Tim on two wheels Profile picture
Working for safe cycling in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham. Cycling locally and further afield (often on my eBike). Qualified cycling instructor.
Jul 26, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Here's the final of a number of threads of the presentation I made to the teams who run the Operation Snap road crime reporting systems in English and Welsh police forces. This thread is about citizen partnership road crime reporting.
1/6 Image Campaigners have often been working in the area for decades, often much longer than police teams. They often draw on professional expertise that they share widely.
Police teams would be enhanced if they used this expertise in the staff training programmes.
Jul 26, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Here's the 6th of a number of threads of the presentation I made to the teams who run the Operation Snap road crime reporting systems in English and Welsh police forces. This tweet is about wider awareness of road crime reporting action.
1/6 Image Cycling campaigners recognise that the best way to achieve behaviour change for most road crime offenders is in early intervention and direct education. Action against individual offenders is one way to achieve this ...
Jul 26, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Here's the 5th of a number of threads of the presentation I made to the teams who run the Operation Snap road crime reporting systems in English and Welsh police forces.

This tweet is about action taken by police against offending drivers.
1/7 Image The biggest concerns were that actions were so variable for seemingly identical driver behaviours. This really does undermine the trust that local citizens have in forces.
Jul 26, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Here's the 4th of a number of threads of the presentation I made to the teams who run the Operation Snap road crime reporting systems in English and Welsh police forces. This tweet is about feedback on reports made to the police portal.
1/11 Image Many forces do feedback on action taken by the police to those reporting road crime. But it isn’t universal. And the quality of feedback does vary.
For road crime reporting to be a model of civic engagement forces need to name what course of action is to be taken.
Jul 25, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Here's the third of a number of threads of the presentation I made to the teams who run the Operation Snap road crime reporting systems in English and Welsh police forces.
This tweet is about consistency of decision-making.
1/7 Image This was the issue campaigners became most animated about.
Cycling campaigners want national standards of decision-making. It is the single thing most often complained about.
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Jul 25, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
A few weeks ago I made a presentation to the police teams who run the Operation Snap road crime reporting systems in English and Welsh police forces. Here's the third of a number of threads on my presentation.
We want improvements to the reporting portal.
1/8 Image Cycling campaigners don’t understand why the reporting portal can’t be standardised.
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Jul 25, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
A few weeks ago I made a presentation to the police teams who run the Operation Snap road crime reporting systems in English and Welsh police forces. Here's the second of a number of threads on my presentation.
What do campaigners want from a road crime reporting operation?
1/ Image Campaigners recognise that many forces want to do better, but are often constrained by resources. More officers, better skills and better use of automation are vital. They are keen to see police action linked to city or town plans for road harm reduction.
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Jul 25, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
A few weeks ago I made a presentation to the police teams who run the Operation Snap road crime reporting systems in English and Welsh police forces. Here's the first of a number of threads on my presentation.
1/8 Image My presentation focused on emphasising the value of civic engagement as a keyway to achieve reductions in road harm and represented the perspective of cyclists who are campaigning to reduce road harm. I emphasised the value of working with cycling campaigners.
