Claire McNab Profile picture
Proud pet human of a dog. Left-libertarian, ruralist, anarcho-feminist. Anti: imperialism, specisism, scientism etc.
May 30 13 tweets 2 min read
I thought I was watching two separate British news stories. One was Paula Vennells's lies about the subpostmasters. The other was Keir Starmer's lies about the so-called "Labour Party"'s investigation into Diane Abbott MP. >> Image Then I realised that they were in fact two instances of the same story. That story is of power which believes itself to be so righteous that it feels entitled to present falsehood as truth, and to smear truth-tellers as liars. >>
Jul 8, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: Johnson's Downfall and the Cat Connection
(by Cat-loving friend who wishes to remain anonymous) >> The story begins well before Johnson became Foreign Secretary under May’s government. >>
Apr 13, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
The screw-up which has left #Dursey Island without a link reveals a set of problems which are endemic in Irish public service. Over-centralisation creates cumbersome and bureaucratic decision chains, which lead to absurdly long response times. >> It would be easy to blame individuals, but the problems are structural. >>
Jan 31, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: I started to read Sue Gray's report:….

I got as far as the last sentence of para 2 before I dismissed it as untrustworthy, and stopped reading.

In that sentence, Gray writes "It was at this point that I was asked to lead this work." >> Note the use of the passive voice, which is a device to avoid stating who asked Gray to lead the work. That is what made me stop. >>
Jan 11, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
@LesleyRiddoch @pforpaddy: Thread.

tldr = Check out GolfGate! Within a space of five days in May 2020 there were two parties in 10 Downing Street, in breach of the lockdown relations. All apparently with zero consequences for the organisers and attendees. >>