Brilliantly Diverse Coach 💎& ADHD brain 🧠she/her Profile picture
Eager & forever student, avid reader, lover of movies, science, scifi & cooking, late ADHD Dx , strengths & evidence based coach, spec: ADHD & neurodiversity 🤖
Dec 22, 2021 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
@cyclonebrain It's a work in progress over here... I try to tap into their own motivation for keeping stuff more tidy. I do a lot of highlighting and noticing where I put a positive microscope on all the benefits of staying organized and I blowup the downsides of NOT doing it a bit. @cyclonebrain I try to do the latter in a light and friendly way. My dad sometimes became actively NASTY and i do not want that experience for them. We implemented pre-sorting laundry baskets recently, because they were working well for me.
Dec 21, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
It seems they have been at this for a while... The commission schedule they offer on their website is as slippery as an oiled snake… The table they refer to is not present and the "important note" boils down to: we'll pay you a commission if we feel like it!
Dec 21, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Has anybody had any experiences with a brand called public gift I feel like I'm being stalked by their brand ambassadors on Instagram to also become an ambassador & I feel quite convinced my complaint about it just got handled by a bot. #askingAutistics They also did not answer any of my questions about how much of their revenue is being donated to the causes they support. Would appreciate info from any one with more information or personal experience with this org