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Aug 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Nope. Russians never were ready to "listen" to Ukrainians - to them it is akin to British parliamentarian listening to a random Zulu back in 1879. Laughable until they realize you're serious, and then just plain insulting.
They wanted us as curiosities, yes-men to their sermons. They did try and make the war about themselves, they still do. Because you see, its how they feel, what is important, and they've been selling that to the West since the Russian Empire fell. Suffering of the locals is non-existent in their world. Completely virtual.
Feb 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Not a bad article, and a thread. In addition to the quotes in the thread, here are few more quotes.

A position I can't really agree on, though, is the author's fascination with Russian literature (granted, its a required trait to be Russian literature expert). Fiction literature is ultimately a fancy way of amusing oneself, it is interchangeable, and non-essential for anyone, but the creator.

Say, Maya or Aztecs probably had their own "War and peace" equivalent, but no one is actually distressed its no longer available.
Feb 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Look through this thread. It is quite true.

Moreover, there are older myths of this sort, filling Russians' minds, for instance, Napoleonic wars. Napoleon is portrayed as a sort of 19th Hitler, single-mindedly obsessed with - you guessed it - destroying the Motherland. Then he rallied a whole Europe around him for this purpose, but the Heroic Russians via their Heroic Sacrifice beat not only Napoleon, but his European lackeys and, in rare case of a complete delirium of the story-teller, his English overlords.
Jan 8, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read
Now that's an interesting article
True, Russian identity is a bit of a void. In fact, they tried - and failed - to forge a unifying identity up until 2006 or so. Now, they appear to have reversed to their default identity: a Russian is the one who serves Russian imperial project The desirability of being Russian stems from two main reasons:

1) its profitable to be 🇷🇺 under 🇷🇺occupation
2) its unprofitable to be non-🇷🇺 there

That recent law, which made crimes on the occupied territories into non-crimes, is a good example of both
Jan 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Another great thread on the famous last hope for Russia and the second installment of "If not him, then who?"

First being Putin, if you didn't know.

The closest to an "academic study" on Navalny you'll ever get. Unfortunately, the addressees predictably dismissed it. McFaul, for one, is Done With This Debate. Because, you know, he lost it, but can't be bothered (or can't afford) to make amends to his position. Image
Dec 17, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
An observation: the West (AKA the old Europe and the US) appears to have some sort of fascination with Russia (which they also treat as interchangeable with USSR and Russian Empire), and tend to romanticize them, treat them using different set of standards. Example: the two stories about Brave Soviet Officers that Prevented Nuclear Holocaust by Not Starting It, Even Though They Had the Means To. I'm of course talking about Vasily Arkhipov during the Cuban Missile crisis and Stanislav Petrov and Nuclear False alarm stories.
Dec 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Dmutro Lubinets, VR commissioner on human rights (not sure how the title is translated properly) reports that there was a torture chamber for children discovered in Kherson after liberation.

I'll say it again: torture. chamber. for. children. A dedicated room for torturing kids. A damp cell with some carpets on it. Water once in two days. Little food. Stories of how parents had abandoned/disowned them. The article mentions that a kid who took a photo of Russian war vehicles was tortured, but doesn't go into details.
Dec 9, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Back in 2014 I hoped for Russian resistance in Russia to exist. And with this purpose, I was watching some of their activities.

They were always pretty loud, pretty busy. There were never any sort of results. Obvious imperial "mistakes" aside, like the famous sandwich quote, there were always the things they did, which didn't and couldn't work.

The theory of small deeds, for instance. The idea that by working within the field, left by the regime, they will improve it.
Sep 18, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
A major part in Russian Worldview TM is the thought of "western hypocrisy". While no people are strangers to hypocrisy, it is not the sense of the word Russians use it for.

