Noura Erakat Profile picture
Human Rights attorney | Professor, @RutgersU| Author, Justice For Some | | | Justicia, Paz, Amor
ariefb Profile picture Andrea Salzano Profile picture Jean-Marc /Othman Profile picture 5 subscribed
Jun 2 9 tweets 2 min read
An important read by Prof John Quigley on #ICC's mischaracterization of #Gaza hostilities as both a non-international conflict (against Hamas) and an international armed conflict (against Palestine), when it should be understood as international

#Thread🧵… Setting aside the legal implications, for now, I want to emphasize how treatment of Hamas as a non-state actor reflects an anxiety, even among opponents to Israel's genocide, who want to support Palestinians but condemn, Hamas as an org, as opposed to taking issue w its tactics.
May 23 7 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday I did an interview with @dwnews - a German outlet about Norwegian, Irish, and Spanish recognition of Palestinian statehood. It did not go well & the tape is nowhere to be found. #Thread First off, this recognition is too little, too late. Not only did 138 states recognize Palestine in 2012, but on day 230 of genocide, we need weapons sanctions, arrest warrants, and boycott to stem Israel’s ongoing atrocities.
May 21 15 tweets 4 min read
Some thoughts on the #ICC request for arrest warrants.
Firstly,the request reflects its political challenges:It could not remain silent on a live-streamed genocide & as evidenced by the US, Israeli reactions, it also risked its relevance. The request threads this terrain #Thread The ICC is incapable of delivering justice. And while its request for arrest warrants in the Situation of Palestine bears out this cynical argument, it did set a significant precedent.

#Gaza #Nakba #Genocide #ICC
Mar 22 10 tweets 3 min read
Aside from how the @nytimes has made discussion of American Jewish politics far more common sense than 1 among Palestinian Americans, enduring an ongoing genocide for 168 days and counting, I want to humbly to respond to a point raised by @PeterBeinart… Beinart's call for Palestinians to imagine existence, in line with historic Palestinian calls and in the spirit of the South African Freedom Charter, is misplaced at this time. And certainly not provoked by slogans for freedom from the River to the Sea.
Feb 8 18 tweets 3 min read
The recent attack on @UNRWA was never about alleged security concerns. Israel & its allies have systematically targeted the agency for years in a bid to shrink and disappear 5.7 million Palestinian refugees demanding their right to return, rehabilitation, & compensation. #Thread Israel’s first submission for UN membership was rebuffed in part for its failure to resolve the newly created Palestinian refugee crisis.
Feb 1 9 tweets 2 min read
US District Court dismisses @theCCR’s lawsuit demanding Biden admin abide by its duties under Genocide Con 4 presenting a non-justiciable political question (bad) but affirms that “the undisputed evidence before the Court comports with the finding of the ICJ” (good) #Thread #Gaza The dismissal on political grounds, bc the case is better suited for another branch of government, in this case the executive, was to be expected. The coup is that the judge was so compelled by the evidence that he made powerful statements on behalf of the plaintiffs re #genocide
Jan 26 8 tweets 2 min read
Some quick thoughts on ICJ decision. #Thread #Gaza #Genocide #Nakba #Palestinian #Liberation #SouthAfrica Given how Judge Donahue began by providing context as the “conflict” beginning on 10/7 in contrast to how S Africa laid out context of 75 years of settler colonialism & ongoing Nakba, I was bracing myself for a negative decision.
Dec 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Taking cursory stock of Israel's military campaign reveals that beyond it being #genocidal-it is characterized by systemic war crimes.

Israel's army is deliberately criminal. Accountability is imperative to ensure these tactics are never repeated anywhere.

#Gaza #Nakba #Thread Israel has bombed at least 4 refugee camps:
Nuseirat & Bureij, Central Gaza (12/30)
Maghazi, Central Gaza (12/24)
Jabalia, Northern Gaza (10/9, 10/12, 10/22, 10/31)

#Gaza #Genocide #WarCrimes #Nakba
Dec 5, 2023 22 tweets 5 min read
With all due respect & admiration for Prof Khalidi, I think his intervention here is inaccurate & echoes a dangerous trend that objectifies indigenous peoples without proper engagement with native life and history. As an ethics of our solidarity, we must reject this. #Thread Insofar as Khalidi meant to emphasize adherence to IHL as he did in this talk, I think that would have been a different argument. Ill leave it in Khalidi’s words, you either apply IHL in which case it applies to all or you can outright reject it.…
Nov 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
To @piersmorgan & an entire class of journos still eager to apologize 4 Israel.

Piers said “Israel, could if they wanted, kill everyone in #Gaza, they decided not to do that,” suggesting this undermines claims of genocide.

According to law & jurisprudence, youre wrong #Thread The Genocide Convention (1948) itself criminalizes conspiring, inviting, attempting to commit, and complicity, in genocide.” Not a single person needs to be killed in order to demonstrate genocide. #Gaza #Genocide
Jul 6, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
In response to several inquiries about the criminality of Israel's 48-hour military operation against Jenin Refugee Camp- a #Thread

#WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Jenin #Israel #Thread (1) Firstly, as an Occupying Power, Israel has no right to self-defense against a population it occupies. It has usurped their policing power & has a duty to protect them. The ICJ affirmed this in 2004. Israel cannot defend its colonial takings.
Jan 31, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Palestinians under siege, subject to killing by world’s 11th most powerful army & deputized settlers but news producers want me to come on air to comment on Palestinians celebrating the killing of 9 Israeli settlers? #THREAD Why this pathology of Palestinians and apology for apartheid? Why exceptionalize this Palestinian expression when you know full well ANY human who lived under such devastating circumstances without an army or international protection would similarly respond to this operation?
Jun 24, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
Israeli Army finally released the video of Ahmed’s car crash and execution. The only thing more enraging than this video being used as “evidence” of an attempted attack on soldiers are the journos who have watched it and are asking my family for comment. #Thread Palestinians are so securitized as a threat that we can't make human mistakes, like lose momentary control of our car, press the accelerator in a moment of haste, get in a car accident.
#Palestinian #Freedom #AhmedErekat
May 31, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
#Thread Israeli forces chased down and shot to kill Iyad Hallaq, a 32-year old autistic man, the only son to his parents, a resident of Wadi il Joz, on his way to a special needs school.… #Israel #StateViolence #iyadhalak #Freedom This is illustrative of Israel's use of lethal force against all Palestinians from Gaza to Haifa and Jerusalem. Here is an excerpt from something I wrote and a link to a UN report condemning a culture of impunity for Israeli state violence. #Israel #StateCrimes #iyadhalak
May 11, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
This @nytimes headline is trash. It should read, “Israel criminalizes resistance to apartheid and abuses its full control over Palestinian life to punish them further”… #Thread #Palestinian #Freedom #Prisoners As a settler colony, Israel has criminalized Palestinian life- you can go to jail 4 crossing the wrong street, driving on the wrong road, having a political thought, living w ur fam, farming on your land, doing nothing at all under administrative detention. Your crime is to exist