“Shall means MUST." Tweeting progressive beliefs/sharing info 4 non-violent social justice. Fighting against retaliation 4 asserting property rights. #Resist 🌻
Oct 21, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
🧵Always, always,
ASK unhoused people what do you NEED?
Bureaucrats often tell homeless ("unhoused") people wrong information, try to coerce unhoused people into shelters or other situations that further endanger the health and the well-being of unhoused. gofundme.com/f/help-jeanne-…
Some bureaucrats knowingly make false statements, make threats, and demand payoffs.
I need funds to purchase some professional clothing, since all of my clothing was destroyed when I was illegally evicted.
I need funds for market-rate rent near my neighborhood so
Feb 29, 2024 • 9 tweets • 1 min read
Dear @potus @GovPritzker
I am old enough to remember when businesses cared about productivity
I am old enough to remember when Illinois’ constitution added gender and disability non-discrimination
I am old enough to remember my public school education’s research training
So don’t tell me that I can’t enforce laws against crimes bc the criminal is a former spouse or lawyer or …judge
Don’t tell me I have to wait for an election or Godot’s production of the record to appeal a void judgement while throwing me to the street