The Counsel Of The LORD Will Stand — His Purposes Will Come To Pass!
As we look around us at the world it sometimes seems that it is in chaos and evil is winning over good, instead of good winning over evil!
What does God’s Word have to say about this? If we believe that God is Sovereign and He has a plan, we will be able to put our worries aside knowing that everything is going according to His purposes!
Feb 20 • 50 tweets • 7 min read
The LORD’S Glory!
God will restore His people and rule in righteousness to keep His Word to His people, to fulfill the Word’s of His prophets, and all the world will see His glory!
Isaiah speaks of a time when Jerusalem, the stumbling block for many, and a point of much contention will be restored and given a new name.
Feb 19 • 23 tweets • 3 min read
Longing For Him!
David wrote Psalm 63 to the LORD while in the wilderness, and in the midst of difficult circumstances! He longed for God in the midst of the evil around him!
Do you feel like David when you look at the world around you today? There are so many who call themselves the people of God, who are walking in evil!
Feb 18 • 53 tweets • 8 min read
Each Day Has Enough Trouble!
Do you find yourself wondering what the future has to hold? If we are living in the last days as many, including myself believe we are, then we know there are hard days ahead!
The Word of God tells us much of what is to come, though the exact details of how these things will play out may only be known as they happen! Then we will have understanding!
Feb 17 • 41 tweets • 6 min read
Can We Have Peace With Our Enemies?
When we take a stand for the Word of God and refuse to accept compromise in our lives, in the church, or even in the world we will have enemies! We are told this throughout God’s Word!
Matthew 10:34-39
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Feb 16 • 23 tweets • 4 min read
Love Not The World!
Do you feel like a stranger on this earth? For children of God, there’s a reason for that feeling! This world is not our home! We are strangers here!
1 Chronicles 29:15
For we are strangers before Thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding.
Hebrews 11:13
They were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Feb 15 • 60 tweets • 8 min read
Are You Mourning Sin?
When we look around us today we don’t have to look far to see a world filled with sin and evil!
We live in a fallen world filled with those who live to fill their own selfish appetites! A world ruled by Satan!
But beloved, when you see it, what is your response? Do you mock it? Do you laugh at it? Do you accept it? Do you tolerate it? Do you embrace it?
There truly is nothing new under the sun, yet we are told the evil will not lesson as time goes on, but will intensify!
Feb 14 • 23 tweets • 4 min read
What Kind Of Love Is This?
Several years ago I awoke with the words — “His outstretched arms” and a melody running through my mind!
I’d never heard the tune before, so I searched online and found this beautiful song that I believe the Holy Spirit wanted me to hear and share then, and again today!
Feb 13 • 44 tweets • 7 min read
Test Everything — Hold Fast To What Is True!
We must prove or test all things, and stay away from even the appearance of evil!
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.
How do we know what is true and who is speaking truth in these days?
We must watch closely and we must test every single thing we hear, and every single thing we see, by the Word of God!
We were told ahead of time that these last days would be filled with deception!
Feb 12 • 39 tweets • 6 min read
The Remedy!
If only the people of God would be more active politically, and in their communities, then our nation would not have fallen into the state it is in!
If only the people of God were more active online, researching and exposing the evil in this world, then our nation would not have fallen into the state it is in!
If only we had done something in our human ability, things would have been so different!
Feb 10 • 41 tweets • 6 min read
Where Are We Sowing?
Are we sowing to our flesh or to the Spirit! If we are sowing to the Spirit we no doubt will often feel alone in the world, and sadly even among those who say they share our faith and mission! We are told to sow and to not grow weary!
2 Corinthians 9:6-9
But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
Feb 8 • 55 tweets • 8 min read
Golden Age?
We are told that the deception of the last days will be so great, that if possible even the elect will be deceived!
Mark 13:22-27
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
Feb 7 • 25 tweets • 4 min read
Why is @realDonaldTrump talking about a golden age coming and destiny? I believe it should be evident to those who know the Word of God. He is surrounded by false teachers who teach lies. His selection of Paula White further shows this!
What do most of these “religious” leaders believe? They believe in Dominion Theology, so let’s look at its tenants!
Feb 7 • 21 tweets • 3 min read
To Thine Own Self Be True?
This quote is familiar to most, and is taken from Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet. These were words of advice from a father to his son who was going away to university.
Today it is used to mean one shouldn’t worry about pleasing other people, or living by someone else’s rules or standards, but rather living by their own standards!
But is this sound and Biblical advice?
Feb 6 • 14 tweets • 2 min read
Some of my thoughts on President @realDonaldTrump’s speech today at the National Prayer Breakfast! 1/
No, we don’t need “religion” we need those who fear God and honor His Word!
Righteousness exalts a nation not “religion”!
Feb 5 • 25 tweets • 4 min read
I Know The Plans I Have For You!
From the foundation of the world God has known the plans He has for each of His children!
He has ordained each step He would have us walk!
Psalm 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delighteth in his way.
Feb 4 • 43 tweets • 6 min read
Love Him or Despise Him?
I don’t know any believer in God that does not want darkness and evil brought down! We pray and work towards that end!
We adhere to Paul’s instructions to his son in the faith, Timothy, when he tells him to patiently continue preaching God’s Word!
2 Timothy 4:2-3
Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Feb 3 • 38 tweets • 6 min read
Finding Satisfaction!
Who can satisfy my soul like you? Who on earth could comfort me, and love me like You do? Who could ever be more faithful, true? I will trust in You, I will trust in You, my God!
These are some of the lyrics to a chorus about finding our satisfaction in God, and trusting Him to meet our needs!
What is satisfaction? Defined it is the act of fulfilling a need, desire, or appetite, or the feeling gained from such fulfillment.
Feb 2 • 39 tweets • 5 min read
The Serpent Is More Subtle!
I wrote this message on November 21, 2022! The LORD has been reminding and readying us for the days we are now living in!
He’s been doing so always in His Word, but for us personally more so in these last few years!
If I’m right, that the time before Jesus’ return is short, the deception will grow exponentially worse!
Beloved, child of God — Take heed that you are not deceived, or that you think you stand! The deception won’t come from the obvious, but rather from those we trust the most!
Jan 30 • 52 tweets • 8 min read
Thou Art The Man!
Are we blinded to the sin in our own lives, by pride or callousness?
Sometimes we are quick to see and point out the sin and shortcomings of others, but don’t examine our own hearts!
David knew he had sinned before the LORD, but even though he knew something was not right in his heart, so much so that it was affecting his body, he still hadn’t confessed it to the LORD!
Jan 29 • 39 tweets • 6 min read
His Cords Of Love!
In Hosea and throughout the Word we see that when the people of God stray from Him to sin, that His Love goes after them to draw them back to Him!
God is Love! But we see that the methods God uses are not those that the world says to use! The world tells us that acceptance and tolerance is the way to show love!