You might have often encountered the statements like "yeah, we attacked Ukraine, but the US attacked Iraq" And dismissed them as simple discussion tactic. It's a bit more than that. I like to reiterate that Russian "normal" does not equal to normal people's "normal". This state of affairs has certain consequences:
Sep 16, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
I guess, I'll get to counting, for completion's sake. Not as if I hoped to cover all of the news of this sort, but. News on Russian atrocities, discovered after the Ukrainian offensive. I'll append, once there are new ones.
Aug 5, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Ah, another great illustration of a Russian mindset. Propagandist of Donetsk Pseudorepublic, Vladislav Ugolniy, had published this on his Telegram:

"Biological. Extermination. Of. Ukrainian. Nation.

In general, Surkov turned out to be right: the khokhols are really stubborn... ...and actually managed to construct a nation. Thus everyone who talks about "Austrian Headquarters" (a Ru propaganda myth that Ukraine was made up by Austrian HQ during WW1 to destroy Russia) and all the other believers in "tri-unity" (another Ru propaganda myth, that...
Jun 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A bit of Russian ideology for your timeline. This appears to be a screenshot from Vkontakte (RU Facebook) by Alexander Dugin about the stakes the Great Russia has in its Mortal Combat against the West.

I'll translate the main highlights: Image If Great Russia loses, the Immortal Souls of Russians will be Corrupted and thrown into the Depths of Hell

Because, you see, the West TM is based on the principle of Universal Sodomy, and Mr Dugin even provides a number of juicy examples...
May 4, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This reminds me that in Bucha - when Russians arguably expected to win and hence not having to build mock republics, the educators were exterminated - from kindergarten teachers to university professors. Now, they act as they did in Luhansk and Donetsk Pseudo Republics. After the full-scale invasion began the teachers of L/DNR were no longer needed (since the russian education system was already largely established, curriculum and textbooks), so they were mobilized and sent to the frontlines as cannon fodder.
May 4, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
You may remember all of the frequent mentions of numerous improvised torture chambers the Russians create on the occupied territories. Apparently, those who do it not only have mothers, but also call them to boast of their work. They get encouraged, no less.
#notallrussians, eh? There is a 10 minute long video linked to the post. Its a recording of an intercepted phone call between a Russian soldier and his mother. The soldier, among other things, describes his mother the tortures conducted by Russian FSB (and abetted by him) over Ukrainian captives.
May 3, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Russian Diplomats TM sure don't know when to stop digging. First Lavrov said that Hitler was a Jew, ergo Jews killed themselves during the Holocaust. I'd say it isn't too long of a stretch for a man who routinely claims that Ukrainians kill themselves in Bucha and Mariupol, but official Israel decided that enough is enough, and demanded official apologies.
May 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
And yet another #notallrussians moment. A Russian leaves a peculiar commentary on a photo with a Ukrainian kid mourning the death of his father, who died defending Irpin. To quote: "This [censored] will grow up and will pursue vengeance. Why do you leave them alive? Didn't you have enough of whelps of these subhumans in Odesa? They must be all exterminated. Every last one of them"
May 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This video is pretty telling. It shows that as early as 1991 Russians tried to de-legitimise Ukrainian state. By that time there was a conception that Ukraine (and other post-soviet states) is something temporary, a mock state that exists to calm down the West and make it soft. Then, of course, the USSR would recuperate, gather its strength and spring into action - the thing Russia is currently doing, by the way. It didn't go as planned, Ukraine refused to rejoin voluntarily, and threatened to shoot back if there were any attempts to make it rejoin.
Apr 13, 2022 44 tweets 9 min read
A bit of clarification about why do I push against "not all Russians" discourse so hard. Familiarity breeds content, and I've seen enough of them to not be swayed by their tricks nor let anyone else be swayed, if I can help it. Back when I was a student, I spent quite a lot of time on a Russian social platform, which ultimately never took off and is now deleted. Being an observant young lad, I was able to pick a few interesting anecdotes and discern recurring patterns in behaviour of site's inhabitants.