Kunal Bahl Profile picture
Creating impact through technology.
Aug 22, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Came across this email from 2007 that I suddenly received one fateful afternoon 15 yrs ago.

Microsoft's legal dept had filed my H1B visa application, which got rejected by the US Govt.

I returned to India & couldn't be more thankful that this happened to me.

Serendipity! 🌟👇 While I vividly remember my heart sinking when I got this mail, always appreciated how professionally & empathetically Microsoft acted in the situation, even though didn't seem that they could do much given these H1B visa decisions by the US Govt. are one-sided and irreversible.
Dec 20, 2021 23 tweets 5 min read
This is the story of how @snapdeal got its first angel investor 14 years ago, who still continues to be an investor in the company. A short 🧵about kindness and serendipity...👇 One day, I walked into one of my management course lectures in college. There is a grey haired gentleman standing in front of the class chatting with our regular professor. Dressed casually, but with a glowing, happy face. I wondered who this was 🤔 Guest speaker it seemed.
Apr 16, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
3 Reasons why eCommerce deliveries are the safest way to get both food and non-food essentials to consumers:

(1) Better to have 350K delivery heroes on the streets across the country than millions of consumers in the markets and malls not maintaining social distancing. (2) In the past few weeks millions of orders of essentials got delivered but only 1 case of an infected delivery hero has happened. It shows that while things won't be perfect, eCommerce and logistics companies do care a lot and are taking various precautions.