Ape Zero-k Proof Profile picture
A humble ape with zero proof of knowledge // 🚜💱🚜.y.at // @pandilladeflujo // Sherlock of unlocks at @TheTIEIO // https://t.co/382YEajSc5
Jun 4, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
1/ Shower thoughts on stop loss:

Always use a stop... is probably the most common piece of advice you’ll hear. From your babypip beginnings to your favorite experienced mentor, this trading truism is rarely questioned. You just do it, or lose big. 2/ but do we always need one and in what situation would it be helpful and where would it be harmful? Personally I think it comes down to the logic; the kind of stop (time, level, atr, trailing, none) should support the inherent logic behind the system.