, New Earth Alignments.

See your Lightbody Powering Up – as you RISE – STAND IN YOUR LIGHT
See much of the Pivotal work is completed Light Family. For your role now is to simply be a Vessel of Light – BE LIGHT.
Seek Patience with your progress, as many are at different stages of Light Assimilation, Ascension.
Dec 15, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
On December 21st, 2020 we FULLY move into The Age of Aquarius!😮😮😮😮

Not only are we moving into the Golden Age, but there are some HUGE alignments happening that are going to change our lives significantly for the better, forever. Yes, you heard that right FOREVER! Saturn[male] and Jupiter[female] come out of their [over] 600 year stay in Earth signs and their 200 year stay in Capricorn. Capricorn is the placement of control and material things; such as physical money, industrial expansion, mining minerals and natural resources, anything...
Dec 12, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Shekinah is freeing & restoring the Divine Masculine Christ to reconnect back to their own intuition, higher self, Mother Earth, and the Most High. This is bridging them back home to their Soul Family, Tribe, their Divine Feminine Bride of Christ, & role as a Lion King of Judah. Truth be known.

This is our 1212 flip that is occurring now. We are flipping into merging into Union for Creation. We have cleared all access points of the enemy draining from our birthrights, wealth, love, and womb powers.
Dec 11, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
HUGE INCOMING ENERGIES NOW. Affecting the full head area. Very strong, heavy pressure with these energies. Full Crown & Third Eye upgrades and activations. 

We are coming into bigger and bigger energies daily. Leading up to the 12th and 14th. Please listen to your inner knowing with these energies. ✨
Your food needs will be changing, for some it will be to things you haven’t ever wanted before.
Listen to your cravings and follow those. You are changing and so are your bodies needs.
Dec 11, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
Timelines Switching : Total ReWiring

Energies of The Rebirthing Gateway of December 12-21 / Goddess Isis Gateway are already upon us as we interface with the Zero Point SHAPE SHIFTING Energies of the Great Central Sun . This might be experienced as a complete disintegrated of... your being…like each atom of your being is pulled apart, cleansed ,cleared, purged of the old stories, pain, disappointments and suffering to be woven together into a Higher Vibrational frequency THAT which you Intend to Achieve.
Dec 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The 12/12 Sagittarius Portal is approaching.

We are feeling the energy rise as the blessings of the Divine Feminine flow to the Earth.
The 12/12 is a time to celebrate Abundance and the Goddess energy with gratitude. On the higher levels…we are realigning with the Solar and Galactic energies very powerfully in preparation for the “bridge” that the Feminine Christ will provide in 2021.
The timeline of the Magdalen and the Cathars will be reactivated and the gentle and “pure” energy will...
Dec 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read

As the Light Metamorphosis continues, we see great Upgrades occurring in all levels of your reality.
We see your…

Human – Light Mission Expanding

As your world is awakening to a Higher Dimensional reality. As your DNA awakens, know your Gaia Mission is... Expanding to a Whole New Level.
BE Open to Visions and insights, as your Mission is Now before you, your present moment, your future as your visions expand.
For many FEEL the inner calling to particular Roles, as the Path of Knowing will become Clearer dear one.