shizun loving hours Profile picture
踏仙君, 沈九, 净霖, 慕含章 | 20 | sleep deprived writer | 🔞 | @slutranwan
ara | #FreePalestine🇵🇸 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 9, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
ceo mo ran and secretary chu wanning got so drunk together, they ended up getting accidentally married

but mo ran is the only one who remembers and thinks chu wanning does too

so the next day when chu wanning hears mo ran say “my wife likes this” the secretary drops everything and to think this ceo fetched him this morning so they can go to the company together and even asked him if chu wanning wanted to move in his house?!

how dare mo ran get his hopes up?

how dare mo ran not say that he already has a lover…
May 12, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
chu wanning runs a crocheting account where every video he makes something for his boyfriend. everyone keeps wondering who his lucky partner must be

until one of idol mo ran's fans stumble across chu wanning's account and notices the familiar crocheted items the idol would use like those husky and white cat plushies that mo ran would have displayed in the background of his live streams

the doggy eared beanies that mo ran would use when he's traveling

or his favorite black cardigan that he would always wear after his concerts
Apr 24, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
🔞 omega chu fei who’s been in suppressant all his life that people thinks he’s a beta. after so long w/o his suppressant, he goes through his first heat. taxian-jun doesnt find chu fei in the red lotus pavilion but in his own chambers, half-naked on his bed, nesting in his robes he doesn’t know how his chu fei got there but he doesn’t care as the smell of omega in heat engulfs him

it was a pleasant surprise to find that his shizun has been an omega all along as he feels his instincts claw against his belly — the need to breed his concubine overwhelming
Apr 23, 2023 41 tweets 6 min read
bingjiu au where binghe gets pulled into shen jiu’s dream

it happens until every nightmare — no, he realizes that these are his shizun’s memories — has shen jiu letting his guards down, his subconscious seeking for help

and every time, it was only binghe who could save him the first time it happened, a young version of his shizun was laying on the muddy ground inside a wooden shed, the stench of blood coating the air

his shizun tries and fails to reach for the rugged cup of stale tea on the only table in the shed
Mar 11, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
after missing a few classes, troublemaker mo ran has to borrow model student chu wanning's notes

now everything would have been fine if chu wanning didn't forget to take out all his doodles about his big crush and love for mo ran and it was too late when chu wanning finally realized this

he was already at home, looking through his notes when he remembered that the notebook he gave mo ran contained all his embarrassing sketches about his silly crush on the boy
Feb 23, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
ranwan actors in a bl drama where they have to keep retaking a kissing scene for the 20th time already because of 'mistakes'

but really it's just the two of them purposely messing up so they can kiss the other again (they're pining for each other) it's not even the first time that something like this happened

it started with them forgetting to separate after they filmed a scene where they had to hold hands — their fingers still interlocked even though the cameras have stopped rolling
Feb 23, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
🔞 it’s been weeks since the last time chu fei saw taxian-jun. the war had kept him away longer than usual and he couldn’t help but ache for the touch of his husband

chu wanning didn’t notice the whimper that left his lips when taxian-jun pulled his gloves off with his teeth the concubine closed his eyes, swallowing in anticipation and taxian-jun doesn’t miss the small arching of chu fei’s back, leaning closer to his palm that’s splayed across his lower belly
Feb 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
taxian-jun’s memories may be faulty but there is a lullaby he’d never forget that his mother would always sing to him

it’s the very song that he now hums to his and chu fei’s daughter as he tries to rock her back to sleep, standing by the window of the red lotus pavilion he adjusts his grip around her small body, fixing her swaddle as he hears the rustle of robes behind him

he turns to see chu wanning staring sleepily at them

“she was just being fussy, nothing that this emperor cannot handle”
Jan 25, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
concubine shen jiu wants to gain demon emperor luo binghe's favor and affection back so he adds a love potion to luo binghe's tea, one that will immediately make the emperor head over heels for him —except nothing changes

because luo binghe had always been in love with him shen jiu curses up a storm in his head, screaming internally at shang qinghua who's his only ally in court and was the one who'd given him the potion. luo binghe did not act besotted toward him after they make eye contact which is the complete opposite of it's effect
Jan 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
possessive chu fei is so hot

imagine empress song decided to barge into the red lotus pavilion and taxian-jun doesn't stop her, wanting to see his chu fei's humiliated reaction — he doesn't expect chu fei, who's straddling his lap, to hold his face firm and continue their kiss if anything, he doesn't let taxian-jun acknowledge the empress' presence even as her handmaidens gasp in shock over chu fei's audacity to withhold the emperor giving courtesy

taxian-jun and chu fei were sat outside on the daybed under the haitang tree so anyone can see them
Jan 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
the first time chu wanning full on grinned, lips wide to reveal a smile with all his teeth showing — mo ran cried

