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Sep 4 5 tweets 3 min read
So just to clarify because I think it’s important to note:

The indictment alleges that the founders of the company, Lauren Chen and her husband, intentionally deceived the influencers mentioned below (seemingly Dave Rubin and Tim Pool) regarding the source of the funding.
Image “Founder 1” is Lauren Chen, who gained these contacts when she worked for RT between March 2021 and Feb 2022.
Aug 28 8 tweets 3 min read
There has been a lot of discussion about whether Israel, a country w a nearly 20% Arab population with full legal rights, is an "apartheid" state.

But the accusation often comes from supporters of surrounding states and territories. So let’s look at some of those for comparison: Saudi Arabia:

Religious rights- Saudi legal system based on Sharia law. All forms of public religious worship outside Sunni Islam are considered illegal. Converting from Islam is punishable by death. Christians and Jews cannot build places of worship.

Women’s rights- Women must obtain permission from a male guardian for most actions.

LGBT- Homosexuality is a criminal offense.
Aug 5 5 tweets 2 min read
So let's talk about a story that didn't get sufficient coverage from a few years ago and why it is still relevant today.

The below security footage likely saved Armaan Premjee's life. In 2017, Premjee was a normal USC student who went out to the bar for a night of drinking. He met another USC student there. He went back to her dorm and slept with her. Something rather common at college campuses.

But after her friends discovered them and she got alcohol poisoning, the girl claimed she had no recollection of the events and claimed she must have been raped. The police arrested and charged Arman under the theory that the girl had been too drunk to consent.

Lucky for Armaan, there was security footage that showed the girl initiating the sexual encounter and signaling to her friend outside the bar that she wanted to have sex with him. After seeing the video, the judge in the case dismissed it.

But that’s not all there is to the story…
Jul 22 5 tweets 2 min read
Giving a book report on a book she hasn’t read…

Vice President Selina Meyer: “It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down”

Jul 3 5 tweets 3 min read
If you’re surprised that Candace Owens is now downplaying and whatabouting Hitler’s crimes, then you haven’t been paying attention.

She has signaled for some time that she thinks America was wrong to take on Hitler in WWII.
She literally doesn’t actually know anything about history or any of these topics. She just picks up random facts/claims on Nazi websites now and runs with them to justify her idiotic narratives. And any time anyone points it out, she just claims she is a victim being silenced. Image
Jun 4 4 tweets 2 min read
The Hill chooses to platform this despicable lowlife bigot and her atrocity/rape denials.

She spent their entire show spewing one lie after the next using that platform. A reminder the evidence of rape on 10/7 is overwhelming.

In addition, she uses retracted, false, and evidence-free accusations against Israel while issuing these atrocity denials. A truly evil person.
May 24 4 tweets 3 min read
What an evil and dishonest lowlife.

I tried to warn people about this scumbag grifter for years. Should have listened.

That janitor, who changed his story repeatedly, was the main prosecution witness despite being found with blood on him. A mob demanded a conviction and then lynched Leo Frank based on it.

A witness came forward years later to confirm that Conley had been carrying the victim’s body and threatened him into silence at the time.

Read the details of The Tennessean investigation in to the case that eventually led to a posthumous pardon of Leo Frank:

Candace Owens is so desperate to smear Jews that she’s covering for an actual pedophile and killed in this Just to be clear, Conley didn’t even deny disposing of Mary Phagan’s body. He just claimed that Leo Frank made him do it.

But it was obvious he was lying at the time because he said him and Frank took an elevator from the second floor to the basement with the body, but there was proof the elevator hadn’t gone to the basement that day.

Then this witness said he saw just Conley with Phagan’s body on the first floor. Conley threatened him so he stayed quiet.

The police ended up arresting several suspects, but Leo Frank was the easiest to pin it on because he was last seen with Phagan. But the only real evidence against him was the testimony of the likely actual killer. There was a mob that formed outside the courthouse demanding they convict someone. Then they lynched Frank. It one of the clearest cases of a historical wrongful conviction imaginable.

Of course none of that matters to Candace Owens, who is on a crusade just to smear Jews regardless of the facts.

I hope anyone who ever defended her realizes now the monster they created.
Apr 25 11 tweets 4 min read
Let me make it easy for those interested in the truth or who have been denying that these mobs are motivated by anti-Semitism or support for terrorism. Here is a short thread with just some of the direct evidence. I will just focus on the protests at and around Columbia: As @jonathanchait pointed out, the main 2 groups behind the protests, SJP and WOL, have both openly expressed support for terrorism. Both groups have defended the 10/7 attack where Hamas massacred numerous innocent people:
Apr 16 4 tweets 2 min read
Not really a surprise that the pro-Hamas Washington Post would frame open anti-Semitism as criticizing Israel. Image Here are some of the examples the Washington Post alleged journalist @pranshuverma_ listed as examples of criticizing Israel…

I don’t care if you want to object to what @StopAntisemites does, but framing this as criticism of Israel is just lying. And intentionally doing so.
Mar 31 11 tweets 6 min read
Is Israel Committing “Genocide” or indiscriminately killing Palestinians in Gaza?

I’m tired of people going through this discussion without any accompanying facts or logic so I’m going to put some thoughts into one thread and people can decide for themselves. To properly have this discussion, we first need to go through and understand Gaza casualty figures. Where they come from and what they show.

