How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App tried calling 108 and call was immediately getting dropped. is a lane, which goes from Khalchawada to northern end of the beach; besides a big resort. subsidy and other schemes applicable is doled out for every Boat/Canoe/Trawler registered with Fisheries Department of Goa. most of the #Goa has already seen this video explainer of the purchase of Aldona Bungalow, by Chief Secretary Shriman Puneet Kumar Goel (IAS), but still putting it here. are gazillions countries, who have compulsory military service, none of them have the reason for sake of a "government job". INGRESS is next to impossible in such weather, and CREW has not even brought the ⛵ BOAT down; foolhardy Benaulim fishermen try to be stupid flag bearers. which their contents were procured, were treated ethically, they were slaughtered and killed without inflicting torture. And they were not diseased or ill.