Lisa Guerrero 🪷🇺🇸💙💃🏿 Profile picture
Award Winning Investigative Journalist, Best Selling Author: WARRIOR: MY PATH TO BEING BRAVE, Producer, Actor, Artist, Keynote Speaker, OPINIONATED LATINA ✊🏽
Jan 30, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I believe in miracles.
Tonight I am lucky to be alive.
At 2:15 I was in my Jeep sitting at a red light when I heard a loud, screeching sound & glanced to my left. A car had hit a bump, lost control, was airbound & heading directly towards me. I braced for impact. (Cont’d) In what seemed like slow motion, he floated just behind my body, hit the left rear side of my car and sent me spinning into an electrical pole on the right, rear side of my car. My airbags did not deploy (they had been recalled and I have tried to have them replaced for months).
Sep 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Just watched @officialgogos doc and I fell in love with them all over again. @janewiedlin was my first #girlcrush 💗 This lil wanna be punker from #HuntingtonBeach saw em live a dozen times and fantasized about being in a badass all girl band. HOW ARE THEY NOT IN THE @rockhall ?? Interesting nugget in the doc about the white nationalist underbelly permeating punk at the time. In 79 my boyfriend took me to The Golden Bear in HB & the audience was full of “Surf Nazis”. Interestingly read an article about that culture this morning:…
Aug 26, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
While doing research for my book, Between a Jock And A Hard Place, came across an old modeling shoot for @muscle_fitness May 1992. The headline is crazy & explains much about why dudes feel “misunderstood”:
“The long ignored male perspective“!!!
Lol!!!! ImageImage Wowza, here’s the article: Image
Jul 20, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
In line at @Target and this dude refuses to wear a mask. Was also yelling at me in my face for asking him to. (BTW, I’m 6’ in line behind a lady w 2 kids) Security came out and said there is no “law” that he has to wear a mask in line. What’s up, @Target ?? Image Of course he called me “an extremist bitch”. Because of course.