9to5REPE Profile picture
Head of multifamily acquisitions - get an inside look at how real deals get done. Not a personal millionaire yet, just buying deals for millionaires.
Aug 13, 2020 17 tweets 3 min read
I'm not sure I ever did a thread on my career and how I got to where I am today, so here it goes!

THREAD 👇 I went to a state school and double majored in finance and accounting, graduated with a mediocre GPA and a few wealth management internships. My sights were originally set on IB but I quickly realized that ship had sailed a long time ago.
Sep 20, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
Had some time on this lovely Friday to make a thread for you all.

How to make money in real estate via syndication:

A Thread 👇 So, you found a deal, negotiated the price and got it tied up for a purchase price of $4M, congrats!

Your underwriting says you need $500k worth of deferred maintenance work and rehab dollars to upgrade the units and raise rents to market.