Q1.2023 vs Q1.2019 (the "Pre-Lockdown-Look")
Audi -19.7%
BMW -24.3%
Dacia -13.4%
Ford -57.9%
Hyundai -23.5%
Kia -13.7%
Mercedes -8.4%
Opel -46.3%
Porsche 67.1%
Renault -58.9%
Seat -14.6%
Skoda -15.9%
Tesla 474.4% $tsla
VW -22.6%
All -24.2%
Q1.2023 vs (BLOOD RED) Q1.2020
Audi 1.0%
BMW -18.6%
Dacia 51.0%
Ford -39.6%
Hyundai 0.0%
Kia -6.3%
Mercedes 2.1%
Opel -18.5%
Porsche 61.5%
Renault -48.2%
Seat -17.2%
Skoda 5.5%
Tesla 523.1% $tsla
VW -5.5%
All -4.9%
Jan 4, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Germany 🇩🇪 2022 vs 2019
(to ignore the lockdowns)
Audi -20.1%
BMW -24.9%
Dacia -24.5%
Ford -53.1%
Hyundai -18.9%
Kia 9.4%
Mercedes -28.1%
Opel -33.0%
Porsche -6.7%
Renault -39.1%
Seat -19.5%
Skoda -30.9%
Tesla 553.2% $tsla
VW -27.9%
All -26.5%
Germany 🇩🇪 2022 vs (BLOOD RED) 2020
Audi -0.2%
BMW -13.0%
Dacia 19.1%
Ford -32.4%
Hyundai 0.0%
Kia 18.4%
Mercedes -19.5%
Opel -1.1%
Porsche 11.4%
Renault -36.3%
Seat -2.5%
Skoda -20.6%
Tesla 319.1% $tsla
VW -8.5%
All -9.1%
Jan 5, 2020 • 11 tweets • 35 min read
Plan for $Tesla $tsla GF4 Berlin/Brandenburg near Grünheide according to Sound Emission Prognosis (…)
24/7 production
3 shifts of 2828 personnel
326 material trucks + 4 full trains a day
137 outgoing car transporters + 2 full trains a day
Additionally 199 truck movements a day between material supply trains and production facilities
! 1370 car movements a day from production to intermediate storage parking
+ 1429 test track car movements