mo ran loves chu wanning’s small smiles and half grins but this — this felt like cupid’s arrow shooting him through the heart, falling in love once again when chu wanning asked him why he’s crying, mo ran just cups his face and gives him a kiss, “god… you’re just…” he lets out a watery laugh, his dimples becoming more prominent,”you’re just so so beautiful. i love loving you”
Jan 21, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
empress su xiyan inviting peak lord shen to the demon realm to celebrate the lunar new year after the fall of huan hua palace master so that they can reunite

there he meets prince binghe who’s immediately smitten to him noticing his son’s besotted expression as shen jiu helps luo binghe paint lanterns, making dumplings together, putting more nian gao in shen jiu’s plate—tianlang-jun says that it’s time for luo binghe to get in touch with his human roots and sends him to qing jing peak
Jan 20, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
while hanging out with chu wanning, mo ran decided to do one of those ‘what is my crush doing rn?’ tiktok filters

when it showed ‘waiting for u to make a move’ he immediately turned to chu wanning, who’s glaring at mo ran’s phone screen

then mo ran blurts out,“are you?” for a second, mo ran panics

because oh shit, chu wanning doesn’t know he has a crush on him!

and chu wanning doesn’t like it when he jokes around like this
Jan 19, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
secretary chu wanning started subtly putting make up on —at first it was just a light lipstick, then a dab of blush

he didn’t think anyone would notice but ceo mo ran did

and it wasn’t until he put on a tiny bit of glittereyeshadow that mo ran said,“the makeup looks beautiful—” “that shade complements your eyes well”

when chu wanning did not answer, too stunned to speak, mo ran turns and casually comments, “hmm… i think the lipstick you used the other day fits you better though”

and if chu wanning dropped the envelope he was holding, no one saw it
Jan 18, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
🔞 #ranwan ageswap au

a-ning have always lamented the unfortunateness of his mouth being too small to suck his mo ran gege’s too big of a cock

so it was to his delight when he saw a thread of how to suck dick, immediately running to his gege’s room to try it out Image mo ran was laying in bed scrolling through his phone and didn’t notice a-ning going inside his room causing him to drop his phone when a-ning crawled over him, sitting on his thighs
Jan 18, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
🔞 #bingjiu royalty ageswap au

it is not the empress nor one of the dozens of concubines that emperor luo binghe favors the most

no, because out of all these beauties and nobles, none of them can warm the heart — nor the cock — of the emperor like the young servant shen jiu can emperor luo may be seen in court with the empress or walking along the palace with one of the concubines but behind him, there will always be one person who will never stray far from the emperor — trailing closely behind, is the lithe frame of shen jiu
Jan 15, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
#bingjiu au // implied mpreg

where prince binghe will do everything it takes to have empress shen jiu all for himself — even if it means killing the emperor, his father prince binghe is the son of one of the concubines who died early in his childhood. although binghe had a wet nurse, the young empress shen jiu then had felt inclined to look after the only orphan in the harem, having no children himself
Jan 15, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
🔞 #ranwan au where yuheng is a chemist who's feared and respected amongst mobs for his great drugs and potent poisons sold in the black market but they don’t know that he’s also the one currently on his knees for mob boss taxian-jun, who endearingly calls him ‘chu fei’ or, when chu wanning agreed to work with taxian-jun, they only had one agreement and that was for the payment to be sex

as much as taxian-jun wants to play sugar daddy for chu wanning, the chemist was wealthy enough
Jan 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
#bingjiu au where empress shen jiu would often kiss the heavenly demon sigil on their children. he loves the way the crimson mark would flare as each child giggle after he leaves a kiss. they would line up and wait, sometimes emperor luo binghe would also be at the end of it patiently waiting for his turn with his arms crossed against his chest, a delighted smile on his lips

some children would clamber up to him, wanting to be carried in their father’s arms so by the time it’s his moment to get a kiss, he has two or more kids hanging on him
Jan 10, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
#ranwan royalty au where everyone thinks noble consort chu doesn’t deserve emperor mo’s favor

the consort was hardly seen in public so everyone thinks that he was a weak and pampered noble

unbeknownst to them that the general fighting for the country in war is also chu wanning they try so hard to vie for the emperor’s affection, trying to seduce him every chance they get despite their futile attempts

after all, the throne of the empress is still empty
Jan 8, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
#bingjiu au

servant shen jiu accompanies young lady qiu haitang to emperor luo binghe’s bride selection only for the emperor to completely ignore all the young ladies and young masters of noble houses presented before him and declare

“i want him” while pointing at shen jiu all his life, shen jiu never got the chance to taste luxury despite the fact that he was always surrounded by the riches of the qius — eyes always cast down, never staying too long on the pieces of jewelry and satins he’d help qiu haitang with