How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App commitment to the program - which needs to be well run and well managed. It can't just be a rule-free free for all. used to sleep through board meetings. Since being denied an unearned parking placard, he’s made it his personal mission to throw constant tantrums in public. issues are related. The MTA's capital budget has, since Pataki, been funded through large amounts of debt financing, and debt service shifts to the operating budget. Some debt financing is fine - new construction generates new revenue and you can bond against that.' decision will make it very hard for limit on public carry to survive constitutional challenges. The 6-3 Court took this case as an opportunity to massively expand its interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. means basically a Utica Ave extension and … nothing else? first write by The Times doesn’t mention a driver at all. The cab wasn’t sentient.'s a fire hydrant around the corner for my apartment that's been running - slow feed though, not full blast - for about 2 weeks. I filed a 311 report last Thursday. The report was closed 4 minutes later by @NYCWater because it was a duplicate. They already knew about it. being a lame duck, having no political future and still cowering in fear of four people on a CB or whoever the mayor's listening to now. This most be so discouraging for the many competent people still at DOT. The cowardice of Gutman and de Blasio are killing people. (?) to try to guess which one.🙃 excerpt: idea of an unlimited ride Metrocard feels foreign and pre-pandemic at this point. But a Schwartz-driven move, without any sort of rationale given, has serious ramifications regarding transit access. It should be taken seriously. don't know why Schumer would give up state + local aid in exchange for McConnell's dropping the liability protections. That's a mismatch in priorities and one that hangs us all out to dry.