A9 Collective Profile picture
A collective of resistance. Faithful antifascism focused on communities of faith.
Jul 14, 2024 8 tweets 1 min read
The fragility of democracy is demonstrated in the fragility of real human bodies.

It's not some separate thing.

Democracy was shown fragile in the body of a migrant child floating in a border river or in the bullied trauma of a Trans child y'all turned away from. It's not fragile now.
It has been.

It was fragile when Darren Wilson murdered Mike Brown and cops round the nation voiced their solidarity with death.
Apr 24, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Their plan is not to convince you right wing plans work better but to shock your conscience so many times you eventually quit caring.

It's called, "Oh Dearism." It preys on compassion but eventually convinces you to throw up your hands in despair.

1/? Propaganda is at its heart, but like the Russian Firehouse, it blasts abuse over and and over and over, purposefully eliciting gasps of "oh, dear" over and over and over.

Initially, folks organize in response to crisis. They know we will.
Apr 22, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Fascism relies on images like this. The symbology is not meant to be deep but a quick punch of shallow violence. This is also why memetics are a dangerous tool in fash hands, it serves disposability and propaganda well.

It punches down and moves on.

How do we fight it?

1/? Image of neofash Mike Flynn... Libs and Dems often miss the trick and drill down and argue the semiotics/ representation (sure, can help) but often the maker made a million and tossed them to the digital winds. They didn't think that hard about it and moderate lib outrage has spent more time than the creation.
Oct 7, 2022 37 tweets 12 min read
The fringe is no longer fringe.

The right is consolidating power and recruiting and a coming event in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho is a case study of how.

Our examination and a thread.

a9-collective.medium.com/the-white-chur… This thread will take a high-level look at the event but for a deeper dive, read the Medium post above.

There’s a group of Xtian leaders in America who have crafted mythology of the American Revolution where it burst forth from the pulpit onto the battlefield.
Sep 23, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
CW: child abuse.

Matt Walsh has 2 faces. 1 performs outrage while the other covers real child abuse. Yesterday we posted about @MattWalshBlog’s disturbing response to Josh Duggar’s abuse.

Turns out that’s not the only example of Matt running cover for child sexual abusers. 1/ Design shows a web browser pop up window that says "The Yesterday's post about Josh Duggar:
Sep 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Matt Walsh claims to care about kids but give the chance to defend kids from real harm, he protected their abuser Josh Duggar. Blaze Media / Entertainment  The Duggars Aren't Hypocrites. Here he says that if his own kid was found to be harming kids and part of rampant sexual abuse of minors, he would not alert police. 3) I know I'm opening myself up to serious criticism here, b
Sep 22, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Matt Walsh is instigating violence and harassing LGBTQIA+ folks but @SamsungUS is promoting his podcast via their Free app.

Shameful to see brands promoting hate and violence. @SamsungMobileUS, remove Matt Walsh. Image of Samsung Free App Listen section that promotes podca
Sep 9, 2022 41 tweets 14 min read
William E. Wolfe is a former Trump official, current Southern Baptist seminarian, and current theofascist. He exemplifies how the worst tendencies on the Right today aren’t fringe, but smack dab in the movement’s mainstream. 1/38 Al Mohler is being pressured to fire Willy the Wolfe (as we’ll call him here) for supporting Xian nationalism. We affirm that Willy should be run out of polite society. Let’s examine the past, harms, and context of this Wolfe in sheep’s clothing. 2/38
Jun 11, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
UPDATE: We have learned of a sexual abuse case that is NOT listed in the official list of SBC abusers recently made public. It involves the church of one of the pastors listed on the 2022 SBC Pastors' Conference, Matt Carter of Sagemont Baptist in Houston TX. In 2015, John Dixon Meharg, a Sunday School volunteer at Sagemont, was charged with indecency with a child after a 13-year-old girl disclosed her assault to another teacher during a Sunday School lesson. This incident is not listed in the database. chron.com/houston/articl…
Jun 10, 2022 25 tweets 12 min read
Starting this Sunday through Wednesday 6.15, the Southern Baptist Convention will be having its annual meeting in Anaheim. Here's a megathread on an SBC story you may know - the sex abuse scandal - and one you may not: its ties to far right militias. sbcannualmeeting.net 1/24 The SBC recently released a list of hundreds of sexual abusers whom it protected, even as it claimed no such database existed.

The list names Charlie Rhodes of First Baptist Charleston, whose pastor, Marshall Blalock, is speaking at the conference. sbcec.s3.amazonaws.com/FINAL+-+List+o… 2/24 listing for Charlie Rhodes of FBC Charleston in secret databMarshall Blalock's page for FBC CharlestonListing for Blalock's prayer at SBC Annual Meeting