Alex S 🇬🇧🚵‍♂️ #FBPA Profile picture
Came for #Brexit, now talking about #inequality. And Brexit. & some other ❄️ stuff 😉. I block stupidity, fake accounts & deliberate trolling - life is short!
Aug 8, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Back of envelope maths: if they spent £2B on 2 year BS (Bibby Stockholm) contract, that's about 3M£/day. HMG has put *up* the cost of housing asylum applicants by ~+50% overnight. Slow hand claps all around? If they wanted/needed to spend more money housing more applicants, they could have at least spent that money in the UK hospitality sector and given some British people some economic benefit.

But no. Oz company. Govt of fascists and fuckwits and traitors.
Dec 6, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Maajid is going on about Russian ships in UK waters, "as a remainer". Saying control of our waters is "non-negotiable".

Russia isn't in the EU. We're not in the EU.

How do you think Brexit affects our position vis a vis Russia, stronger or weaker? 🤦 Fishing isn't 1% of GDP as everyone on this show keeps saying, it's 0.1%. But hey, what's factor of 10 at this point?

Dec 5, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
Peter Foster hits nail on head: #lbc

UK wants to move away from EU regs, but also wants an FTA.

No tariffs right off coast in a UK that wants to deregulate is a clear threat to the EU SM.

We're no longer an EU state, so EU obligation is to its members.

We were warned.
Dec 5, 2020 7 tweets 3 min read
"The reality of course is that the UK will have to negotiate with the EU over fish, FOREVER." #lbc

Phew, good thing THAT one was explained to British people last December! Otherwise they might have voted the wrong way...oh.

Philip Rycroft, probably happy to be *former* DeXEU. Now it's David Davis saying all this is predictable. #lbc


Jesus Christ.
Dec 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Alok Sharma seems confused if its 100k or 100M £, that you have to bring in to avoid quarantine.

There's quite alok of difference. ;)

Leaving aside the absolute health insanity of this policy and the terrible politics.

#lbc I'm having fun seeing @devisridhar 's reactions to this story. She's right of course. The only question for me is are they deliberately outraging people here, or are they (Govt) just crazy?