The current Gaza casualty figures are all provided by the Hamas-affiliated Gaza Health Ministry. In previous conflicts with Israel, the Gaza Health Ministry has used a system of collecting data from hospitals, ambulance services, and morgues (we can refer to this as the central collection system) to come up with casualty figures. Their numbers do not usually distinguish civilian vs. militant casualties, but they do typically provide a demographic breakdown. Those who defend using their numbers will point to the fact that the Gaza Health Ministry casualty numbers in previous conflicts, collected via the CCS mentioned above, have often been consistent with estimates from other sources.
However, there have been large errors in the demographic breakdowns and in claims on the portion of combatants killed when provided. Usually, some NGOs are also doing their own counts to confirm, which is not happening in this conflict.
Mar 29 4 tweets 1 min read
These are Jordanians who were born in Jordan and have lived there their whole lives. Only by the insane UNRWA definition, which applies to no other group of people anywhere in the world, are Jordanian citizens that have only ever lived in Jordan considered refugees. This is like referring to Jews in Israel, whose grandparents fled Arab countries such as Jordan, as refugees. Only no one does that because it’s obviously absurd. But UNRWA is intentionally setup outside the normal rules for everyone else to perpetuate conflict.
Mar 12 4 tweets 2 min read
It's incredible that almost the entire media adopted and regularly used a nickname for this law ("Don't Say Gay") that was used by critics to intentionally mislead regarding the content of the law while the settlement just restates that the law should be followed as written. I pointed out repeatedly at the time that media outlets were misleading their readers by suggesting the law bans discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity instead of classroom instruction related to those subjects....

Dec 29, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
If you want to understand how Hamas propaganda is created on here and spreads, let me show a perfect example.

21 year old Mia Schem was taken hostage by Hamas on 10/7. She had her arm blown off. She was released as part of the ceasefire exchange. While she was still in Hamas captivity, they had her film a hostage video in October.

Then, right before her release, they had her film another video under gunpoint where she said she was treated “very good” and people in Gaza were “very kind” to her.
Dec 16, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A perfect example of how ignorant reporters create false narratives that get exploited in this media environment.

Yesterday there was a lot of outrage over a CNN report from @NatashaBertrand which claimed almost a majority of the bombs Israel was using in Gaza were “dumb bombs” Image The implication of most of the article, which was widely cited to support the idea that Israel was doing something irresponsible, was that Israel’s choice of unguided munitions was similar 2 indiscriminate targeting.

Although they did add 1 paragraph that undermined the premise Image
Dec 5, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
As some detestable people spent yesterday dismissing reports of extensive rapes on 10/7 based on the lack of direct testimony from the murdered rape victims, here is just some of the other evidence that has been reported on in recent weeks:

“Israel submitted to the UN unequivocal evidence of rape incidents, including gang rape and traces of semen found in bodies of young Israeli women who were murdered.”

Extensive testimony from first responders:

Witness testimony:

Confessions from captured Hamas terrorists:

Extensive physical evidence of rape:………

More here:
Nov 23, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
The most insightful thing you can read about the current coverage of this conflict was actually written back in 2014 by former AP reporter and editor Matti Friedman. Almost everything he wrote is still reflected in what you see today and I would urge everyone to read it.

I’m going to highlight a few of the key points in this thread.

“The key to understanding the strange nature of the response is thus to be found in the practice of journalism, and specifically in a severe malfunction that is occurring in that profession—my profession—here in Israel." Image
Nov 21, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Please watch this video of one of the music festival survivors recounting part of what she saw that day. I've seen dozens of these interviews with survivors.

Keep that in mind in the context of watching despicable people on here constantly try to deny or diminish what Hamas did that day.
Here is another survivor describing the hell he and his friends went through. They actually managed to take out some of the terrorists with their jeep as they tried to escape.
Oct 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
WTF kind of description is this, @AP?

You have a blood thirsty mob checking for passports and searching for Jews, and you describe it as “a protest”? Image A mob in the same exact place flooded a hotel yesterday to check the rooms for Jews. What were they protesting?

They are trying to lynch Jews and the absolute imbeciles at the AP are framing it like a sit-in protest. Just despicable.
Oct 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Outside the obvious, let me give an example of why it is irresponsible for news networks to use death totals from Hamas & how this choice isn't new:

Back in 2022, during the Second Intifada with a wave of terrorism, Israel tracked many of the attacks to the Jenin refugee camp. Israel decided they had no choice but to go into the camp, which militants had boob-trapped and prepared for a battle. Israel went in on April 2nd. By April 7th, Palestinians were claiming over 500 dead. In the next week, they would raise that number to thousands.
Oct 18, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
So let’s walk through it.

We now have video of the scene showing the explosion is from the parking lot and the buildings are in tact. There is no crater, no building demolished. This is inconsistent with the type of bomb many were suggesting yesterday.
There is drone footage from before and after that shows the same as above. Also inconsistent with an airstrike.
Sep 21, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Hilarious. Trump campaign spent the day bragging about a union with 47K members endorsing him based on a DailyMail article, but DailyMail missed that the group is essentially a scam.

Here are some quotes from former board members for this group who only it’s essentially just a scam “to support Matt Coday’s bad habits”

More details here:…
